Chapter 140

"Everyone, we're back!"

Just as Macao and the other members of Fairy Tail were waiting in the guild, a voice suddenly came from their ears that they hadn't heard for a long time.

Hearing this familiar voice, Makao and the others immediately looked for it.

Natsu and Gray were standing in the doorway.

Immediately after, familiar figures walked in.




At this moment, Macao, Biska and other members of Fairy Tail greeted them one by one with excited expressions.

"Natsu, Gray, you haven't changed at all!"

"Uncle Macyo, you're the same as before!"


With the return of Natsu, Gray and others, the guild, which was a little deserted in the past, instantly became extremely lively.

"President, in order to celebrate everyone's return, let's have a party tonight!"


At this time, two different voices came from inside the guild.

Hearing this, Natsu and Gray and the others all set their eyes on the two talkers.

These two people are none other than Makarov and Macao.

And Makarov also looked at Macao.

"Macao, what's going on?"

"Actually, during the time when the president was away, I was worried about the president in the guild!"

Macao was a little embarrassed, but said with some smugness.


As soon as Macao's words came out, Natsu, Gray and the others were extremely surprised.

"Macao, are you the guild leader now?"

"Eh, it was Nightfeather and Elusa who nominated me to be the position!"

"It's amazing, Macao is the president!"

"It's a good idea!"

Hearing everyone's praise, Makao felt quite useful in his heart, and then said: "Since the president has returned, then I will retire!"

"No, you'll do it!" Makarov said with his hands on his chest.


Hearing Makarov's words, Makyo was overjoyed.

Buzz –

While everyone was talking and laughing, Makarov seemed to sense something, and his old face suddenly changed greatly.

"This is..."

Makarov immediately jumped down from the table, looked at the outside of the guild, and said with a solemn face.

"What a terrifying magic!"

Kildas was also aware of it, and he looked outside the guild as if he were facing a great enemy.

Without any hesitation, Makarov led the crowd and immediately rushed towards the outside of the guild.

Soon, everyone saw six figures on the street in front of them, slowly walking towards this direction.

I don't know if it's a hallucination or a reality, but the place where the six people are actually has a distorted feeling, as if it is like a road in the middle of summer.

At this time, Natsu and Gray and the others were also clearly aware of the incomparably huge magic power in the bodies of these six people.

One of the magical powers, which was not even inferior to Akuno Lokia on Sirius Island back then, was simply terrifying.

"Hey, what's going on with this magic?"

"This is terrifying, isn't it?"

"Is this really human?"

Just when everyone was desperate, there was a crisp sound of joy on the other side of the street.


Then, Natsu, Gray and the others noticed a graceful figure and were running towards it.

It was only when the figure approached that everyone could see its face clearly.

I saw that it was a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old.

The girl has long blue shawl hair, fair skin, and a delicate face.

A long tunic skirt fully showed her graceful breasts and tight and powerful legs.

"Everyone's back!"

The girl looked at Natsu and Gray and the others, and her pretty face was full of excitement.


Harpy looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, and he looked at Natsu with a puzzled expression.

And Natsu also showed an unrecognizable expression.

"Nazgo, it's me!"

Seeing that Natsu and Harpy didn't know her, the girl said with a look of embarrassment.

"Are you..."

Originally, everyone thought that this girl was a little familiar, but they didn't dare to confirm it.

But after hearing the familiar name, Natsu, Kana and the others all shouted excitedly, "Wendy?!"

"It's me?!"

After receiving the confirmation, everyone was extremely surprised.

"It's really Wendy!"

"It's a big change!"

"I almost didn't even recognize it!"

"Now that Wendy is back, those people are..."

At this moment, everyone's eyes shifted from Wendy's body to the five people who were walking towards this side.

Then, under the excited gaze of everyone, I saw the faces of Night Feather, Elusa, and Miraj three familiar faces, which appeared in the field of vision.

"Nightfeather and Elusa!"

"Sister Mira!"

Seeing that it was Ye Yu and Elusa and their group, everyone was overjoyed.

Lisanna, on the other hand, pounced directly at Miraj.

"Long time no see, everyone!"

Elusa stopped and greeted everyone with a smile on her face.

When Natsu and Gray and the others surrounded them, Makarov and Kildas looked at Night Feather in disbelief.

"It's unbelievable, it's only been seven years, and Night Feather's magic power is so huge!"

Hearing Makarov's words, Kildas also chuckled, and then said: "Now he, I'm afraid he will defeat me easily!"

As soon as Kildas's words fell, Natsu over there shouted at Night Feather with an excited face: "Night Feather, let's fight the victory!"


Hearing Natsu's words, Kildas spread his hands helplessly.

And Ye Yu said with a smile: "You have been asleep for 7 years, so let's recover your strength first!"

"Night Feather, I've been a little curious from the beginning, who are these two little girls?"

While Night Feather and Natsu were talking, Gray looked at the two little Loli beside Night Feather and Elusa, and asked curiously.

Hearing Gray's words, Lucy and the others' eyes fell on the two little Lori.

Suddenly, Lucy seemed to think of something, and said with a look of surprise: "Could it be that ... These two are your daughters?"


Natsu and Gray exclaimed loudly.

"Who's Mommy?" Elusa and Miraj, could it be Wendy?"

Natsu's eyes widened as she looked at Nightfeather, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy.

Hearing Naz's words, Miraj and Elusa just smiled.

But Wendy, who blushed and hurriedly explained, "No, it's not..."

"These two were created by Brother Night Feather using magic!"

As soon as Wendy's words fell, Night Feather's finger made a move at the two little Lori.

Buzz –

In the next second, the two little Loli were transformed into two swords.

Obviously, these two little loli were created by Night Feather using Erin's additional technique.

"It was created by magic!"

"You seem disappointed?"

Ye Yu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

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