Chapter 105

Nightfeather can be said to be Zudir's nemesis, subordinating his humanity to magic, restrained to death.

He wanted to summon a puppet from another dimension, but Night Feather's spatial law magic prevented him from summoning it

He can weaken humanity's magic and strength, but Azima is not human.


Night Feather looked at Zudir in front of her and suddenly thought of something.

"Although Zudir has fused with Caprico in Scorpio, he is still a star spirit on the outside, so maybe he can use that magic!"

Thinking about it, Night Feather's gaze fell on the magic attribute bar on the system screen.

Soon, he found the magic attribute of puppet theater manipulation.

This manipulation of the magic attribute was naturally collected by Night Feather from Shirley.

Previously, in Adrath, Nightfeather had used this magic to manipulate the elf hunter's mount.

The effect of this magic is that it can manipulate all objects other than humans, including astral spirits.

"Try it!"

Without any hesitation, Night Feather immediately spread out his palm and launched a manipulation magic attribute against Zudir over there.

Buzz –

With the urging of Night Feather's magic power, Zudir, who was constantly dodging Azma's attacks, suddenly shook his body.

"It worked!"

Seeing that he had successfully manipulated Zudir, Ye Yu's brows suddenly furrowed.

After all, Zudir in front of him is a combination of a human and a star spirit.

Nightfeather wasn't sure that manipulation magic would work for him.

But for now, it does seem that it can be manipulated.

"The body... Can't move!"

Zudir, who was manipulated by Night Feather, was suddenly horrified in his heart.

Because just now, he found that he seemed to have lost the dominance of this body.

In the horror of Zudir's heart, his body involuntarily urged the magic again, and continued to release the magic of human subordination.

"What the hell is this... What's going on?"

When Zudir was extremely frightened, Ye Yu was overjoyed in his heart.

Naturally, it was Night Feather who manipulated Zudir's body and constantly used magic.

While Zudir continued to release his magic, Night Feather's mind was also constantly ringing with the mechanical sound of the system.

Ding, congratulations to the host, gain +11 mana attribute

Ding, congratulations to the host, gain +10 mana attribute

Ding, congratulations to the host, gain +12 mana attribute


Looking at the continuous fall of the golden magic attribute under Zudir, Night Feather was happy at the same time, and at the same time, he also had a bold idea in his heart.

If you play like this for a day, no, for a year, how many mana attributes will be dropped by the system?

Each time a spell is cast, the system drops 11 mana attributes.

Cast 10,000 times, that's 110,000 mana attributes.

110,000, that's several times more than the magic attribute that Night Feather has collected in the past two years.

Of course, Night Feather just thinks about it like this.

After all, no matter how huge Zudir's magic power is, Ye Yu plays like this.

However, it also gave Night Feather an idea.

Later, he can manipulate some magicians to "perform" magic in front of him.

For example, Hades.

Hades has a demonic heart and unlimited use of magic, and it would be great if he could manipulate him.

Just when Ye Yu was thinking like this, the prompt sound of the system dropping the magic attribute of human nature suddenly sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the human nature subordinate magic attribute!"

"Did it finally fall?"

Hearing the system's prompt, Night Feather retracted her thoughts and set her eyes on Zudil in front of her.

I saw that the golden tadpole runes under Zudir were already densely piled up.

"Does the host charge the magic attribute of human nature?"


Night Feather didn't hesitate and replied immediately.

With Night Feather's order, a large number of golden tadpole runes under Zudir over there all converged towards Night Feather's side.

After those golden attributes were submerged into Ye Yu's body, the magic attributes of the virtual screen in front of Ye Yu were slowly rising.





However, in just a few breaths, Night Feather's magic attribute soared from the original 18776 to 19143.

And that's not all.

As those golden attributes continued to sink into Night Feather's body, his magic attributes continued to rise.

And it's going up very fast.

Night Feather herself also felt that the magic power in her body was constantly expanding.

In addition, there are also more [Human Affiliation] magic attributes on the magic attribute column.

Just as Ye Yu was thinking in his heart about collecting some more mana attributes before he eliminated Zudir, a terrifying explosion suddenly sounded in the air.

Hearing this terrifying explosion, Night Feather retracted her mind and raised her eyes.

And Leo, Lucy, and Lebby also immediately followed the sound.

I saw a fire rising from the sky in the distance.

"This magic is... President!"

"Who is the president fighting against!"

Leo looked at the terrifying explosion, and he said with a solemn face.

Maybe Leo didn't know who Makarov was fighting.

But Nightfeather knew.

"It's Hades!"

After Ye Yu's eyes flickered and he said a word, his gaze fell on Zudil in front of him.

He knew that he could only wait until later to use the puppet to farm the magic attribute.

The immediate priority is to resolve the crisis caused by the demonic heart on the island.

"Kill him!"

After collecting the mana attribute dropped by the system, Night Feather immediately ordered to the embodied Azma who was on standby.

With Night Feather's order, Azma's palm grabbed Zudil into the air.

Buzz –

In the next second, thick branches and vines wrapped around Zudir's body like pythons.

However, just as Azma was about to detonate the branches and vines, Leo hurriedly stopped him: "Night Feather, you can't kill him!"

"He's Caprico of Scorpio, he just needs to get that guy inside him out!"

Hearing Leo's words, Nightfeather ordered Azma to stop for the time being.

Leo glanced at Night Feather gratefully, then moved his feet, and his figure rushed directly towards Zudir.

Zudir's body was already under the control of Night Feather, and he couldn't move at all.

Then, under the frightened gaze, Leo punched Zudir's body.

Bang –

With a loud bang, a figure rushed out of Caprico's body.

This figure was none other than Zudir's body.

Zudier, who was blasted out by Leo, was not only not angry, but overjoyed: "I, I finally got my own body back!"

It's just that in the ecstasy of Zudir, his body is constantly dissipating.

At this moment, Zudir looked at his crumbling body, and the smile on his face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a touch of despair.

"No, no..."

After Zudir's screams of despair, his body eventually dissipated into thin air.

Leo said, "This is the end of the indiscriminate use of forbidden magic!"

As he spoke, Leo helped Caprico up as he lay on the ground.

"Lebby, Lucy, hurry up and join Elusa, and I'll go find the rest of the Seven Dependents of Purgatory!"

Nightfeather glanced at Leo and Caprico, and after greeting Libby and Lucy, she walked towards a massive magical reaction in front of her. _

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