Chapter 13

After the battle between Night Feather and Mineba, three more battle matches were played.

The three battle matches were fought between the two sides:

Elfman of Fairy Tail B vs Naru Pudingku of Raventail B

Yuka of Serpent Scales vs. Ivan of the Teal Pegasus

Miliana in Mermaid's Heel vs. Sims with Four Hounds

After a fierce battle, it ended with the victory of Fairy Tail Team B, Snake Queen's Scale, and Mermaid's Heel.

"Alright, today's game is all over, let's take a look at the total points standings of the 8 teams!"

As soon as the live commentary ended, a huge virtual screen appeared in the sky of the arena.

I saw that the virtual screen displayed:

1, fine tail A, 58 points

2, Fine Tail Team B, 54

3, the heel of the fish, 24

4. The bite of the tiger, 22

5, Ji Zhiscale, 22

6, crow's tail, 17 points

7, Setianma, 15

8, Head Hound, 9 points

"58 points and 54, the first and second positions of the two teams of Fairy Tail have not been shaken, they are really too strong!"

"Today is the third day of the Great Demon Fighting Exercise, and now 810 only has tomorrow's game and the final final left, whether the fairy tail can maintain this momentum and win the championship of this Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, let's wait and see!"

As soon as the live commentary came out, the entire venue instantly boiled.

"It's only been the third day that I've already scored more than 50 points, and I have had such a high score in the finals in the past, and the fairy tail is really strong!"

"Even if it's 54 in second place, it's 30 points higher than 24 in third place, and the tail of the fairy is already a proper champion!"

"No, there is also tomorrow's game and the finals, according to the urine nature of the organizers, in the final finals, there must be a game that gives all teams a chance to win the championship, but according to the current form, Fairy Tail has the best chance of winning the championship!"

While the audience was talking, the members of Fairy Tail such as Macao and Romeo were also extremely excited.

In the past, they participated in the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Exercise, and they only had the bottom share, but this year, they have seen the signs of winning the championship, how can they not be excited? How not to be excited.

"Champion, champion..."

"It's finally our guild's turn to be champions!"

"For the sake of the champion, celebrate!"

Seeing the excited appearance of Marcao and the others, as usual, Lucy will definitely complain: It's not a celebration that day.

But in this situation, she was only moved, and she would not complain at all.

Just when everyone was extremely excited, Night Feather's gaze fell on the place where the crow's tail was.

Although Nightfeather is a bit far from the crow's tail, Nightfeather has the same divine ears as a cobra.

He listened very well to the whole venue and everyone's words.

Just now, the conversation of the crowtail everyone also fell on Night Feather's ears.

"What's wrong?"

Elusa followed Night Feather's gaze and looked at the people at the crow's tail, and then asked aloud with a slight frown.

"The tail of the crow, it seems that he intends to attack the Thunder God Crowd!"


How smart Elusa is, after hearing Night Feather's words, her eyes immediately fell on Laxus: "Is it coming for Laxus, but Ivan, the president of the Great Crow's Tail, is the father of Laxus, what does he want to do to Laxus?"

What are you looking for in Laxus?

Naturally, it's for the sake of the stars!

However, Night Feather would not say anything about it.


As night fell, just like the previous two days, Fairy Tail's crowd entered celebration mode again!

However, as they got closer and closer to the championship, everyone became more and more crazy.

Kana, in particular, is a cask of couch down.

Eventually, Natsu and Gray and the others even used the barrels as wheels to glide down the halls!

The pary continued into the night, and when Makarov announced his disbandment, the crowd was still unsatisfied.

"Champions, we are champions!"

"Laxus is the strongest!"

After Field, Abba Greene, and Pygusrow came out of the bar, they staggered towards their accommodations.

Just as Night Feather heard in the venue, after the three of Philid entered an alley, Ivan and the other members of Raventail appeared in front of the three of Philid.

"The tail of the crow?"

Seeing Ivan and the others wearing masks, Filid's face suddenly changed.

And Abba Greene and Biguslo also immediately entered a state of preparation.

"Hey, hey, Thor Gods, Laxus's personal guards, if you are caught, Laxus should be honest!"

If Ivan and the others were just coming for the three of Filid, the three of Filid wouldn't care too much.

But now that they heard Ivan say the name Laxus, the faces of the three Filids suddenly changed.

"You mentioned Laxus, right?"

There was an aura of terror around Filid, and he questioned Ivan in a cold tone.

"Huh, nice looks!"

"But there are only three of you, and there are five of us!"

Seeing the murderous intent emanating from the three of Filid, Ivan was unmoved, and then commanded to Freya beside him, Black Snake: "Do it!"

With Ivan's order, the three of Freya pounced directly, and the man who looked a little like a crow was looking for an opportunity to drain the magic power of Filid and the others!


Seeing Freya and the others rushing up, Filid didn't hesitate, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, a purple rune spell was blocked in front of Freya and the others.

"Baryon formation!"

"Leprechaun Bomb!"

On the side, Pygusrow and Abba Greene took the opportunity to attack the people in the crow's tail.


All of a sudden, a violent explosion was heard in the air.

At this time, Night Feather, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy all heard the explosion.

"It's Philid's magic, the tail of the crow, they dare to shoot in the royal capital?!"

Elusa's face changed as she felt Filid's magical reaction.

"Let's go!"

Without any hesitation, Night Feather and Elusa immediately rushed towards the place where the explosion was. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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