"Devil's Heart? How many people are there?" Makarov looked solemn when he heard the name.

""A person, to be precise, a teenager of about my age, I saw the emblem on his body." Leila replied.

Makarov heard Leila's answer and thought to himself: There are not many people of the same age who can make Leila lose face.

"Where are they now?" Makarov continued to ask. If the Devil's Heart was the mastermind, it would make sense. But what exactly did they want to do? Why did they capture that child?

"I fought him a few times and he took the boy away in front of me."

"Why did you take Jellal away?" Erza asked

"I don't know." Leila shook her head.

""What happened then?" Makarov asked. Then Leila told Makarov what happened to him, but he just mentioned some unimportant people.

After Leila and Rob Makarov separated, they walked towards the punishment room. The map of the entire Paradise Tower was already recorded in his mind, so he found the room easily.

There were only three people in the room. Gerard was tied to a pillar beside him, and there were also two cultists, one fat and one thin, grinning triumphantly.

"This kid didn't even hum, it's really not fun"

"Even if you try to hold it back, it will be useless. You will only be punished more severely like the little girl last time."

After saying that, he activated the magic, and a magic circle appeared from the crystal beside him. The electric shock released from it struck Gerard on the pillar.

"Hey, kid, you don't know how sacred it is to build an R system."

"When this tower is finished, you can all go to paradise."

"R The system can revive our great God"

"Shut up, fat pig!" Gerald endured the pain of the electric shock, clenched his teeth, and stared at the two men fiercely.

"What did you say?"Jellard's words made the fat cultist angry and he immediately increased the output of magic power, and the power of the electric shock gradually increased.

"Don't worry about him. We will also go to suppress the thugs later."

"I will continue the punishment ceremony until you learn to fear God."

The fat man stopped the ceremony and waited for Jellal to beg for mercy. The two men's evil smiles were like sharp thorns that deeply hurt Jellal's heart. Jellal's heart was filled with sadness.

"god···I don't need a god who can't even save a child"

"If I save you, would that make me a god?" Leila saw this scene from outside and appeared directly in front of Jellal with a playful smile on her face.

"Who are you?" Gerald forced himself to look at Leila, his heart full of doubts.

【It's really fun to tease your brother-in-law】

"Hey, kid, who are you and how did you get up here?" Before Leila could reply to Gerald, she was interrupted by a fat and a thin cultist standing behind her.

"Don't you know we are talking? You should learn to shut up. It's rude to disturb others." Leila didn't even turn her head, but lowered her head and sighed, speaking earnestly. After

Leila finished speaking, she stretched out her right hand, and the magic sword appeared silently in her hand. Then she threw it back, and the magic sword moved lightly in the air.

Jellal watched Leila suddenly appear a sword, and suddenly saw Leila throw the sword away. He was very puzzled.

Just as he was about to talk to Leila, the sword suddenly stood in the air, as if it had its own consciousness, and slashed at the two of them.

""What is this? Is it a magic item?" They tried their best to dodge and launched attacks at the magic sword at the same time. The magic sword just lightly slashed and dispersed the magic, and then continued to attack the two people.

The fat and thin cultists had to dodge with all their strength. While dodging, they wanted to use their magic wands to attack Leila, but the magic sword saw through it at a glance and blocked the magic. Then another slash directly cut off their magic wands.

The magic sword made bursts of buzzing sounds and flew very fast. It surrounded the two people, set up a sword formation, and flew quickly in the formation.

They could only dodge continuously, but they could not avoid the sharp blade of the magic sword. More and more sword marks appeared on their bodies. Finally, they couldn't stand it anymore and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy, saying that they were just following orders.

Leila saw that Jellal was still looking at the magic sword in shock, and she felt a little happy in her heart. She thought: I really pretended well, but the most urgent thing is to save Jellal first.

"What's your name?" Leila untied the rope and opened Gerald's handcuffs at the same time. Seeing that he was still in a daze, she simply spoke

"My name is Gerald, who are you?"

"I am God!"


"Haha, just kidding, my name is Leila, Grandpa Rob asked me to save you." Leila then showed the emblem on her right arm

"It's from Grandpa Rob's guild!" Jellal saw the emblem on Leila's arm, which was exactly the same as the one on Grandpa Rob's back, and his face was filled with ecstasy.

"Okay, you are saved, sit down and take a rest, I still have things to do"

"whats the matter?"

""Don't mind your own business, kid."

Jellal was speechless for a while, looking at Leila, thinking: You are not much older than me, but he was still very grateful to Leila in his heart.

Leila smiled and finished talking to Jellal, then slowly walked towards the two black magic cultists. Hearing the constant pleas for mercy, Leila remained unmoved, and just set up a barrier around them.

Jellal saw a white barrier falling, covering Leila and the fat and thin cultists who kept begging for mercy. In an instant, the whole room became quiet, and Jellal could not see the figures of the three people.

Leila in the barrier looked at them kindly, and reached out to take back the magic sword. The magic sword shook twice to express protest, but Leila took it back very firmly.

"Well, you two have been saying that you were just following orders, so tell me what happened." Leila looked at the two people kneeling on the ground with a calm face.

"He is a deputy leader of our Black Magic Cult. He reached an agreement with the Devil's Heart to let us build the Tower of Paradise here."

"Yes, we just received an order that we can revive Zeref after we complete the construction of this tower."

"The devil's heart? Okay, I'll trust you for now." Leila heard the key and thought of something else.

【The second generation does seem to have some connection with this place. He even sent Ultear here and planned to use the Tower of Paradise to attract the attention of the Council. So what was he going to do? Hiss, I have forgotten a little bit.】

""Huh." Both the fat and thin believers breathed a sigh of relief, and the two knelt down and wiped the cold sweat from their heads.

"However, I want to ask you a question."Leila did not stop and continued

"Sir, you say!"

"Who of you two captured Grandpa Rob?" Leila stared at the two of them.

"Sir, it was him. He caught it."

"You are talking nonsense, it is obvious that you caught him back."

After hearing this, they knew that they could not escape this kind of thing, and the two of them tacitly pushed the matter onto the other person.

"Stop, I think you don't know who I'm talking about, haha, that's right, I'm abrupt, how do you know the name?"Leila looked at the two people biting each other, and she had already seen through it.

"Sir, I really didn't catch him!"They said in unison.

"Don't worry, I trust you so much. If you both say that the other caught him, I will believe it. Let's just say that you two caught him."

"Sir, spare my life."

"There is only one question left, what about the eyes of the girl who came to the punishment room last time? Never mind, I know what the two of you will answer without having to guess."

"My Lord, please spare us!"

"Don't worry, I'm most afraid of killing people, I will spare you, but unfortunately, he won't." Leila had a faint smile on her lips.

A figure appeared beside Leila, and at the same time, various interrogation tools appeared in the barrier. The man came over and saluted Leila.

Leila nodded, then exited the barrier, and enjoyed the gift I prepared for you. Magic is convenient, and searched for a lot of fun things.

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