Chapter 157

The Great Demon Fighting Arena is on the martial arts arena.

I saw Gula waving her arms constantly.

Under his magical manipulation, thick pillars of rock emerged from beneath the ground.

The pillars of rock were like living creatures, striking at Kildas from all angles.

Kildas, on the other hand, dodged left and right, dodging all the attacks of these rock pillars.

At this moment, Night Feather's mind also sounded a series of prompts from the system.

Ding, congratulations to the host, gain +17 mana attribute

Ding, congratulations to the host, gain +18 mana attribute!


Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the rock magic attribute!

At the same time as the system prompt sounded, on the battlefield over there, Gula's body was also dropping a steady stream of golden magic attributes.

If it had been 7 years ago, Ye Yu would have been very excited when he heard this series of prompts from the system.

After all, every time Gula makes a move, the system will drop nearly 20 magic attributes.

However, in just a few breaths, Night Feather's magic power could increase by hundreds.

But now, Night Feather's magic power has reached more than 1 million.

There are more than 1 million bases there, even if you increase the magic "eighty-one-zero" power by tens of thousands of points, for Ye Yu, it is only a fraction.

Therefore, hearing the continuous prompt sound of the system, Night Feather's heart did not fluctuate at all.

It was only when he heard the magic attribute of the falling rock from the system that Night Feather's expression moved slightly.

When he was crusading against the Six Demon Generals, Night Feather wanted to get his hands on this rock magic attribute of Gula.

It's just that after a battle, the system didn't drop the magic attribute of this rock.

What Ye Yu didn't expect was that after seven years, Gula's rock magic attribute had now dropped on this Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts.

Although this rock magic attribute is not very useful to Night Feather today.

But now that the system has fallen, he naturally won't refuse.

"Does the host charge rock magic attributes?"


With Night Feather's order, the rock magic attributes on the battlefield over there, along with other magic attributes, all converged towards Night Feather's side.

After those attributes were submerged into Night Feather's body, the magic bar on the virtual screen in front of Night Feather also had more [Rock Magic] attributes.

When Night Feather collected attributes, the battle between Kildas and Gula on the battlefield had entered a white-hot stage.

I saw that Gula's eyes were suddenly stunned, and her two fingers were together, waving at the sky.

In the next second, under the ground near Kildas's body, eight thick rock arms suddenly rushed out.

The rock arms, like living creatures, struck Kildas above the ground below in a curving arc.

"Very good, Jiula has blocked all the retreats, and the other party has no way to avoid it!"

Leo, who was in the stands, was overjoyed when he saw those eight arms rushing towards Kildas.

Kana clenched her fists and a look of concern on her face.

Buzz –

Just as those 8 arms were about to hit Kildas, a white light bloomed from Kildas's body.

In the next second, those 8 rock arms turned into powder in an instant.

"What's going on?"

"That guy obviously didn't make a move, how did Gula's magic all shatter?"

The spectators in the stands, seeing this scene, were all extremely puzzled.

Although the audience didn't know what was going on.

But Ye Yu and Natsu and the others in the stands, the corners of their mouths were hooked.

"Sure enough, as the intelligence is, Kildas has the magic to crush everything!"

The pumpkin host was also extremely excited when he watched this scene.

When Guela saw that her magic power had been dissolved so easily by Kildas, he was shocked at first, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"He is worthy of the man that His Excellency Makarov has taken a fancy to!"

"In that case, I'll use all my strength in the future!"

As she spoke, Gula's palms suddenly slammed together.

Buzz –

At this moment, Gula's body was covered with golden light.

At the same time, the ground of the entire Great Demon Fighting Exercise shook.

"What's going on?"


The ordinary spectators in the stands noticed that the ground was shaking, and they immediately became commotion.

And those magicians changed their faces drastically.

"What a terrible magic!"

"Is this the strength of the Holy Ten?"

"It's not just Gura, it's the magic called Kildas, it's terrifying!"

As everyone spoke, both Gula and Kildas erupted in magic on the field.

I saw that Gula's body was covered with a pale golden light, and Kildas's body was covered with a red light.

