Chapter 193

A full moon hung high in the sky, and the bright moonlight poured over the earth.

Nightfeather, Elusa, and Miraj rushed through the palace.

"This way!"

Led by Night Feather, the three of them walked through a long hallway.

Boom –

Soon, a loud explosion was heard at the front of the hallway.

This was followed by Natsu's angry roar.

Hearing Natsu's angry roar, Night Feather's expression moved slightly.

And the eyebrows of the two daughters, Elusa and Miraj, who followed closely beside Ye Yu, were slightly tufted.

Nightfeather, Elusa, and Miraj knew that Natsu was not usually angry.

Once Natsu gets angry, someone must have been hurt.


As they spoke, the three of them quickened their pace.

When Nightfeather, Elusa, and Miraj turned around an arc-shaped corridor, they saw Natsu fighting a man.

The man had long black and white hair and exuded a very evil magic.

"That's the magic!"

After sensing the evil magic emanating from the man's body, Elusa and Miraj immediately recognized that this evil magic was the same evil magic they had sensed before.

And Night Feather also recognized the man in front of him, who was the future Rogge.

"Gray, don't you have anything to do!"

Just as Night Feather, Elusa, and Miraj set their eyes on Future Rog, who was fighting Natsu, the voice of Harpy crying suddenly came from his ears.

Hearing Harpy's voice, Night Feather, Elusa, and Miraj immediately withdrew their gaze from Future Rogge and moved to the place where Harpy, Lucy, and the others were not far away.

I saw Harpy, Xia Lulu, and Lucy all gathered together.

Harpy was in tears.

Xia Lulu looked incredulous.

And Lucy was even more pale.

"What happened?"

Night Feather, Elusa, and Miraj walked over and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Elusa's question, Lucy, Harpy, and Xia Lulu all turned around.

Before Wendy could answer, Night Feather, Elusa, and Miraj saw that in front of Lucy, Harpy, and Charlulu, a black-robed man was holding Gray lying on the ground, and Wendy was using healing magic to heal Gray.

Seeing that Gray seemed to be seriously injured, Night Feather, Elusa, and Miraj were all shocked.

But when they saw the black-robed man holding Gray clearly, Elusa and Miraj were even more surprised.


"What the hell is this..."

Seeing the black-robed Lucy, Elusa and Miraj exclaimed.

Perhaps Elusa and Miraj were a little dizzy as they looked at the incomprehensible scene in front of them

But Nightfeather knew something.

The black-robed Lucy is naturally the future Lucy.

Future Rogge came from the future in order to open the door to the eclipse and release the dragons of 400 years ago.

But in the future, Rogge knows that Lucy of this era will close the eclipse gate and prevent the dragons from coming out of the eclipse gate.

In order to prevent Lucy from thwarting his plan, Rogge chose to kill Lucy first.

In the original play, when Future Rogge unleashed an attack on Lucy, Future Lucy helped Lucy block Future Rogge's fatal blow.

But right now, Lucy is not injured in the future, but Gray is.

It was clearly Gray who helped Lucy block the fatal blow of the future Rogge.

Just when Ye Yu was guessing like this in her heart, Xia Lulu also told the three of Ye Yu everything.

The facts Xia Lulu told were indeed as Ye Yu had guessed.

After hearing Xia Lulu's words, Elusa looked at the future Rog over there, with a suspicious expression on her pretty face.

"Just because Lucy wants to close the Eclipse Gate, you're going to kill Lucy?"

"This guy is full of evil magic, what he said, whether you can believe it is still a question!"

Not long after Elusa's words fell, Wendy, who was treating Gray, said:

"No, the injury is too serious, and healing magic is useless!"

Hearing Wendy's words, Harpy and the two Lucys turned pale

"How so?"

Old Harpy burst into tears and said in a trembling voice.

And Lucy, too, had weak legs and sat on the ground.

"Let me come!"

Just when the two Lucy and Harpy were in despair, Night Feather spoke up.

"Brother Night Feather?"

Hearing Nightfeather's words, Wendy immediately looked up at Nightfeather.

And Harpy, and both Lucy, also looked at Nightfeather.

During the extermination of the Six Demon Generals, Night Feather used healing magic to heal Gray.

Therefore, Harpy and Wendy also know that Nightfeather can use healing magic.

Although Wendy trusted Night Feather very much, she still said with some sadness: "Gray has... Even Brother Night Feather, I'm afraid your healing magic can't bring the dead back to life!"

As soon as Wendy's words fell, Gray's hands had already fallen to the ground.

Seeing this, Harpy cried loudly, "Gray!"

And Lucy also covered her mouth, and tears couldn't stop flowing out.

Night Feather's heart froze, and without any hesitation, he immediately urged Mineba's Absolute Territory Space Magic Attribute and Urrutia's Time Arc Magic Attribute.

In the original show, Urrutia uses the Arc of Time magic to set back the time of the entire world by one minute.

Gray and the others, who had already died in battle, were miraculously resurrected after time was turned back.

