"Old man, I'm going back first. I'm so tired." Leila hid behind and said weakly. She was ready to leave, but Makarov didn't give Leila a chance.

"That's perfect, I'll give you a potion to restore your magic power, and I'll also help you check the wound on your arm."

Makarov's tone was unquestionable, and his eyes stared at Leila indifferently, as if to say,"If you don't come, you'll be ready to die."

"Ah? My injury is almost healed. I will recover after I take a rest."Lila looked embarrassed and secretly complained in her heart.

"Hmm?" Makarov frowned, looking intimidating without even getting angry.

""Oh, okay." Leila sighed, helpless, and had to come over.

The old man didn't want to see Leila go back to be lazy, he just wanted him to move more, staying in the guild all day long would make people lazy.

He also said something about the injury on his arm. At that time, the healing magicians in the Rune Knights had used healing magic on Leila, and it had healed long ago.

Seeing Leila catching up, Makarov no longer paid attention to him, and walked in front with Rob, whispering to each other, and Leila and Erza behind them couldn't hear what they were saying.

Leila and Erza followed behind them, Leila was absent-minded, walking slowly, and Erza was curiously looking around

""Lila, where are we going? Is the guild in the forest?" Erza asked quietly, with a hint of doubt in her voice.

"Oh, this is the way to Granny Polyusica's cottage." Leila came to her senses and explained to Erza:

"Granny Polucca is a very powerful healing magician, maybe she can help you see the light again"

"Seeing the light again?" Erza's originally heavy mood suddenly became happy. Although she did not show that she cared too much, she still felt lost in her heart.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you." Leila changed her previous lazy look and looked at Erza seriously.

""Yes!" Erza looked at Leila's determined eyes, her heart full of hope, and nodded slightly.

As the cabin got closer and closer, Makarov and Rob stopped talking, took a deep breath, and after thinking for a long time, they knocked on the door.

After the door was opened, what caught their eyes was Polyusica's cold eyes, staring at them silently, staring at them until their scalps tingled.

Then he noticed Leila and Erza behind him, and Polyusica restrained himself a little

"Come in."Polyusica said


The two who had been discussing how to start the conversation all the way now had thousands of words stuck in their throats, and finally just said"Okay."

After entering the house, Polyusica glared at Rob fiercely, then unceremoniously asked him to sit on the wooden block and checked his physical condition.

After finding that there was nothing abnormal, he took two bottles of potion from the shelf and handed them to Rob and Leila. They were potions for restoring physical condition. Polyusica also saw that Leila's body was a little weak.

"By the way, Polyusica, please show this little girl a look." Rob finished drinking the potion and immediately pulled Erza to his side.

"Let me see your eyes."Polyusica walked up to Erza and said

""Yes." Erza obediently untied the eye patch on her right eye and showed the wound to Polyusica for inspection.

Leila also took a look and felt that the two people were really lucky for them. At that time, due to Li Kai's sudden appearance, he was afraid of any accidents and killed the two people directly, otherwise he would still torture them.

Polyusica held up his chin with his hand, looked closer, and frowned slightly.

"It's such a serious injury. It will be very difficult to see the light again."

After Polyusica finished speaking, Erza lowered her head, put on the eye mask again, and remained silent.

"Don't say that, please, she is so beautiful, it's too pitiful!" Makarov sighed, with a look of pity on his face.

"Come here!" Polyusica skillfully grabbed Makarov's ear and pulled him aside.

"pain···It hurts! Makarov was in a panic, tilting his ears and hurriedly following Polyuska's footsteps.

"Are you planning to wait until she grows up before you attack her?" Polyusica said with a dark face, approaching Makarov and staring into his eyes, with a strong doubt in her tone.

"How···How is it possible! Makarov trembled and said with a smile on his face.

""Puchi." Rob covered his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

"You still have the nerve to laugh?"Polyusica caught Rob's mistake and was about to say

"Hey, hey." Rob quickly indicated that Erza was still here

"All right, you sit on the bed over there and wait for a while, I'll go prepare the potion for you.

" Polyusica no longer paid attention to the two of them, and turned to Erza and said.

Polyusica turned and walked to the bookshelf, and after some searching, she took out a book, put it on the desk, and then carefully looked for the method of preparing the potion on it.

After finding it, she took out the materials from the locker next to her and carefully placed them in the container on the table.

What followed was a long wait, and everyone else watched quietly on the side.

After Leila watched a dazzling operation, Polyusica mixed various materials together and finally made a bottle of perfect healing potion.

Polyusica wiped the sweat from her forehead, applied the potion around Erza's eyes, and used The gauze was wrapped up.

Then, Polyusica took out another bottle of potion and handed it to Erza, asking her to drink it.

Finally, while waiting for the potion to take effect, Polyusica asked Erza how she felt. After getting the answer, Polyusica untied the gauze.

As the gauze fell, Leila handed Erza a mirror, and Makarov and Rob also gathered around.

Erza felt the light, slowly opened her eyes, and stared at herself in the mirror. Her mouth was slightly open, her pupils kept shaking, and her eyes were fixed on the mirror.

Polyusica hit Makarov and Rob and asked them to step back, saying that they were too close. Leila stood behind them obediently.

"Can you see it?" Polyusica asked

"I can see now. My eyes are better now!" Erza blinked and found that she could see now. She answered happily.

Makarov and Rob were relieved to hear Erza's answer and hurriedly thanked Polyusicaa.

"In that case, you can take her away." Polyusica walked to the door and prepared to see the guests off.

"Well, we won't bother you anymore, Polyuska. Makarov said cheerfully.

Erza stared at herself in the mirror, crying with joy. A line of tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes like pearls that had broken off the string. She was immersed in joy and didn't notice anything unusual.

""Wait, Erza, your eyes!" Leila was startled, then tried to calm her tone. After

Leila's words, Makarov and the other two turned around to look at Erza, all with surprised expressions.

Erza raised her head and looked at them, not knowing what was going on. She stood there in a daze, not speaking.

Seeing this, Makarov and Rob said,"Polyuska, what's going on? Why can you see but can't cry!"

"This is impossible. The medicine I prepared is perfect.···"Polyusica walked quickly to the table and kept turning the pages of the book.

"It's okay." Erza's words interrupted the actions of the others in the room.

"Erza……"Rob wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Erza.

"This is because the tears in my other eye have dried up." The girl shed tears from one eye, and her happy smile was as bright as the sun, warming the others in the room.

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