Chapter 111

The explosion produced by Amaterasu did not last long.

After a few breaths, the wave of air from the explosion dissipated, and the fire disappeared.

The figures of Nightfeather and Yuri appeared in the field of vision of Hades and Harpy.

When Harpy saw that Nightfeather was not injured, he was overjoyed.

"It's okay to be attacked with such a horrific attack, what a monster!"

Xia Lulu flew over, looked at Ye Yu and complained casually.

"This is Nightfeather!"

Harpy responds to Xia Lulu, and then his eyes fall on Yuri.

"Now, Xia Lulu, do you think that person looks like Laxus?"

"Who is Laxus?"

Hearing Xia Lulu's words, Harpy didn't know how to answer for a while.

After all, Laxus left the guild before Wendy and Charlulu joined the guild and has not returned.

While Harpy and Xia Lulu were talking, Hades over there had an extremely gloomy old face.

Originally, he used Amaterasu Moyaki to kill Yuri as soon as possible.

After all, looking at the face of his former companion, Rao is Hades will also feel a little strange in his heart.

It's just that what Hades didn't expect was that he didn't kill Yuri in one Amaterasu.

"It doesn't seem to be ordinary embodied magic!"

"But no matter what kind of embodied magic, as long as you kill the caster, it will be lifted!"

As he spoke, Hades' cold gaze fell on Night Feather.

Being stared at by Hades like this, Night Feather had a feeling of being targeted by a poisonous snake.

At the same time, he couldn't help but curse in his heart: "It is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, and he discovered the weakness of the corpse history so quickly!"

There are only two ways to solve the problem of the history of corpses.

First, let the embodied person feel fear in his heart

Second, defeat the caster.

So just now, even if Yuri ate Hades's move, Amaterasu Moyakos, nothing happened.

"Dark Bullet!"

After Hades locked on to Night Feather, he didn't hesitate and attacked Night Feather directly.

I saw Hades pointing his finger at Night Feather a little in the air.


Streams of dark magic swept towards Night Feather like bullets.

It's just that after those magic bullets hit Night Feather, they all pierced through Night Feather's body.

Seeing this scene, Hades was not surprised, but said lightly: "In addition to embodied magic and gravity magic, are there any other magics?"

"It is commendable to master so much magic at such a young age, but the magician himself is not strong, and no amount of magic is useless!"

With that, Hades raised his palm.

"Dark Waves!"

Buzz –

In an instant, a pitch-black magic ball appeared in front of Hades' palm.

As Hades continued to inject magic into the orb.

The magic ball is growing with the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the magic ball grew from the size of a ping-pong ball to the size of a volleyball.

And at this moment, a pitch-black shockwave swept directly towards Night Feather.

Before the pitch-black shockwave could get close to Night Feather, Yuri dodged in front of Night Feather.

Soon, the pitch-black shockwave struck Yuri.

Under the impact of the strong force, Yuri's body only flickered a few times, and finally stabilized again.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hades's one-eyed narrowed slightly.

However, just as he was about to say something, a large number of sparkling lights appeared near him.

Boom –

Soon, a series of explosions occurred in the area where Hades was.

And Hades's figure was also overwhelmed by the flames of the explosion.

"It's worthy of Night Feather, killed!"

The Harpy in the sky was excited when he saw Hades being hit by an explosion.

"No, not yet!"

As soon as Harpy's words fell, Xia Lulu just stared at the place of the explosion and said.

Soon, under the gaze of Harpy and Xia Lulu, the flames of the explosion slowly dissipated, and Hades's figure was once again exposed to the air.

I saw that Hades's body was unscathed.


The look of excitement on Harpy's face vanished completely, replaced by a look of disappointment.

But Night Feather's face had an expression that he knew this was the case.

After all, the opponent is Hades, who even Makarov can easily defeat.

It would be strange to be killed so easily by Azma's magic.

Of course, Nightfeather wasn't trying to kill Hades.

He just wanted to force Hades to use all his strength.

"Not only Yuri, but also Azma..."

"Little ghost, you've completely me off!"

Hades looked at Yuri in front of Night Feather and Azma who had emerged from below deck, his old face gloomy to the extreme.

"I'll show you today, the magic of the abyss!"

As he spoke, Hades unfastened the blindfold of his right eye.

Buzz –

The moment Hades opened his right eye, a breathtaking scarlet light swept out.

At this moment, the magic power on Hades's body skyrocketed many times.

"This magic is..."

Elusa and Miraj and their group, who came down from the magic airship, noticed this terrifying magic like an abyss, and their pretty faces changed greatly.

And Harpy and Xia Lulu were even more frightened.

Harpy looked at Hades and said in a trembling tone, "It's terrible!"

"Is this really human?"

Xia Lulu said with a frightened face.

"Night Feather!"

After Elusa gritted her teeth and spoke, she displayed two hundred percent fighting spirit and launched an attack on Brunot in front of her.

"Do you want to kill me and support that kid up there?"

"But... I'm not that easy to deal with!"

Brunot saw through Elusa's thoughts, and after saying a faint word, he slapped Elusa into the air.

Buzz –

Under the impact of lateral gravity, Elusa's figure was directly forced back.

"Dress up!"

After Elusa stabilized her figure, she let out a soft snort, directly urging the magic power.

In the next second, the battle armor on Elusa's body was replaced with the armor of the Heavenly Wheel.

"Your opponent is still me!"

When Elusa changed her costume, Miraj, who had already turned into a demon, instantly rushed behind Brunot and kicked Brunot's body.

Bang –

With a loud bang, Brunot's body flew straight upside down.

Eventually, a long trail was made on the ground before it stabilized. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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