It was July, and it was hot, but Leila, contrary to her usual behavior, walked to the commission column and stood there, carefully looking at the contents of each commission.

Makarov was leisurely drinking iced wine with a slightly tipsy expression. He inadvertently glimpsed Leila's figure, but did not care and continued to bring the wine glass to his mouth.

But then he was stunned, his eyes widened, and he sobered up instantly. He put down the wine glass and rubbed his eyes with his hands to make sure he was not drunk.

Other people in the guild who did not go out to work were also shocked. Leila, who had been slacking off in the guild, was actually going to accept a commission!

Makarov walked to Leila, and a group of people gathered around. They all hid behind Leila and did not dare to speak, for fear of disturbing Leila.

"Leila, are you out of money? Makarov couldn't help but stared at Leila seriously and said

"Yes, why would you ask that?" Leila looked confused, not knowing why Makarov asked that.

"The last time you took a commission was two months ago!" Makarov was speechless when he saw Leila's innocent look.

Then���He took out the commission record book and found Leila's commission completion record, which clearly recorded Leila's work situation. He handed the record book to Leila and asked him to take a look at it himself. Doesn't this explain the problem?

The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently. Other people in the guild are still working, but Leila has not taken any commissions.

Because Leila himself is not short of money, everyone envies him for not having to work, but they just can't understand why he is suddenly ready to take the commission this time.

"Oh, it's just that I haven't accepted a commission for a long time, so I want to go out for a walk." Leila said lightly, obviously not realizing how unbelievable it was that he accepted the commission.

"In that case, then you should work hard and don't cause me any trouble!" Seeing that Leila was willing to work, Makarov was very supportive. He didn't want Leila to be idle in the guild all day, so he gave her some advice.

""Yes." Leila agreed casually, but in her heart she was silently comparing the rewards and positions of each commission.

Then Makarov stood by, ready to record the commissions Leila took, silently watching Leila standing in front of the commissions. After Leila planned the route in her mind, she immediately tore off several commissions and handed them to Makarov.

"Why do you accept so many commissions?"Laila heard the puzzled voice of many members behind her.

"Oh my god, there are so many people standing behind me, I am scared to death!" Leila was frightened by the voices of a group of people and even cursed.

Makarov stopped the people who were still complaining and wailing in pain, then looked at Leila and reached out to take the order.

"Can you take so many at once?" Makarov looked puzzled.

"Yes, go out and play for a few more days." Leila smiled and nodded.

"Um, okay."Only Leila can say this, Makarov thought to himself, taking the commission and looking up the record information of the commission.

Leila is the most worry-free person in the whole guild. Her own strength is not low, and her magic is also very comprehensive. If the commission is too difficult, she can get out of it safely.

Basically, there are no bad reviews for the commissions Leila has accepted. It's just that he is too lazy and completes too few commissions. Makarov wondered whether he should warn him later.

Leila saw that Makarov had finished recording, took the commission form, and then couldn't wait to set off for the station. It's not that it can't be completed. It's better to be slower. It's definitely not to avoid certain people.

"Leila, come back soon. Without you, how can we get the information? Everyone told Leila, crying.

Leila sat on the train, looking at the unchanging scenery outside the window, which made people lose interest. She yawned and then fell asleep lazily leaning on the seat.

Heartfilia Group, the first group in the Kingdom of Fiore, runs a railway company at home. The land it owns, including the courtyard, occupies several mountains. Leila is playing with Lucy, who is still a young monk.

"Lady Leila, someone is waiting for you outside." Mrs. Speight knocked gently on the door, walked in, bowed respectfully, and said to Leila

"Who is it?" Leila held Lucy and put her down gently, then looked at Mrs. Speight and said softly

"The man just said he was an old friend of yours, but he was wearing a cloak and a hood, so his appearance was unclear. Mrs. Speight said in confusion.

Leila frowned slightly after hearing this, and she began to wonder in her heart. Finally, she decided to let Lucy go back to her room first to prevent any accidents.

"Lucy, mommy has to entertain the guests, you go play with Grandpa Pero." Leila stroked Lucy's head and said softly

"Well, OK, then mommy will play with me later." Lucy took Leila's hand and

""Okay, Mommy promises you." Leila squatted down and pinched Lucy's cheek.

Lucy waved to Leila obediently and walked out of the room.

"Mrs. Speight, please continue.

"Yes, Lady Leila"

"Although the man's behavior and appearance were suspicious, his every move showed kindness. His magic power was profound, far superior to mine. Seeing that I didn't believe him, he only asked me to convey one sentence to you."


"The Heartfilia family's mission for generations has come to an end! Mrs. Spett conveyed the words truthfully.

"Hmm! Where is that person now? Leila was surprised and was stunned.

"Lady Leila, he is waiting in the courtyard"

"Invite him to the living room"

""Yes, Lady Leila!" Mrs. Spette bowed to Leila.

Then she went out to the courtyard, invited Leila with a kind smile, led Leila into the reception room, and then closed the door, leaving only the two of them in the huge room.

Leila sat upright on the sofa, with tea already poured on the table, and looked at Leila with doubt in her eyes.

"Please take a seat!" Leila gestured with her hand, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness.

"Thank you."

Leila heard that his voice sounded a little young, and she couldn't help wondering how he knew this.

Even she was skeptical, but the book that her mother gave her, which had been passed down from generation to generation in the Heartfilia family, clearly recorded this mission.

Now someone said that this mission was coming to an end, and she was surprised and relieved. She was surprised that this was true, and she was relieved that this mission didn't have to be passed on to Lucy, and Lucy could live freely in the future.

"I know Miss Leila is confused, but Miss Leila doesn't need to be too defensive. I mean no harm."

"I believe Miss Leila can also sense that the magic in the air is getting stronger and stronger. That moment is almost here."

"On July 7, X777!"

Leila silently recited this date when she heard it. That day is when the sun and the moon overlap.

"Now Miss Leila has to start preparing. You have one year left to find the key of the twelve zodiac signs and open the door.

Leila nodded. She had no doubt about the man in front of her. After all, it was not something that ordinary people could do to know all the details of this matter so clearly.

"This is the communication magic crystal. Please accept it. If you have any questions, you can also communicate with me. I will help you as much as possible."

"Yeah, thanks."

"Then, I'll take my leave, Miss Leila."

Leila watched him perform space magic, and the whole person disappeared from the room in an instant.

Because of the excessive amount of information at the same time, her heart could not calm down for a long time. After a long time, she came to her senses, picked up the teacup, took a sip slowly, and finally calmed down.

Leila walked to the study, sat down at the desk, wrote a letter to Grame who was far away in the Western Continent, and also wrote a letter to Zudir, then called Mrs. Speight and asked her to send the two letters out.

After Leila arranged this matter, she looked at the time and estimated that Jiude should be back. Through the window, Leila saw Jiude coming from the courtyard from a distance.

She wanted to discuss countermeasures with Jiude. With her own influence when she was a star wizard, plus the financial resources of the Heartfilia Consortium, it should not be a problem to find the remaining nine zodiac keys.

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