Chapter 123

The Centennial Quest was released on the continent of Kirtina.

This continent is different from the Ishgar and the Western Continent and is a completely new continent.

It is located on the northern side of the Western Continent.

Although it is a long way to get from the Fairy Tail Guild to the Kirtina continent, fortunately, Nightfeather and his party have a magic airship.

Closing his gaze to the magic airship, he saw Wendy and Elusa, leaning against the fence on the deck, admiring the view of the sea below.

At this time, Elusa had already retreated from her silver-white armor and replaced it with a light purple bikini, with a graceful posture and round and slender legs, which were completely exposed to the air.

Wendy, who is next to Elusa, is also wearing a cute swimsuit.

The two beauties, one big and one small, stand together, giving people a sense of youth.

"Elusa, the scenery above the sea is really beautiful!"

Wendy grasped the fence with one hand and pointed to the sea below with the other, her little face full of excitement.

Seeing Wendy's excitement, Elusa casually stroked the bright red hair on her cheek, and a smile appeared on her face.

While Elusa and Wendy were watching the sea, Nightfeather was lying on a chair in the middle of the deck, enjoying it all.

After some time, Miraj walked out of the cabin with a tray.


"Thank you, Sister Mira!"

Wendy took a glass of juice from Miraj and said with a grateful face, then smiled and said, "It feels like you're on vacation!"

Hearing Wendy's words, Night Feather over there said loudly: "It was originally a vacation!"

"Eh, aren't we going to do a 100-year mission?"

Wendy blinked her big eyes and looked at Nightfeather with a puzzled expression.

"A hundred-year task, but a task that no one can complete in a hundred years, we are not in a hurry, we can go on vacation and do the task at the same time!"

"You can see it, if you let Kildas know that you are doing a hundred-year mission with this mentality, he will not be angry!"

Elusa turned, leaned one hand on her waist, and said to Night Feather.

Indeed, Kirdas did a three-year centennial mission that ended in failure, and when he returned, he was seriously wounded.

For Kildas, this mission can be described as a desperate journey.

But for now, Night Feather is treating it as a vacation.

Comparing the two, it's no wonder that Elusa would say this.

"Ah, it's the sea, have we left Ishgar?"

While Nightfeather and Elusa were talking, Miraj collected the tray in her hand and asked with a smile as she looked at the endless sea below.

"Yes, after crossing this sea, you will reach the continent of Kirtina!"

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Elusa looked at Ye Yu in surprise and asked, "You really know it clearly, you have been to sea before?"

Ye Yu didn't hide it and said directly: "I used to come from the Western Continent!"

"Eh, isn't Brother Nightfeather from Ishgar?"

Wendy looked surprised.

But Elusa and Miraj weren't surprised.

On the contrary, hearing Night Feather tell her origin, Elusa was still quite curious.

"Arzac in the guild is also from the Western Continent!"

Miraj clasped his arms together and said to Night Feather with a smile on his face.

Maybe Miraj's action was just unconscious, but Miraj, who was already extremely proud, appeared more protruding under the squeezing of his arms.

Wendy's eyes widened when she saw this scene, and then she glanced at Elusa and then at herself, and suddenly felt an arrow in her heart.

Night Feather also saw Wendy's expression in his eyes, and he shook his head with a smile.


The magic airship sailed slowly on the sea, and after Nightfeather and Elusa and their party enjoyed enough sea atmosphere, the magic airship also came to the destination of this trip, the Kirtina continent.

Although the continent of Kirtina and Ishgar are only separated by a sea.

However, the difference between the two continents is very large, as if they were two different worlds.

Nightfeather and Elusa got off the airship and walked on Kirtina's land, and as far as they could see, all the flora and fauna around them had never been seen in Ishgar.

In addition, white crystals are constantly falling from the sky.

The white crystals looked like snow,

But it's not snow, it's magic.

The magic of solid.

Seeing this scene, Rao was amazed at the concentration of Elusa, and also amazed that the magic of Kirtina was so full.

"The commissioner of this hundred-year mission is from a guild called the Dragon of the Demon Array!"

"It is said that this guild is the earliest mage guild of Acerant!"

Miraj took out the power of attorney and said to Nightfeather and Elusa.

"The earliest mage's guild, that means it's older than our goblin's tail!"

"It's really strange what kind of task this guild has entrusted to it, even that Kildas can't do anything!"

Hearing Miraj's words, Elusa thought with her chin cupped.

Night Feather knew the content of the Centennial Mission, but he didn't say it, he just greeted Elusa: "I'm about to arrive at my destination, don't you know the content of the mission if you go to meet the client!"

Everyone hurried unhurriedly with the interest of traveling, and finally came to the Demon Array Dragon Guild marked on the power of attorney.

As far as the eye can see, the entire guild building looks like an ancient castle.

And on the roof of the castle, there was a statue of a giant dragon, which looked extremely majestic.

It's just that the whole castle is very badly deteriorated, and it hasn't been repaired for a long time.

"It's here!"

Miraj stopped, looked at the ancient building in front of him, and said shallowly.

"It looks so old!"

Wendy looked at the building and said something out loud.

Afterwards, Night Feather took the three daughters of Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy and walked directly towards the guild.

After pushing open the heavy door, the guild was empty, and it seemed strangely silent.

But soon, a voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears: "Ninety-ninth team brave, welcome to your arrival!"

It didn't sound very loud, but it was heart-wrenching, like the whispers of a giant beast.

Hearing this voice, Night Feather and Elusa all followed the sound.

I saw that above the main hall, a huge dragon was entrenched on it.


Not long ago, Elusa and Miraj and their party were attacked by Akuno Lokia on Sirius Island.

Seeing a dragon again, Elusa and Miraj instinctively became vigilant.

And Night Feather looked at the dragon in front of him, and he was immediately overjoyed: "I finally see you, Faron Erev Selia!"

(Asking for flowers every day)

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