Chapter 183

The capital of the Kingdom of Fiore, the city of Crocas!

In order to provide a venue for the finals of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, all the residents of the city moved to the main venue of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts.

At present, there are only 6 teams in Crocas City that will participate in the finals.

Once the game starts, the teams are ready to go.

I saw Kagura leading Miliana and a group of Mermaid Heel members to run through the city.

"Kagura, if we want to win the championship, we have to beat everyone from the other 5 teams!"

"That includes Nightfeather and Little Elu!"

During the rush, Miliana said to Kagura.

Night Feather!

When Miliana mentioned the name, Kagura's mind suddenly moved, and her steps stopped.

"The main purpose of our participation in the Great Demon Fighting Exercise is not for the championship, but for the experience!"

"This battle for survival is the best opportunity to experience, now let's go our separate ways, and everyone will find a suitable target to fight!"

As soon as Kagura said this, Miliana and the others all nodded.


After that, Miliana and Bess and the other four left in four different directions.

"Night Feather!"

When the four of Miliana disappeared from view, Kagura looked up at the sky, a complicated expression on her pretty face.

She wants to meet both Night Feather and Night Feather.

She wanted to meet Nightfeather because she wanted to see Nightfeather.

She didn't want to meet Night Feather because she had to fight Night Feather once she met Night Feather, and she didn't want to fight Night Feather.

Just when Kagura's heart was so entangled, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"The magician of the mermaid's heel, we are really destined, I didn't expect you to be the first to meet you!"

Hearing this, Kagura immediately raised her eyes.

I saw Pacas, who was holding a wine gourd, walking over with a smile on his face.

Looking at Pakas, Kagura's expression moved slightly.

In the previous official match, Kagura had fought against Pakas and defeated him.

"I remember that you were defeated by me!"

Kagura straightened up and said to Pacas in a cold tone.

"It was a game before, it's a survival battle now, it's a completely different situation!"

Pacas grinned, and with that, he got up and stomped on the bluestone slab beneath him.

The moment Pakas's feet hit the ground, there was a loud bang in the air.

Immediately afterwards, all the stone slabs on the ground were shaken into the sky.

Bang bang bang ...

I saw that Pakas's palms continued to make some bluestone slabs, and those bluestone slabs swept towards Kagura like a rain of bullets.

Kagura didn't hesitate in the face of the bluestone slabs that swept over, and his body moved like an arrow from the string, and greeted the large number of bluestone slabs that rushed over.

I saw the resentment knife in Kagura's hand swing suddenly.


Where Kagura and Pakas were, there was a loud noise.

After more than ten seconds, Pakas's body lay in a deep pit, and Kagura calmly departed.

"Kagura defeated Pakas, mermaid heel gets 5 points!"

At this moment, the live commentary at the venue of the Great Demon Fighting Exercise announced loudly.

And the points ranking above the field has also changed.

I saw that the mermaid's heel score changed from 26 points to 31 points.

The ranking has also risen from fourth to third.

"It's Kagura, come on!"

The members of the mermaid's heel in the stands, after hearing the live commentary, they were immediately excited.

And the members of Fairy Tail, such as Wendy and Lucy, are also very excited.

Of course, the reason for their excitement is not because they know Kagura well.

They were excited because the mermaid's heel scored 5 points, so there were 40 points left in the end.

The cyan Pegasus, the scales of the snake queen, and the four-headed hound, even if you get all the remaining 40 points, it is impossible to exceed the 70 points of Fairy Tail!

As a result, Fairy Tail instantly lost three competitors.

And the fairy tail is getting closer and closer to the championship.

At this time, Ye Yu, who was in the middle of the national capital, suddenly raised his eyebrows after hearing the live commentary.

And Elusa and Kagura, who were with Night Feather, also showed a smile.

"It's Kagura, you can solve an opponent so quickly!"

Elusa first praised Kagura, and then asked Yaha, "Yaba, are you going to go to Kagura?"

The magical reaction generated by Kagura and Pakas when they fought before, Elusa was also aware of it.

The direction in which Night Feather is walking right now is the direction where Kagura's magic reaction is.

That's why Elusa asked Yaha if she was going to Kagura.

But Ye Yu shook his head and said, "No, I'm not looking for Kagura, but..."

Before Ye Yu could finish speaking, a crisp female voice suddenly came from the air.

"It's the three of Fairy Tail!"

Hearing this, Elusa and Miraj both followed the sound.

I saw two people standing on the bridge not far away.

These two people are none other than Leo and Shellia of the Serpent Scales!

Before the game even began, Night Feather sensed magic and mastered everyone's position.

At the moment, Night Feather's target is Shirya!

To be precise, it's Shellia's Sky Destroyer magic attribute.

So far, Night Feather has not obtained Shellia's Sky Destroyer magic attribute, so he took the initiative to find Shellia!

When Shirlia saw Nightfeather, Elusa, and Miraj, she immediately said a word to Leo beside her.

Hearing Shellia's words, Leo quickly noticed the three of them as well.

Although Shiria saw the three of Ye Yu, there was no expression on her little face.

But when Leo saw the three of them in Nightfeather, the expression on his face was very solemn.


At this moment, Leo only had this thought in his mind.

But Nightfeather didn't give Leo and Shirlia a chance to retreat.

Before Leo could react, Night Feather's figure appeared at the other end of the bridge as if teleporting, blocking Leo and Shellia's retreat. _

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