In the eyes of those low-strength magicians, the two of them at this time, Gura and Kildas, like invincible monsters, are extremely terrifying.

"Hey, are you ready to fight it out?"

Natsu looked at Kildas's serious expression, and he said excitedly.

"It's rare to see Kildas with such an expression!"

Gray also said something out loud.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Nightfeather and Elusa, the Gula who had liberated her magic power took the lead.

"Boom Rich Hell!"

The dove let out a low sigh, and then the arm wrapped in golden light slammed into it.

Buzz –

At this moment, an incomparably dazzling light suddenly bloomed in the place where Kildas was.

This light even overshadowed the sunlight above the sky, drowning everything in the entire Great Demon Fighting Arena.

Boom –

Immediately afterward, a violent explosion was heard in the air.

This explosion came and went as fast as it came.

After a few breaths, the dazzling light dissipated.

"How's it going?"


The spectators in the surrounding stands lowered their arms in front of them and looked towards the arena.

Soon everyone noticed that Kildas on the field was covered with his hands in front of him, and his body was steaming, but his body was still standing in place, not moving.

"How is it possible? to withstand the sound of the dove, the rich prison?"

Leo and Shirley and the other members of the Snake Scales saw Kildas slowly lower his arms and smile when they saw Kildas on the field, and they all looked incredulous.

As for how strong Gula's strength is, Leo and Shirley and other members of the Serpent Scales, it is all too clear.

And that sound of the rich prison is one of Gula's strongest tricks...

With this move, even a mountain can be smashed for you.

But for now, Kildas has withstood this trick from Gula.

Leo and Shirley were naturally very surprised.

"Ah, it seems that I can bear it, so next, it's my turn!"

Kildas grinned, then stepped out of his legs and clenched his hands into fists.

"Are you going to use that trick?"

Seeing Kildas's familiar posture, Night Feather's brows suddenly raised.

As Nightfeather spoke, Kildas's punch slammed into Gura.

There was nothing fancy about this punch, it was just a destructive force.

Gula looked at the terrifying momentum on Kildas's body, and he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, and slapped his palms suddenly.

"Rock Mountain!"

Buzz –

In the next second, a huge rock statue dressed in battle armor with its palms together like a god of war rose from the ground and directly blocked in front of Kildas.

In the face of this huge rock statue, Kildas's fist did not pause at all.

"Break the evil and show the right!"

Bang –

Soon, Kildas's fist slammed into the massive rock statue.

Although this rock statue is the strongest defensive magic of the Gula.

But in front of Kildas's fist with crushing magic, it turned to powder in an instant.

After shattering Gura's defensive magic, Kirdas's fist did not decrease in the slightest, and landed directly on Gura's body.

Gula was hit hard, and his body flew upside down like a cannonball.

From the time Kildas shot to the time when Gula was knocked away, it was only a breath of time.

It's like all this happened so fast that the audience didn't even react.

By the time they reacted, they only saw a large number of rock debris scattered and splashed in the sky, and the dove flew upside down.

"What just happened?"

"The dove of the Holy Ten has been knocked down?"

Looking at this scene, the huge venue fell silent for a short time, but a few audience members said in an uncertain voice on 4.2.

"Yo Duo, this is really an unexpected scene, the Dolla of the Holy Ten was knocked down by a punch from Kirdas!"

"What a great fight!"

After hearing the live commentary, the silent arena instantly boiled.

"That's amazing!"

"Won the Dolla of the Holy Ten!"

"This Kildas is too strong!"


The spectators in the stands were all extremely excited.

They cheered for Kildas and cheered for this wonderful battle.

"Worthy of Kildas!"

Night Feather looked at Kirdas, who was still in a fist clenched posture on the field, and he grinned.

Hearing Ye Yu's words, the two daughters of Elusa and Miraj both looked at Ye Yu's punch.

"It's too strong for Kirdas, you can defeat Najura after 7 years of blankness!"

At this moment, Gray also said excitedly.

"Of course, it's Kildas!"

Hearing Gray's words, Natsu looked at Kildas below, slammed his fist and palm together, and grinned.

(3000 words big chapter sent!)

(There are four more today!)_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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