Chapter 143: The Strongest Team, Formed!

After Nightfeather helped Natsu and Gray and the others develop the second magic source, they began a three-month personal practice.

"Hah, man!"

Elfman, who had received the soul of the Beastmaster, clenched his fists, raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and then rushed directly towards Miraj not far away.

At this time, Miraj also received the spirit of Satan.

Seeing Elfman burst over, Miraj was unmoved.

And Lisana on the side shouted loudly: "Elfmango, come on!"

Bang –

Before the beastmaster Elfman approached Miraj, there was ~ a loud noise in the air.

Immediately afterward, Elfman's figure flew backwards with the furious wave of air.

"It's amazing, it's worthy of being a sister, it's stronger than seven years ago!"

The huge body of the beastmaster Elfman rubbed a long mark on the ground before finally stabilizing his body.

"However, I won't throw in the towel easily, come back!"

Elfman, the Beastmaster, stood up and rushed towards Miraj again.

Bang –

Immediately, there was another loud noise in the mountains.

While Miraj accompanied Elfman and Lishana to practice, the three of Night Feather, Natsu, and Gray on this side were also fighting fiercely.

To be precise, Natsu and Gray teamed up to attack Nightfeather.

"Ha~ Night Feather, I must defeat you today!"

"It's me who defeated Night Feather!"

Natsu and Gray were racing against each other, rushing towards Nightfeather not far away.

"The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!"

"Ice shape, mallet!"

In the face of Natsu's fireball, Night Feather's figure was slightly sideways, which dodged Natsu's attack.

And the ice mallet that fell from the sky, Night Feather waved it casually, and the ice mallet turned into powder.

"Dragon's elbow strike!"

Natsu's punch missed, his feet moved, his figure turned instantly, and then a magic circle appeared above his elbow.

Under the backlash of a furious flame, Natsu's form slammed into Nightfeather's back.

At this time, Gray in front also rushed over.

Facing the front and back attacks of Natsu and Gray, Night Feather moved under his feet, and his body instantly jumped into the sky.

At this moment, Natsu's elbow hit Gray right in the body.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

"You bumped into it yourself!"

"What do you say, I think you did it on purpose!"

"Damn, want to fight?"

"Come on, I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Bang bang bang –

Originally, Natsu and Gray teamed up to attack Night Feather, but in the blink of an eye, Zi and Gray were fighting together.

Seeing this, Elusa behind Ye Yu suddenly sighed: "Here we go again!"

Obviously, this situation is often born.

"You two, give me enough time!"

"Ye Yu is here to practice, not to play, if you two don't practice well, I'll accompany you!"

Natsu and Gray, who were originally fighting, immediately turned around to look after hearing Elusa's scolding, only to see Elusa clenching her fists, exuding a very terrifying aura all over her body.

Seeing Elusa's terrifying posture, Natsu and Gray instinctively felt frightened, and then said with a frightened face, "We'll practice well, right, Gray!"

"Ah, Natsu!"

Wendy, who saw all this in her eyes, said to Night Feather with a wry smile: "Brother Night Feather, you are really hard!"

And Night Feather waved his hand undeniably: "Let them go!"

"Wendy, don't you have to practice?"

Xia Lulu looked up at Wendy, who had grown much taller beside her, and asked out loud.

"In the past seven years, Brother Ye Yu and Elusa have practiced with me, and now there is no need for special training!"

Wendy said with a smile.


It's nighttime.

The night is as cool as water, a full moon hangs high, and the bright moonlight pours on the earth.

Wendy and Lucy are walking on the mountain road.

"Ah, I've finally finished my day's practice, so I'm sure I'll take a good bath in a while!"

Lucy stretched, seeming relieved.

"Is Lucy also practicing?"

Hearing Lucy's words, Wendy asked casually.

"Everyone is practicing hard, trying to make up for the gap in the past 7 years, and I can't lag behind!"

While Lucy and Wendy were talking, they came to a place that resembled a mountain hot spring.

As far as the eye could see, there were three figures on the edge of the steaming hot spring bath.

······ Asking for flowers...

Seeing these three figures, Lucy didn't pay much attention to it at first.

But looking closely, Hao Ran found that these three figures were Ye Yu, Elusa, and Mirajie.

Elusa and Miraj seem to be "arguing" over something.

"Dress up!"

I saw a light bloom from Elusa.

After the light dissipated, I saw that Elusa was dressed in a black leather bikini suit and a small leather whip in her hand.

"Night Feather, look, how am I?"

Miraj on the side didn't seem to admit defeat, and in the next second, she used transformation magic, changed into a very tempting bikini, and put on a very bold pose.

"Nightfeather, how's it going?"

When Lucy saw this scene, she felt like she had suffered a bolt from the blue, and said with a shocked face: "What, what is this?"

......... 0

It was Wendy, who looked surprised and didn't look weird, and then smiled wryly: "It's here again!"

In the past seven years, Wendy has seen a lot of such scenes.

At first, Wendy was just as surprised as Lucy.

Of course, she was surprised that Miraj, who had always had a warm smile, could also have a competitive side.

Later, Wendy learned that before Lisanna's accident, Elusa and Miraj used to duel every day, just like Natsu and Gray now.

However, now the duel between Elusa and Miraj seems to be used in some strange way.

"Brother Night Feather, it's really hard, you have to face those two during the day, and you have to face these two at night!"

Wendy looked at Night Feather over there and said with a sympathetic expression.

Suddenly, Wendy took off her clothes.

"Lucy, let's go too!"

Hearing Wendy's words, Lucy recovered from her shock, and then she was surprised to find that Wendy had grown up more than just human.

"Wendy, you..."

Seeing Lucy's gaze, Wendy glanced down, and then said a little shyly: "This, Brother Night Feather helped get it!"

"Night Feather, could it be the magic that can grow bigger and smaller?"

"It's not, it's that...!"

Wendy blushed and whispered something in Lucy's ear.

In the next second, Lucy went from her neck to her face, and there was a thousand hot air on the top of her head. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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