Chapter 153

In this opening game, there is a protection mechanism.

When a player is deducted points for an attack, their bodies are randomly teleported to another location in the Magic Town.

The big-headed man and the others who had just crow's tail were randomly teleported to a place in the magic town after being attacked by the Philid's magic trap.

Right now, after the big-headed man and the others were frozen by Night Feather's magic, they all immediately triggered the protection mechanism.

However, after the big-headed man and the others were randomly teleported, the ice on their bodies did not dissolve.

After all, the ice magic that Night Feather casts is the magic of Imbel among the twelve holy shields.

In addition, Ye Yu's current magic power is so huge that it is terrifying, and with the strength of Lufas, the big head man and others, it is impossible to dissolve this cold ice at all.


looked at the five people who were still frozen in ice, including Lufas and the big-headed man, and the pumpkin man outside the magic town, with a confused face.

And the spectators in the surrounding stands are also talking. 25

"What's going on?"

"Can't this ice melt?"

"Eight people were frozen and five people were frozen, and this game couldn't go on at all!"

"If you wait until the end of the game, won't it be five zeros?"

When everyone was talking, the pumpkin man looked helpless.

"I didn't expect there to be a problem again!"

"This night feather has brought me a lot of surprises!"

"There's no way..."

Then the pumpkin man announced loudly: "In view of the fact that there are five players in the arena who are frozen, the game cannot be carried out normally, and the rules of the game are now changed!"

"Fairy Tail A, Fairy Tail Team B, and Snake Queen's Scales are three players, and within five minutes, they will compete for the top three!"

"The five players who have been frozen, five minutes later, will compete for the follow-up rankings!"

As soon as the pumpkin man said this, the arena boiled again.

"It's a terrible man to modify the rules of the game because of that night feather!"

"Changing the rules of the game, this hasn't happened before, has it?"

As the audience discussed, Leo and Philid, both in the Magic Town, took action.

They also heard the words of the pumpkin host just now.

Competing for the top three in five minutes doesn't leave them a lot of time.

The two of them didn't want to lose to Night Feather either.

"Now that the rules of the game have changed, then we only need to deal with Night Feather and Filid!"

Leo, who was hiding behind a tower, glanced at the street below and thought to himself.

Soon, Leo noticed Filid running down the street below.

"Found it!"

After discovering Filid, Leo was moved.

He didn't hesitate without any hesitation, big hand.

"Ice shape, eagle!"

In the next second, the big vultures that condensed in the ice rushed towards Filid like living creatures.

"Where are you?"

Philid, who was on the run, quickly locked down Leo's position through the route.

Philid couldn't see Leo's form, but he only needed Leo to be behind the tower.

Bang bang bang –

As he was about to be hit by the eagles, Fillid retreated, avoiding all the ice eagles.

"Oh no, exposed!"

The attack was unsuccessful, and Leo immediately prepared to move.

But the moment Leo took a step, his body slammed into an invisible wall.


"Even in the air?"

Looking at the enchantment-like spells around him, Leo was shocked.

Leo casually attacked the spell a few times.

But the technique didn't move at all, and it didn't launch a counterattack.

Leo didn't know at the moment that Fillid was just trapping him in this technique.

Currently, Night Feather is 5 points

Fillid 4.

Leo 0 points.

As long as Leo is trapped in this technique, he will not be able to teleport away and he will not be able to score.

When the time of 5 minutes came, Leo was still 0 points.

In the end, it became that Filid and Night Feather competed for the qualification for the first place.


Leo, who saw through Philid's thoughts, let out a light sigh of unwillingness.

"Night Feather's strength is very strong, even Laxus was once defeated in his hands, and I have no chance of winning in a head-on conflict!" "Now he has 5 points, I have 4 points, as long as I hit him once, we will be on the same score, and the person who will attack the scales of the snake queen again at the end, I will be the first!"

Filid, who is running through the streets, has a very clear idea, and only needs to hit Night Feather once.

However, just as Fillet was thinking this, Night Feather suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Night Feather?!"

Although Filid wanted to find Night Feather, but when he saw Night Feather suddenly coming to the door, he still vigilantly retreated a few steps behind him, and opened a distance from Night Feather.


Filid didn't hesitate, the long sword in his hand moved, and a stream of pitch-black streamers converged towards Night Feather.

Soon, the streamers hit Nightfeather's body.

"Philid hits the Night Feather!"

Seeing those streamers hitting Ye Yu's body, the live commentary on the commentary seat said impassionedly.

But soon, the live commentary was the discovery of a situation.

"It's strange, Fillid didn't score, could it be that this Night Feather player in front of him is a replicant?"

"Troops, Fillid players have not been deducted points, what is going on with 810?"

At the same time, the surrounding audience also has some such questions.

They had seen Filid's attack hit Nightfeather, but Nightfeather was not deducted, and Fillid was not deducted points.

At this time, Natsu and Gray also had such doubts.

"What the hell is going on?"

"It doesn't look like the magic of the night among the six demon generals!"

Both Natsu and Gray knew that Nightfeather would use the twists and turns of the night.

If it was a twisting magic, Philid's attack just now would have been twisted.

But now, they could clearly see that Filid's attack had hit Night Feather.

"This is Nightfeather's new magic!"

Hearing Natsu and Gray's doubts, Elusa said, "Filid's attack just now didn't really hit Night Feather, but pierced through Night Feather's body!"


Natsu and Gray were distracted.

In the past seven years, Night Feather has combined Ma Lin's spatial magic with the twists and turns of the dark night to develop a new kind of spatial magic.

This spell, like zigzag magic, dodges all magical attacks.

In addition, it also makes up for the weakness of the twisted magic, and even if the human body attacks, it will penetrate through the body of Night Feather.

It's like the Kamui of Uchiha Obito in Naruto!_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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