Chapter 125

The content of the Centennial Mission is to seal the five dragons entrenched in the continent of Kirtina.

This is also Erefselia's long-cherished wish.

For more than a hundred years, nearly 100 groups of magicians have been sent to accept the mission, but none of them have been able to complete the mission and help Erefselia achieve her long-cherished wish.

Seeing that Night Feather is a dragon slayer magician, and his magic power is not weak, Erevheria seems to see a glimmer of hope from Night Feather, a glimmer of hope that can seal the Five Divine Dragons, and a glimmer of hope that can help him fulfill his long-cherished wish.

After all, the hope of the Dragon Slayer Demon Wizard defeating the Five Divine Dragons is greater than that of the average Demon Wizard.

Of course, Erefselia also knows that this hope can be very slim.

But as long as there is a little hope, Erefselia will not give up.

After all, he'd been waiting for more than a hundred years.

Erevheria straightened his face, he looked at the night feathers covered with crimson flames around him and said, "Listen to what your request is!"

Hearing Erevheria's words, Elusa and Wendy were both shocked: "You actually agreed?!"

However, Ye Yu showed a smile of "the conspiracy succeeded".

Night Feather knew that the content of the Centennial Mission was to seal the Five Divine Dragons.

So he deliberately revealed to Erev Seliya that he was a dragon slayer.

In Nightfeather's mind, if Erevheria knew that he was a dragon slayer, he might take a step back.

And the end result was just as Nightfeather had expected, and Erevheria regressed.

"I want to know how to turn into a dragon!"

Nightfeather lifted the flames from her body and said to Erevheria.


Hearing this term, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy were all puzzled.

But Erevselia's expression was moved.

"Do you already know the final fate of the Dragon Slayer Magus!"

Night Feather nodded.

Erefselia was originally unsuspecting to dragonize, and it took him a long time to resolve the problem of dragonization.

Maybe he didn't want to see Night Feather, who was also a dragon slayer, step into his footsteps.

Or maybe he wanted to make the chances of Ye Yu and his party sealing the Five Divine Dragons bigger.

Erefselia finally agreed to Nightfeather's request: "Yes, then I'll tell you how to turn into a dragon, but this magic is quite difficult to master, if you want to learn it completely, I'm afraid it will take some time!"

Although from the very beginning, Elusa and Wendy and the others did not know what was exactly what was being discussed between Night Feather and Erevheria.

What kind of dragonization, what is the final fate of the dragon slayer magician, Elusa and Wendy don't know at this time.

However, when Erefselia said that she wanted Nightfeather to learn magic, Elusa and Wendy had a smug look on their faces.

After all, Elusa and Wendy knew that Nightfeather had a talent for learning magic in an instant.

"Don't worry, you just need to teach Night Feather this magic!"

"It only takes a moment for Brother Night Feather to learn!"

Hearing Elusa and Wendy singing and harmonizing, Night Feather was speechless.

"I learned it in an instant, then I want to see it!"

Erefselia looked at Elusa and Wendy and laughed.

After that, he unleashed the magic of dragonization.

Buzz –

I saw that Erevselia's figure was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, he was transformed from a gray-haired old man into an unusually huge dragon.

Although Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy saw this dragon when they first entered this guild.

But now that they saw Erevselia succeed in her incarnation again, they were still amazed.

"Turned into a dragon!"

"Is there any magic like this?"

In the midst of the amazement of Elusa and Wendy, Erefselia has once again gone from a dragon to a human.

At the same time, Night Feather's mind also sounded the prompt sound of the system.

Ding, congratulations to the host, gain +24 mana attribute

Ding, congratulations to the host, gain +25 mana attribute

Ding, congratulations to the host, get the dragon attribute!

Hearing the last prompt of the system, Ye Yu's heart was suddenly overjoyed.

"It's finally here, dragon attribute!"

"Does the host collect dragon attributes?"


With Night Feather's order, the three golden attributes under Erev Celia's body over there all converged towards Night Feather's side.

After the three golden attributes were all submerged into Ye Yu's body, the magic attributes on the virtual screen in front of Ye Yu rose a little.

In the magic attribute column, there is an additional [Dragon] attribute.

"With this dragon attribute, I can also become a dragon in the future!"

Looking at the dragon attribute on the system screen, Ye Yu's heart was extremely hot.

In the midst of Night Feather's thoughts, Erev Seliya, who had recovered to an old man, asked Night Feather, "How did you learn it?"

At this moment, Elusa, Wendy, and Miraj all looked at Night Feather expectantly.

Nightfeather nodded.

"It's worthy of Brother Night Feather!"

"In that case, Night Feather, you can also transform into a dragon?"

Wendy and Elusa both said with happy faces.

Subsequently, under the gaze of Elusa, Wendy, and Miraj, Night Feather tentatively urged the dragon attribute.

Buzz –

At this moment, a crimson flame rose from Night Feather's body.

The flames flickered with golden lightning.

At the same time, his entire right arm turned into a dragon claw.

Dragon wings also appeared behind him.

"Hey, it's a half-dragon, and sure enough, it's mastered the magic of this dragon!"

Erevheria looked at Night Feather and said with a smile on his face.

Wendy, Elusa, and Miraj were all amazed as if they had seen something strange.

"It's really a dragon!"

"What a great look!"

In the midst of Elusa and Wendy's amazement, Night Feather first looked at the changes in her body, and then carefully felt the surging power in her body.


Just when Night Wendy and Elusa were rejoicing, Erevheria suddenly sensed a trace of darkness from Night Feather's body.

At this moment, a picture appeared in his mind.

The content of the picture is a pitch-black dragon.

This black dragon is naturally Akuno Lokia.

From Night Feather's body, Erevheria sensed an aura similar to that of Akuno Lokia.

"I hope this kid doesn't become the second Akuno Lokia!"

Erefselia stared at Nightfeather and thought to herself.

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