Chapter 137

Over an island on the Kirtina continent, I saw a large number of fireballs, like rain, falling overwhelmingly towards the ground below.

After those fireballs fell to a certain height, they were manipulated by the Fire God Dragon and all of them converged towards the place where Night Feather was.

Bang bang bang –

Countless fireballs converged to form a series of explosions.

As the last fireball fell, the small explosions came together to form a devastating explosion.

Boom –

Looking from the sky, I saw a fire rising from the huge island.

With a terrifying loud sound, a powerful wave of qi spread out in all directions.

However, the sea water around the island has long since evaporated.

This terrifying wave of air only roared in the deep valley.

However, the magic airship located in the sky was affected by this terrifying wave of air.

However, because Night Feather had already placed a shield of magic barrier particles around the magic airship.

Under the impact of this terrifying air wave, the magic airship only shook a few times, and there was no big problem.

"Night Feather!"

"Brother Night Feather!"

Elusa, Wendy and the others, looking at the terrifying explosion below, their hearts were all pinched, and the hand that was holding on to the fence was also tightened.

The horrific explosion lasted nearly a minute.

A minute later, the blast dissipated, and the fires on the island turned into dots.

I saw that the originally huge island has completely disappeared.

Nightfeather's form also disappeared with the island.

"Don't worry, the technique hasn't disappeared yet, Night Feather is still alive!"

Seeing Elusa's anxious look, Miraj looked at the looming shield in front of her, and she spoke out to reassure her.

Hearing Miraj's words, Elusa and Wendy's two daughters also looked in front of them.

After seeing the dense spell runes, they were all relieved.

If something happens to Night Feather, the spell composed of those magic barrier particles will also disappear.

These techniques are still there, so Night Feather must be fine.

Just as Elusa and Miraj were searching for Night Feather's traces, Night Feather suddenly jumped out of the other space and blasted at the Fire God Dragon with a punch.

Night Feather's punch didn't have any fancy, it was just endless power.

Dragonization + five kinds of dragon-killing magic + breaking evil and showing good.

If you add Wendy's additional technique, it happens to be the punch that defeated the water god dragon in the first place.

But at this time, the power of Ye Yu's punch was much greater than the punch that attacked the Water God Dragon.

After all, Night Feather's magic power is several times greater than it was seven days ago.

Moreover, he also ate the flame of the Flame God Dragon just now, and his strength skyrocketed a lot.


The Flame Dragon was also searching for Night Feather's traces.

He knew that the guy who could defeat the Water God Dragon would not be killed so easily.

But soon, the Flame Dragon sensed the danger coming from behind him.

This feeling of danger he hadn't experienced in hundreds of years.

Without any hesitation, he immediately turned to look.

I saw that a fireball wrapped in colorful magical light in the sky smashed towards him like a meteorite.

Through that colorful magic, the fire god dragon Haoran discovered Night Feather's form.

"Sure enough, it's still alive..."

Yan Shenlong's spirits perked.

In the face of Ye Yu's punch, the Yan Shen Dragon was not ready to dodge, and on his dragon claws, a huge fireball rose in an instant, and then rushed towards Ye Yu who rushed down from the sky.

"Five Dragons Break the Evil and Show Righteousness!"

"The Flame Dragon's..."

Buzz –

In the next second, the Flame God Dragon's huge fire fist and Night Feather's fist wrapped with colorful magic power collided violently.

At this moment, an incomparably dazzling light bloomed from the place where Night Feather and Flame God Dragon were.

With a terrifying loud sound, the light disappeared completely.

Immediately, Ye Yu's body rushed to the bottom of the huge body of the Flame God Dragon.

And above the sky, a dragon's claw flew above the sky.

Boom –

After the dragon's claws landed, the earth trembled.

Obviously, such a huge dragon claw is not the Night Feather's, but the Fire God Dragon's.

Under Night Feather's punch, the dragon claws of the Flame God Dragon were shattered.

"Look, the Flame God Dragon has lost a dragon claw!"

Wendy on the magic airship was overjoyed when she saw that the fire dragon had lost one of its dragon claws.

After all, in Wendy's opinion, this battle has already been decided.

But things are not as simple as Wendy imagined.

The Flame God Dragon, which had lost a dragon claw, not only did not weaken in the slightest, but increased greatly.

I saw that the dragon wings behind him suddenly burst, and his huge body flew towards the sky with monstrous flames.

"What does he want to do?"

Seeing Yan Shenlong's move, Elusa's eyebrows suddenly tufted, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, under the gaze of Elusa and her group, the body of the fire god dragon flew to a certain height and then stopped.

At this time, the flames that permeated the body of the Flame God Dragon were extremely hot.

The whole person stood in the sky, like a sun. 、

"Hahaha, take my trick and try it!"

The voice of the Flame God Dragon resounded in the air like thunder.

Then, I saw the Flame God Dragon take a sharp breath.


Ye Yu squinted his eyes slightly, and after sensing the magic power on the Yan Shenlong's body converging together, his expression suddenly moved.

In the next second, a picture appeared in Ye Yu's mind.

After seeing that scene, a huge pillar of flame light fell from the sky.

Immediately, there was an incomparably terrifying explosion between heaven and earth.

The light curtain generated by the explosion even spread to a height of hundreds of meters.

Everything around was destroyed by this terrible explosion.

This picture is not Night Feather's fantasy, but the picture of the future that he sees through his ability to predict the future.

"Elusa, hurry up!"

Seeing this scene in his mind, Night Feather did not hesitate and immediately used the ancient book magic to communicate to Elusa.

Originally, Elusa had sensed that something was wrong, and now she heard Night Feather's voice.

Naturally, Elusa did not hesitate, maneuvering the magic airship and retreating at full speed.

And Night Feather herself is also preparing to enter another dimension.

Although the Flame God Dragon told him to block this move.

Only a fool will block it.

Soon, under Nightfeather's gaze, Nightfeather's foresight appeared.

A huge pillar of crimson light fell from the sky.

And Night Feather also immediately entered the other dimension.

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