Chapter 127

"This is Ellumina, isn't it?"

On the magic airship, Elusa looked at a high-rise coastal city below and said aloud.

"Is that water dragon really in this city?

Wendy put her hands on the fence of the airship, looked at the city below, and said aloud.

"If you don't go down and take a look, you'll know!"

Hearing Elusa and Wendy's words, Nightfeather walked over and spoke.

Just as Nightfeather and Elusa set out to enter the city of Ellumina, in the middle of the city of Ellumina, two figures were standing on a tall building, staring at the magic airship in the sky.

These two people, a man and a woman.

The man has a pair of horns on his head.

The woman is dressed in a formal suit.

"Lord Water Dragon, that airship doesn't look like it's a product of this continent!"

The woman in the formal suit looked at the magic airship and said aloud.

"Heh, it's a killer sent by Erevheria again!"

The horned man looked at the magic airship, and the corners of his mouth hooked up a playful arc, and said coldly.

"Erefselia is really tired of sending human magicians for more than a hundred years!"

"Lord Water Dragon, why don't we go directly to Erev Selia..."

Before the woman in the formal suit could finish speaking, the horned man interrupted the former's words.

"No, I've been playing with Erevselia for more than a hundred years, and I don't mind continuing to play. "

"And, it's a lot of fun!"

If Ye Yu saw this man and a woman at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize these two people.

These two people were none other than the Water God Dragon he was looking for, and the messenger of the Water God Dragon.

"I see, let's get rid of that ship first, lest they escape with this thing!"

After the water god dragon envoy spoke, he waved his arm at the magic airship in the sky.

Buzz –

In the next second, a column of water that rotated at high speed, like a tornado, bombarded directly towards the magic airship.

Bang –

Before the water column hit the magic airship, it was blocked by an invisible shield outside the magic airship.

"This is... Barrier particles?!"

Looking at the protective shield hit by the water column, forming rows of dense text symbols, the water god dragon's eyes narrowed slightly, and then showed a playful smile.

The magic barrier particles in the mouth of the water god dragon are naturally the protective shield applied by Night Feather using the Philip magic attribute.

At this time, Nightfeather and Elusa had just disembarked from the magic airship.

After hearing a loud noise in the sky, Night Feather, Elusa and the others all looked for the sound.

"Someone is attacking a magic airship!"

After seeing the magic airship being attacked, the faces of Night Feather, Elusa and the others all changed slightly.

"Look, it's those two people!"

Wendy soon notices the water dragon and the water dragon messenger standing on the roof in the distant city.

Hearing Wendy's words, Nightfeather, Elusa, and Miraj immediately looked at Wendy's fingers.

Maybe Wendy, Elusa, and Miraj don't know the water dragon.

But Nightfeather knows.

The moment he saw the Water God Dragon, Ye Yu's eyebrows raised: "It was actually sent to the door!"


Night Feather didn't hesitate and immediately rushed towards the place where the Water God Dragon was.

Wendy, Elusa, and Miraj immediately followed.

After getting a certain distance away from the water god dragon, Wendy, Elusa, and Miraj stopped in an instant, and their hearts seemed to have been violently impacted.

"What the hell is this magic..."

"What a terrible magic!"

At this time, in the field of vision of the three daughters of Elusa, the water god dragon seemed to be not a human, but some kind of terrifying monster.

When they were on Sirius Island, the three daughters of Elusa had felt the terrifying magic of Hades.

However, the three daughters of Elusa found that Hades's magic power was nothing in front of the person in front of her.

"Is this really human? It's almost time to catch up with Akuno Lokia!"

Elusa looked at the water god dragon with a solemn face.

Speaking of Akuno Lokia, Elusa suddenly thought of something.

"Could it be that this guy is..."

Thinking of this, Elusa immediately reminded Ye Yu in front of her loudly: "Night Feather, this guy is probably the Water God Dragon!"

"Water Dragons, can't it, didn't Erev Saylia say that the five dragons are all real dragons?

Hearing Elusa's words, Wendy was first startled, and then said with a puzzled expression.

The water god dragon on the roof of the building, looking at the shocked expressions on the faces of the three girls below, Alusa, Wendy, and Miraj, he looked at the usefulness of his face, and then said loudly: "This is just transformation magic, although other dragons disdain to use human posture, but I find it quite convenient to use such physical activities!"

Seeing that the water god dragon himself admitted his identity, Wendy and Miraj's expressions suddenly froze.

At this time, Night Feather had already come to the roof of the tall building opposite the Water God Dragon.

"Lord Water Dragon!"

Seeing Ye Yu appear in front of him as if he was moving instantly, the envoy beside the Water God Dragon suddenly changed his face.

She didn't hesitate and waved her arm at Night Feather.

Buzz –

A bucket-thick column of water, in a spiral, strangled towards Night Feather.

Just as the column of water was about to hit Nightfeather, a violent flame suddenly rose above Nightfeather's body.

The moment the flames appeared, the column of water that swept towards the night feather was all evaporated into water vapor by the high temperature. ,


The messenger looked at the night feather wrapped in crimson flames, and her expression froze.

And the water god dragon on the side also looked at Ye Yu with interest.

"Huh, dragon slaying magic?"

"And it's fire dragon slaying magic, which is kind of interesting!"

"Then let's play with you a little bit!"

As he spoke, the water god dragon turned to face Night Feather, and slowly spread his arms.

Buzz –

At this moment, the sea east of the city of Ellumina, the tide was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Elusa, look, the sea is in!"

When Miraj noticed the sea at the end of the street, her pretty face changed and she immediately said to Elusa.


Elusa's expression moved, and she immediately pulled Wendy and Miraj and jumped towards a tall building next to her.

Originally, Elusa thought that jumping into a tall building would avoid being submerged in the sea.

But soon, the entire city of Ellumina was transformed into an underwater city.

Yes, it's an underwater city, not just an entire city.

"It's... This is the power of the Water God Dragon?!"

The three daughters of Elusa who were at the bottom of the sea, looked at the sky above their heads, and the sea with no end in sight, the three of them were shocked in their hearts.

(End of chapter!)

(The water god dragon in the centennial mission comics is the water god dragon eight or nine years later, and the personality is slightly different from this book)

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