Obviously, Urrutia's Arc of Time magic can bring back to life people who have just died.

But the price is also quite significant.

The original young Urrutia, after turning back time by a minute, became extremely old.

Nightfeather was conceiving when he acquired the magic attribute of Urrutia's Arc of Time.

If you use the Arc of Time magic and Mineba's space magic, can you bring the dead back to life while reducing the cost infinitely?

Mineba's space magic can create a small space, and if you only set back time in this small space by one minute, then the price must not be as big as setting back the time of the entire world by one minute.

Of course, this is only Night Feather's idea, and whether it can succeed or not still needs to be experimented.

And right now, Nightfeather is doing this experiment with Gray.

And in Ye Yu's view, this experiment can only succeed, not fail.

However, Gray had just died, and the chances of being resurrected were very high.

At the moment when Night Feather activated the magical attribute of Mineba's Absolute Territorial Space, Gray's body was wrapped in a transparent spherical space.

"Nightfeather, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Gray wrapped in spherical space, Elusa looked at Night Feather and asked in a deep voice.

"I want to resurrect Gray!"


Hearing Gray's words, Elusa, Miraj, Wendy, Lucy, Harpy, and Xia Lulu all looked at Night Feather with a look of shock.

"Resurrection?Nightfeather, are you kidding? How is that possible?"

Elusa asked in disbelief.

Although Miraj and Wendy didn't speak, they thought the same thing in their hearts.

In their hearts, Night Feather is strong though.

But no matter how strong it is, it can't raise the dead!

After all, it is impossible to resurrect the dead.

At that time, Gerald used more than ten years to create the R system, just to resurrect Jelf.

But in the end, it all ended in failure.

Night Feather didn't answer the doubts in the hearts of Elusa and the others, after urging Mineba's spatial magic attribute and wrapping Gray in a small space, Night Feather had already activated the magic attribute of the Arc of Time.

With the activation of the magic attribute of the Arc of Time, time in that small space began to regress.

I saw that the wounds on Gray's body were healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Soon, Gray, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.


Seeing that Gray actually opened his eyes, Harpy, Lucy and the others were first shocked, and then ecstatic.


"It's really resurrected!"

Elusa and Miraj were in disbelief when they saw that Gray had actually been resurrected by Night Feather.

But soon, the disbelief on their faces vanished, replaced by a smile.

"You can even do such a thing!"

"What the hell do you do? Is there really resurrection magic in this world?"

Elusa and Miraj asked, looking at Night Feather.

Night Feather saw Gray come back to life, he first breathed a sigh of relief, and then lifted the space magic on Gray's body, and said with a smile: "I just rewind Gray's time, and I didn't use any resurrection magic!"

"What do you mean?"

Elusa, Miraj and the others all looked at Night Feather with puzzled expressions.

Night Feather's palm moved, and in the next second, a stone appeared on his palm.

I saw that as soon as Night Feather's palm moved, the stone was shattered.

However, when Night Feather activated the magic attribute of the Arc of Time, the rock fragments that had been shattered and scattered began to return along the original path, and finally returned to the original stone again.

"Just like this stone, when the stone is reversed in time, it will go from a crushed state to a stone state!"

"Gray's time is reversed, and he will die and return to his pre-death state!"

"However, this time regression can't be used directly on people, and I just regressed the time of the space where Gray is located!"

Hearing Ye Yu's explanation, Elusa, Miraj, Wendy and the others were suddenly ecstatic.

"Brother Night Feather, it's really amazing, you actually thought of this method to resurrect!"

"It's too rebellious to bring people back from the dead!"

At this moment, Wendy and Lucy and the others, Hao Ran was completely immersed in joy and shock.

And Gray also knew that he was resurrected by Night Feather: "Night Feather, you saved me again!"

While everyone was happy, Night Feather also set his eyes on the virtual screen.

Looking at the Arc of Time magic attribute and the absolute territory space magic attribute on the virtual screen, Ye Yu's fist suddenly tightened, and a fiery light flashed in his eyes.

Through the experiment on Gray just now, Night Feather has confirmed that these two spells can be used at the same time to bring the dead back to life.

Since Gray had just died, Night Feather only set back the time of Gray's space by more than ten seconds, and Gray was resurrected.

And the price paid by Night Feather is about ten days of life.

Nightfeather can be fully dragonized, and his lifespan is as long as that of Akuno Lokia and Erin.

The price of a dozen days of life, which is negligible for Night Feather.

Of course, if you want to resurrect the kind of person who has been dead for months or even years, the price must be quite huge, even if Night Feather has a lifespan of hundreds or thousands of years, I am afraid that it will have to be weighed.

However, being able to resurrect someone who has just died not long ago is already quite against the sky.

In addition to resurrecting people who have just died, the combination of the Arc of Time and space magic can also do many things such as the rebirth of severed limbs, the instant recovery of injuries and physical strength, and so on.

(3500 words chapter!)_

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