Chapter 121

The night was as cool as water, a full moon hung high in the sky, and the bright moonlight shrouded the entire town of Magnolia.

Zooming in on Fairy Tail's guild.

If it was a normal time, the guild would be very lively at this time.

But today, the atmosphere in the guild is a little depressing.

Macao, Besska, and the rest of the Fairy Tail members all sat upright in their chairs, their heads bowed and silent.

Everyone was extremely sad and sad.

And it all comes down to one piece of news.

A piece of news that made everyone in Fairy Tail desperate.

When the people from the Senate came to the Fairy Tail Guild in the afternoon, Macao and the others thought that Natsu and Gray had destroyed another town, and the Senate had come to arrest them.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the Senate brought the news of the destruction of Sirius Island and the death of all Fairy Tails.

When all the members of the guild were frustrated, a six-year-old boy stood up and protested loudly:

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nazgo and Gregor, they're going to be fine!"

"The strongest in the guild, Night Feather and Kildas, are gone, how can they be killed?"

Macao looked up at the little boy who was dressed a little like Natsu, then shook his head and said, "Romeo, stop talking!"

"No, I believe in them, they're definitely alive!"

Although Romeo is convinced that Nightfeather and Elusa are still alive.

But for a six-year-old boy, who cares.

After all, the councilor's report was that the entire Sirius Island was destroyed.

I don't know how long it took, Romeo shouted in surprise, "Night Feather, Elusa, you're back!"

"Didn't Romeo tell you to stop talking?"

Macao lectured in a rather stern tone.

After all, now everyone is immersed in grief.

Romeo is joking.

He, who is a father, naturally has to teach two lessons.

As soon as Macao's words fell, an angry female voice came in: "Macao, why are you shouting so loudly? Romeo is still a child!"

Hearing this familiar voice, everyone in the guild was shocked.

When he saw Ye Yu, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy walking in, the originally suppressed guild instantly boiled.

"Nightfeather, Elusa, are you alive?

"Miraj, is it really you?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Besska, Leqi and the others said excitedly.

Perhaps they were so excited that they even shed tears of excitement.

While everyone was excited, Romeo was guarding the door, keeping his eyes on the door, as if waiting for someone.

After a long time, Romeo asked, "Didn't Nazgo and the others come back together?"

After hearing Romeo's words, everyone realized that Natsu, the president, and the others had not returned.

Immediately, they all set their eyes on Nightfeather and Elusa, as if they were waiting for Nightfeather's answer.

Seeing everyone's expectant gaze, Wendy looked embarrassed.

In the end, it was Ye Yu who spoke: "About this matter..."

When Night Feather said that Natsu and the others would take seven years to return, Macao and the others didn't care.

"Seven years, it's acceptable!"

"It's good to be alive!"

"Drink and drink!"

"Drink to celebrate everyone's safe return!"


Hearing the words of Macao and the others, Wendy smiled wryly: "It's really open!"

Subsequently, the Fairy Tail Guild returned to its former lively scene.

After three rounds of drinking, Macao suddenly said with the strength of the wine: "President Makarov is not here, does this mean that it is my turn to be the new president?"

"What's the turn, it can't be your turn, aren't Night Feather and Elusa still there?"

"That's it!"

Hearing Macao's words, the members of Fairy Tail scoffed.

But Elusa glanced at Night Feather, and then said loudly, "During the time of the president's return, it is still the temporary president of Macao!"


Hearing Elusa's words, everyone was shocked.

Then he looked at Elusa with a puzzled expression.

"On the way back, we have decided to go on a centennial mission together!"


"Miraj and Wendy are going too?"

Wendy and Miraj didn't answer, but stood beside Nightfeather with a smile on their faces.

Regarding the decision of Ye Yu and Elusa and his party, Wo Lian and the others didn't have much to say.

In the end, the group complied with Elusa's choice and asked Macao to temporarily act as the head of the Fairy Tail Guild.

(End of chapter!)

(A separate centennial mission chapter will be opened later!)

(It won't be very long!)

(After the Centennial Quest is over, I'll return!)_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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