"Hello, Leila." Wu Lu greeted Leila enthusiastically after hearing her introduction.

"Well, my magic is ancient scripture magic, so I can also collect intelligence. Over there is my room, if you have something you want to know, you can come and ask me."Lila said to Wulu in a friendly manner, and then pointed to her intelligence room.

"Okay, I understand. Wulu looked in the direction Leila pointed and nodded to show that she understood.

"Okay, I won’t bother you anymore."After Leila met Ulu, she turned around and left, leaving them some space to be alone. However, before leaving, she glanced at Ultiya who was sitting quietly next to Ulu, and then went to find Lidas.

After Ultiya felt Leila's gaze, she couldn't help but feel a little confused. She didn't know why she felt that Leila's gaze was a little strange.

Ulu also stared at Leila's departing back, thoughtfully.

At this time, Lidas was looking at everyone in the guild and creating. Leila walked over and talked and laughed with Lidas.

Since they both like to record every bit of everyone in the guild, the two sometimes exchange some paintings and photos, so they gradually became familiar with each other.

At this moment, Kana bounced towards Ulu, with a faint smile on her face.

Kana first greeted Ulu, and then cast her eyes on Ultiya. Ultiya raised her head and her eyes met Kana's, and both of them flashed curiosity about each other in their eyes.

Kana took the initiative to say,"Hello, Ultiya, I'm Kana."

Ultia nodded slightly, a smile spread across her face, and she replied,"Well, hello, Kana."

Then, the two began a friendly exchange, asking each other some basic questions, and the atmosphere gradually became relaxed and pleasant.

The topic of the two gradually unfolded, and then, like a pair of good sisters, Kana took out the cards and taught Ultia to play some card games.

Ulu sat quietly aside, watching them, and the worries in her heart gradually dissipated.

After the banquet, Makarov found Ulu. He talked to Ulu about Ulu and said that he would take them to find Polyusica tomorrow. After expressing her gratitude, Ulu was about to leave, but Makarov stopped her and asked if she was willing to live in the girls' dormitory of the guild.

Ulu asked Makarov about the rent of the girls' dormitory and whether there were boys' dormitories, and got After hearing Makarov's answer.

Ulu politely declined. She still had some savings, and Leo and Gray needed to live in the house, so Ulu took Ulutia, Leo and Gray to find a house to live in.

The next day, under the leadership of Makarov, Ulu and Ulutia came to the cabin where Polyusica lived deep in the East Forest.

Makarov turned around and asked Ulu to wait a moment, then climbed the steps, reached out and knocked gently on the door. Crisp footsteps came from the house, and Polyusica opened the door.

She glanced at Makarov, then looked back and found Ulu and her daughter standing behind Makarov. Her eyes were tightly locked on Ulutia, and then she glanced at Makarov.

"Can you help this child take a look at his body? Makarov's expression was serious.

"Come in." Polyusicaa looked at Ultiya carefully, then turned and walked into the house.

Walking into the wooden house, the house was neat and tidy, spotless, and every corner exuded an atmosphere of tranquility and harmony. Polyusicaa walked to the desk and said without turning his head:"Sit on the bed over there"

""Okay." Ulu responded softly, leading Ulutia to sit down by the bed.

After seeing Ulutia sitting down, Polyusica came to sit beside her and carefully checked Ulutia's physical condition. After roughly understanding the situation, she turned back to the table and began to prepare magic potions.

After waiting for a while, Polyusica handed the potion to Ulutia and told her to drink it.

Then she explained to Ulu:"This child's body seems to be forcibly injected with extremely powerful magic power, but she can't use it herself, causing the body to be overloaded. This bottle of potion can effectively relieve the symptoms. I will prepare some potions for her to take once every three days. However, these magic powers still cannot be eliminated and will take a long time to slowly transform."

Then Polyusica took another magic book from the bookshelf, handed it to Ulu, and said:"If possible, this magic book will help her treatment and let her learn it."

Ulu took the magic book and thanked Polyusica. When she saw the name"Arc of Time" on the book, she couldn't help but wonder, what kind of magic is this?

Polyusica seemed to remember something and added:"By the way, don't let her learn the magic recorded in the last few pages of this magic book."

Ulutia nodded heavily when she heard this, indicating that she understood.

After Ulutia drank the magic potion, a strong sense of sleepiness came over her like a tide, and she lay on the bed and fell asleep.

"This is normal, and her mental burden is also very heavy."Ulu was about to ask, and Polyusica took the initiative to explain Ulutia's situation.

Then, Polyusica continued to use the magic instrument on the table to make a month's worth of potions, put them into a bag, handed it to Ulu, and then urged them to leave.

Makarov stepped forward and took the bag of potions, while Ulu carefully picked up Ulutia, bowed deeply to thank her, and then turned and left the wooden house. After the two left, the door was closed, and Polyusica stood quietly at the window, watching their backs as they went away, his eyes firmly fixed on Ulutia, with a trace of heartache in his eyes.

That magic book, Polyusica I have read it carefully and did not find anything unusual. However, the content of the last few pages is indeed as the man said, extremely dangerous. Those pages record in detail a magic called"The End of Time".

A few days ago, Polyusica met a mysterious masked man. To be precise, the man was waiting for her. Polyusica did not know his purpose.

He did not say much, just threw the book down and told her to keep the magic book. Later, Makarov brought a child to her for treatment and gave the book to the child for her to learn.

Polyusica did not accept it at first, but the man said:"Grandilie of Edras, I have no ill intentions."

She was stunned for a moment. The masked man turned and left after he finished speaking, leaving Polyusica, whose identity was exposed, standing there.

After the man left, Polyusica slowly walked to the magic book, picked it up, and took it back to her wooden house. In the past few days, after carefully checking the contents of the magic book, she put it on the bookshelf.

"Thank you, President!"Ulu looked at Makarov who was carrying a bag beside him, and his gratitude was beyond words.

"You're welcome. Now that we've joined the guild, we're all one family." Makarov smiled and continued to walk forward.

"Yeah." Wu Lu nodded slightly.

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