Chapter 119: The First President Mebis

Mestre, also known as Doranbarth, was a spy planted by Makarov in the Senate in order to steal information about the Western Continent in the Senate.

However, due to Meester's erasure of his own memories, he does not know that he is a member of Fairy Tail.

This time, he returns to Fairy Tail as a councilor, just to search for evidence of Fairy Tail's crimes.

But what Mester didn't expect was that not only did he not collect evidence of Fairy Tail's crimes when he came to Sirius Island this time, but instead experienced two unforgettable events in his life.

The first is a battle between Fairy Tail and Demon Heart.

The second game is Akuno Lokia.

Especially the second one, it was a nightmare.

Under the horrified gaze of the members of the Senate, such as Mester and Rahal, Akuno Lokia landed on Sirius Island with a roar.

Boom –

With a terrifying loud sound, huge waves several feet high were set off above the sea.

And the huge Sirius Island disappeared from the field of vision of Mester and Rahal and others.

Rahal and the rest of the council, though they don't like Fairy Tail's nonsense.

But at the end of the day, Fairy Tail is also the Wizard Guild of Ishgar.

The sorcerer of Fairy Tail, that is also the sorcerer of Ishgar.

Now that they saw that the magicians under their jurisdiction were destroyed by Akuno Lokia in this way, their feelings were also very complicated.

The two young cadres of the Senate, Mester and Rahal, looked at the disappeared Sirius Island, and their mood could not be calmed down for a long time.

After Akuno Lokia had completely left, Rahal, who had recovered from the shock, ordered: "Hurry, hurry up and look for it, see if there are any survivors!"

Although Rahal knew in his heart that he had very little chance of surviving such a horrific attack.

Perhaps seeking some comfort in his heart, Rahal gave the order anyway.

After several minutes of searching, Lahore established a fact.

Sirius Island was destroyed.

All of the island's Fairy Tail members were killed.

In the end, the two young men of the Senate, Rahal and Meester, with mixed feelings, led a kind of Senate soldiers and left the sea.


While the members of the Senate, including Mester and Rahal, were looking for survivors above the sea, Nightfeather, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy had already arrived in another dimension.

This space was originally the space of Marin Horrow, one of Brantish's men.

After Night Feather killed Marin, he dominated this alternate dimension.


Wendy came back to her senses and asked in surprise when she realized that her surroundings were not Sirius Island.

Maybe Wendy doesn't know what it is.

But Elusa knew.

After all, she'd been here before

Originally, Elusa was still worried about Nightfeather's affairs.

Now that she found herself in the middle of Night Feather, the melancholy on her face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a touch of joy.

In Elusa's opinion, since they were able to come to this space, it must have been Nightfeather who brought them here.

That is, Nightfeather is still alive.

"This is Nightfeather's space!"

After Alusa responded to Wendy's words, she began to search for Nightfeather's traces.

"I'm here!"

While Elusa was searching, the voice of Night Feather suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy all turned to look.

When the three of them saw Night Feather, they all exclaimed in amazement as if they had seen something terrible, "It's so big!"

Of course, it's not that Night Feathers are too big.

It's just that Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy have been shrunk.

"Night Feather, everyone, how are you doing now?"

After confirming Ye Yu and his own condition, Miraj clenched his fist with one hand, put it in his heart, and looked at Ye Yu with a worried expression and asked.

Hearing Miraj's words, Elusa and Wendy also set their eyes on Night Feather.

It seems to be waiting for Nightfeather's answer.

Nightfeather didn't answer immediately.

After restoring the bodies of the three Elusa to their original size, he said, "Everyone is fine, but..."

"But what?"

"Let the first president tell you the specific situation!"

In Nightfeather's opinion, it is better for the caster Mebis to be the sleeper of Natsu and Gray.

"The First President?!"

When Nightfeather mentions the first president, Elusa and Miraj both exclaim.

When Nightfeather and the three daughters of Elusa came out of the other dimension, Sirius Island was gone, Akuno Lokia was gone, and the Senate ship was gone.

However, just as everyone was about to fall into the sea, Nightfeather activated the transformation magic, making a wooden plank floating on the surface of the sea larger.

Then the crowd landed on the huge plank.

"Where's Sirius Island?"

When Elusa and Miraj saw that Sirius Island was gone, their pretty faces changed drastically.

And at this moment, a golden light appeared on the sea where Sky Wolf Island was before.

Immediately after, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes and bare feet rose from the sea.

Looking at the girl who suddenly emerged from the sea, Elusa, Miraj and the others were stunned.

And Ye Yu raised his eyebrows: "Are you coming out?"

The blonde girl came to the crowd and introduced herself in a crisp voice: "My name is Mebis, Mebis Viviamilio!"

The moment the blonde girl said her name, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy were all taken aback.

"Mebis Viviamiglio, are you the first president of our Fairy Tail?"

Although the three of Elusa had not seen Mebis.

But from Makarov, I had heard of the name of Mebis.

"Eh, let me explain the current situation of Sirius Island!"

After Mebis's narration, the three daughters of Elusa knew everything.

"I see, is it the power of the first generation that helped everyone avoid Akuno Lokia's attack?"

"No, it's not my power, it's everyone's power, it's everyone's faith, I'm just a ghost now, and I don't have that power. "

Mebis clenched his fist, and those beautiful eyes bloomed with light.

As if to praise everyone's faith.

"So where are you now?"

"It's still on Sirius Island, but Sirius Island is in a sealed state, and in my current state, it will take about six or seven years to break the seal!"


Hearing Mebis's words, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy all exclaimed. _

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