Chapter 160

Although Gray, Pascal and the others kept chasing, no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't catch up with Philid, who flew with wings!


Soon, Fillid was the first to reach the finish line!

"Player Filid reaches the finish line, Fairy Tail Team B, 10 points!"

As soon as the impassioned voice of the live commentary fell, the arena instantly boiled.

"Fairy Tail, so strong!"

"First again!"


When the audience was talking, Gajiru over there grinned: "Hey, yesterday we were 18 points, and now it is 28 points, even if the fire dragon team gets another 8 points, it will only ~ be the same score as us!"

For Gajiru, it doesn't matter if he wins the championship or not, he must not lose to Naz and their team!

Seeing that his team was showing signs of surpassing Natsu's team, he was overjoyed!

Gagiru thought to himself that Gray and Pascal and other players were still desperately running.

"Look at me, gravity shift!"

Resley, who is a mermaid heel, after urging the magic, her plump figure instantly becomes very slim.

At the same time, her body was like a tornado, leaping onto a chariot dozens of feet away.

"Speed scent!"

One night in the cyan Pegasus, after opening a bottle of perfume, his speed also increased significantly.

But soon, the black snake with the tail of the big crow jumped past the night like a black shadow.

At this moment, the body of the night was like a spinning top, spinning at high speed.

When he stopped overnight, he was dizzy and finally fell off the chariot.




Ivan, Hibiki, and Lian at the Great Demon Fighting Arena saw that they had fallen from the chariot overnight, and their faces were suddenly sad.

And at this moment, the live commentary also announced loudly: "It's a great pity that the overnight player of the cyan Pegasus fell from the chariot and was disqualified!"

As time went on, Gray and Pascal, among others, got closer and closer to the finish line.

However, Gray is still some distance from Pascal!

"Damn, can't you catch up?"

Gray tried his best to catch up, but he still couldn't shorten the distance between him and Pascal!

Suddenly, Gray's gaze fell on the huge statue outside the Great Demon Fighting Arena.

"There is..."

Gray thought of something, and his face suddenly lit up.

"Ice shape, ice wall!"

Gray slammed his palms at the ground.


In an instant, Gray was surrounded by a debut ice wall.

Gray's body was lifted into the sky by the ice wall.

Gray didn't hesitate at all, and was magical.

"Ice shape, ice lock!"

With a wave of Gray, a stream of ice condensed swept towards the huge statue.

As the ice chains wrapped around the statue, Gray grabbed the ice chains with both hands and swung them over like swings.

"I see, and this trick!"

Night Feather, Natsu and the others in the venue suddenly smiled when they saw Gray use this trick to surpass Pascal.

But soon, everyone saw that Gray didn't have time to brake and hit the wall directly.

Originally, the audience was still cheering for Gray to overtake Pascal and finish second.

But when they saw Gray install the wall, they suddenly laughed unkindly.

"After Fillett, Gray also reached the finish line, Fairy Tail A, and scored 8 points!"

"Oh, Pascal has arrived, four hounds, 6 points!"

After Gray and Pascal reached the finish line, the players of the three guilds of Crow's Tail, Mermaid's Heel, and Serpent's Scale also reached the finish line one after another.

In the end, due to the motion sickness Stink abstained, this competition can be regarded as a complete end.

At this time, on the Great Demon Fighting Arena, the virtual screen showing the points of each team appeared in the sky again.

1, Fairy Tail A, 20 points 28 points

2, Fairy Tail Team B, 18 points and 28 points

3, Sword Biting Tiger, 1414 points

4. Cyan Pegasus, 13 points and 13 points

5, Snake Scales, 6 points and 8 points

6, the tail of the crow, 2 points and 6 points

7, mermaid's heel, 1 point 4

8, four hounds, 0 points 6 points

"After this round of competition, Fairy Tail Team A and Fairy Tail Team B tied for first place with the same score!"

"Due to the fact that Stink may have been a little unwell, he abstained, so there were no points in this game, and the Sword Biting Tiger is still in third place!"

······ Asking for flowers...

Looking at the scores on the virtual screen, the live narrator shouted.

"Is Fairy Tail still number one?

"Looks like we have a chance of winning the championship!"

"What's wrong with the Sword Biting Tiger this year, isn't it in good shape?"

After listening to the live commentary, the audience in the stands instantly talked about it.

And the members of Fairy Tail, such as Makarov and Macao, were naturally extremely excited.

"Two firsts, if only it kept going like this!!"

Mebis said with starry eyes and an excited expression.

"Yes, keep it like this, and our guild will be the champion!"

Makarov said excitedly.

While Mebis and Makarov were talking, the live commentary on the high platform said loudly: "The competition is over, let's start the battle match that everyone is looking forward to!"

......... 0

"First of all, the first match is Fairy Tail Team A's Miraj vs. Jenny of the Cyan Pegasus!"

As soon as the words of the commentary fell, the cheers of the entire venue instantly reached an unprecedented height.

"Miraj... Miraj!"

"Jenny, Jenny!"

Whether it is Miraj and Jenny, in this continent of Ishgar, they are all idol-level magicians.

Both of them have some large fans.

Now that Miraj and Jenny are going to face off, those viewers are naturally extremely excited.

In addition to the excitement of the audience, Jenny herself was also very happy.

After all, for her, Miraj is her senior.

At the moment, if she can beat her predecessors on this stage, it will be a very happy thing for Jenny.

"Miraj, why don't we use the photo to decide the outcome of this battle?"

Jenny looked in front of her, and the smiling Miraj proposed.

"It's best to be able to solve it without force, after all, I don't like to do it with people, but if I use a photo duel with you here, some people will be unhappy!"

Miraj glanced at Night Feather in the stands and said to Jenny with a smile on his face.

Although Miraj only glanced at Night Feather in a hurry, this scene was still captured by Jenny.

"I see, boyfriend?"

Jenny looked at Night Feather, the corners of her mouth curled, as if she felt that she had detected Miraj's weakness!_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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