"Mom!" Ultiya quickly ran to Wulu and lay tightly in Wulu's arms.

When she saw her mother fighting the monster, her heart was in her throat, fearing that Wulu would leave her again.

"Ulutiya, Mom is fine."Ulu hugged Ulutiya and comforted her.

"Is this your daughter?" Gildarts looked at Ultia, who looked exactly like Ulu.

""Yeah!" Wulu replied with a smile, looking at Ultiya with happiness in her eyes.

"That's great." Gildarts was happy for Ulu when he saw her.

"Hey, uncle, you are so strong, what Ulu said is true."Leo watched the whole process of Gildarts defeating Deliora, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Before, when Leo heard Ulu say that there were wizards stronger than her in the west, he was dismissive. He believed that Ulu was the strongest and aimed to surpass Ulu. But now that he saw Gildarts, he realized that what Ulu said was true.

"Haha, you have good vision, boy."Gildarts felt the enthusiastic gaze from afar, and when he approached and heard Leo's words, he couldn't help laughing out loud, his heart seemed to blossom, and he patted Leo heavily on the shoulder. While they were chatting, the mayor and the residents came over. After seeing Deliora being eliminated, they were all surprised and their mouths widened, followed by heartfelt gratitude.

The mayor and the residents were about to kneel down to express their gratitude to Ulu and Gildarts, but Ulu and Gildarts hurriedly helped them up, repeatedly saying that it was okay and asked them to get up quickly.

After a round of greetings, Ulu and Gildarts asked the mayor:"Mayor, what are the casualties among the residents in the town?"

"Alas, some people did not escape the aftermath of the explosion and unfortunately fell in the ruins. Some people were injured, but fortunately, if it weren't for the wizard, the casualties would be even more serious."The mayor sighed heavily. He had already counted the number of people. Those who were in the ruins of the explosion were probably......

"Mage? Where is he now?"Wulu wanted to thank the mage in person. After all, it was difficult for her to withstand all the attacks alone. She felt guilty for not protecting everyone.

"The wizard disappeared after saving us." The mayor replied

"Disappeared? Do you still remember what he looked like?"Wulu continued to ask

"The wizard was wearing a cloak to hide his appearance, so we didn't know."The mayor shook his head helplessly.

"OK, I got it."Ulu knew it in his heart. It must be him. He used teleportation magic to save the residents, and then left with Sun.

Then, everyone returned to the town. With Ulu's strenuous resistance, the town was not damaged much. There was only a big hole in the west of the town, which was destroyed by Gildarts. When Gildarts heard the mayor talking about this, he pretended not to hear it, as if it had nothing to do with him. After properly settling the people in the ruins, Ulu talked to the mayor about the restoration work in the town.

The mayor said gratefully that there was no need to trouble them, and he was grateful to help them kill the demon.

After Ulu finished talking with the mayor, she looked for Gray in the crowd. After all, that person asked her to accept Gray as her disciple.

After searching back and forth in the crowd, Gray was finally found under a house. He was squatting there alone with his legs hugged in his hands, and his head buried deeply in his arms.

The mayor came over and said softly:"Gray's parents have not been found. The child lost two in an instant.......Alas."

The mayor only said half of his words and stopped talking, just sighing heavily. The fact that he didn't find it said it all.

Wulu walked quietly to Gray's side, her face full of guilt and self-blame.

She slowly squatted down and gently hugged Gray:"Gray, I'm sorry.……"

"Wulu, why?" Gray felt Wulu's embrace, raised his head, and looked at Wulu with tearful eyes, his eyes full of endless grievances.

"Gray, it's my fault. I failed to protect this town."When Wulu saw Gray's heartbroken look, she felt as if she was stabbed by a needle.

"Wulu, I want to become stronger!" Gray burst into tears, his tears pouring down like a flood, but his eyes flashed with an unwavering light.

""Okay, Gray. From today on, I will do my best to teach you." A trace of relief flashed in Wulu's eyes. Just like that, Wulu accepted Gray as his disciple.

Gray later built a cenotaph for his parents and presented them with a few chrysanthemums. He told them a lot, as if he wanted to pour out all his thoughts and pain.

A day later, Wulu and his party said goodbye to the townspeople and set out on a journey to Magnolia.

They headed west without encountering any emergencies on the way. It was obvious that all problems had been solved when Gildarts came. They returned to Forth smoothly and boarded the train back to Magnolia.

Along the way, Gray was silent. Even though Deliora was dead, the pain left behind still tormented his heart.

However, with Gildarts and Leo accompanying him to chat along the way, he gradually recovered.

During this period, Wulu asked Gildarts some questions about Sun. Gildarts wondered why Wulu was so interested in him.

"Because I also met a man wearing the same cloak as him, and it was because of him that I found my daughter."Ulu told Gildarts the details of what happened.

"That's really strange."Gil'darts also told Wulu about his reunion with his daughter.

After that, the two looked at each other. After all, their experiences were basically the same. They even had no idea about the identity of Sun and the other person.

"Let's not talk about this anymore, Wulu, what are you going to do when you get there? Why don't you join my guild?"

"That's fine. After all, I still need to make a living. But I probably can't be your partner anymore. I still need to take care of three children."

"It's okay, just join us."

When Ulu and the others were heading towards Magnolia, Leila had already arrived in Magnolia. He first rested at home for a day, then returned to the guild and reported to Makarov that he was safe, and then walked into his room, almost collapsed on the table, not wanting to move at all.

Along the way, he first released his thought body, and rushed on his way without stopping, sending the evidence of the Magic Development Bureau to Yajima, and then went to the town where Ulu was to save Ultiya, and then arranged for Ulu to go to that town to accept Gray as his apprentice.

He also used transformation magic to transform into the appearance of Wukong, and set out with Gildarts to the north to attack Deliora.

For this plan, he also learned sleep magic and transformation magic.

During the whole process, Leila did not rest well, and was exhausted. In order to avoid suspicion, he had to come back early.

At this moment, Leila was lying on the table, and the fatigue surged like a tide. He could no longer resist and fell asleep.

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