"I'm back." Leila dragged her tired body to open the door, and then said weakly

"What's wrong? Why are you so dusty today? Mavis just brought the food to the table and asked in confusion.

""Alas, I had a fight with someone and I feel like my body is about to fall apart." Leila replied, went to the bathroom to wash up, and walked to the dining table.

Although Mavis lived next door, when Leila went out to practice during the day, she would go out to buy groceries in the afternoon and come to Leila's place to cook.

"There's an extra set of bowls and chopsticks? Who else? Is Grandpa back?"Laila walked out of the bathroom and saw three sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table. She asked in surprise.

"I came back at noon, and I just went out to buy some snacks. I guess I will be back soon."As soon as Mavis finished speaking, the sound of a key being inserted into the door lock and turned came from outside the door.

"What a coincidence! We don't have to wait, and the meal is ready."At this moment, Leila had only one thought in her mind, which was to sit down at the table and eat heartily. She was really hungry.

Augustus walked in and saw Leila. He didn't care at all and handed the snack in his hand to Mavis. Mavis took the bag from Augustus, put it aside, and then invited Augustus to eat together.

Leila saw this and immediately sat down at the table, waiting for the meal to start. When Mavis and Augustus sat down, they

"I'm eating!"

After saying this, Leila's hands never stopped moving. While eating the food in the bowl, she stared at the pot with her eyes. Her mouth was full of food, and her chopsticks were still constantly putting food into her bowl.

Auguste was shocked when he saw this, and then asked Mavis next to him what happened.

Mavis shook her head and told Auguste that she had a fight with someone, but did not say who it was.

Leila, with her mouth full and chopsticks still holding food, heard Auguste and Mavis talking about her, and muttered vaguely:"Woo woo woo woo"

"Okay, okay, let’s eat first and talk after we finish eating." Augustus was speechless. Who could understand what he said? He immediately waved his hand for Leila to eat.

Leila stopped talking after hearing this and hurried to finish the food in front of her.

After dinner, Leila lay contentedly on the sofa. Augustus and Mavis were washing dishes in the kitchen, and they were still whispering something.

Augustus came out, sat next to Leila and asked,"Tell me, what's wrong?"

"Um, it's okay, I had a fight with Laxus, the grandson of Makarov." Leila told Augustus about the duel with Laxus with a sense of relief, and told him the details of Laxus.

"Well, Dragon Slayer, Magic Crystal." When August heard about Dragon Slayer, he lowered his head and thought about it."Okay, not bad." August actually praised Leila, who had never been praised by him in the previous trips. Instead, he would hit her on the head from time to time. Of course, Leila did not consider her own reasons.

"Well, it's okay. I'll go take a shower first."Lila happily accepted Augustus's compliment, went back to her room to get some clean clothes, and then went into the bathroom. After eating and drinking, he just wanted to take a comfortable shower and lie down on the bed.

Augustus looked at Leila's back and always felt that something was wrong. After thinking it over again and again, he turned on the magic of the divine eye and looked at Leila. He found that Leila was different from before. Augustus frowned slightly.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"Mavis looked at Auguste thoughtfully.

"Nothing, I just feel a little strange."Ougast shook his head.

"Weird?"Mavis didn't know what was strange about Leila.

"Leila's magic power seems to have decreased. Auguste then said something strange.

"Decreased?"Because there was no magic power in Mavis' body at this time, Mavis did not notice the change in Leila.

Mavis held her chin with her hands on her head, and the wings on her head kept shaking, obviously thinking about the reason for the decrease in magic power.

"Well, I'll go check it out tomorrow." According to Auguste's idea, since there has been no physical problems for such a long time, it should not be a bad thing. After thinking it through, he also had the answer in his heart. It's just right to go check it out tomorrow.

"Well, OK," Mavis saw Augustus's expression and knew it was nothing serious, so she was relieved.

Leila came out of the shower and saw Augustus and Mavis sitting on the sofa in the living room reading. She said I'm going back to the room to rest, and she won't disturb them.

Leila returned to the room, fell on the bed without hesitation, covered herself with a small quilt, and began to play.

Recalling the fierce battle with Laxus today, Leila couldn't help but sigh that she still let him go. After all, his main purpose was to hone his physical skills through fighting with Laxus. Otherwise, he would directly materialize a rubber man, and Laxus might not be able to start at all.

Having said that, Leila has never materialized this ability, and maybe it will be difficult to realize it. It takes a lot of magic power to manifest. After all, the ability setting of the fruit is really outrageous. It is difficult for him to estimate the amount of magic power required for manifestation. As for the awakening state of the fruit, he can only think about it.

At this moment, Leila, who was still thinking about the details of the battle, stood up suddenly and decided to write down the problems he exposed in the battle and correct them. Not only that, he also had to work hard to learn the technique. Then, he got up from the bed and sat down at the table helplessly.

Leila first took out a pen and a diary, and carefully summarized her problems on it. Then she picked up another notebook full of techniques. This is a notebook specially used to record the writing of techniques.

In general, Leila's physical skills are terrible, and And he always makes mistakes in the details of the magic circle of the ritual, which may be fatal at the critical moment. In addition, Leila vaguely remembers that there seems to be someone who can directly eliminate the ritual, but he can't remember the name of that person, but it doesn't matter.

There is a note on the corner of Leila's desk, which clearly states the basic route, basic decision, basic strategy, and finally a five-year plan.

Basic route: Take Fairy Tail as the core, insist on learning magic, be self-reliant, and work hard.

Basic decision: Development is the top priority, build a wretched development concept and implement it.

Basic strategy: Be behind the scenes, never show up easily, in order to win steadily. This strategy is The most important thing is to use this as a bottom line to ensure your own safety and development.

Five-year plan: Exercise physical fitness, learn physical skills and the use of magic; try to be a versatile chess player, master more magic, and have more trump cards; accept commissions to gain practical experience; insist on meditation, cultivate the mind and spirit; pursue excellence and constantly challenge yourself.

Finally, there is a slogan written under this piece of paper: A year's plan starts with spring, and a day's plan starts with the morning.

This piece of paper was written by Leila after she joined Fairy Tail, in order to clarify her direction, and to remind herself and spur herself on.

Leila picked up the note and took a look at it, clenched her fists, silently cheered herself up, and continued to study at the desk. Two hours later, Leila continued to study in bed. Super ancient document magic is convenient, and who can resist the charm of the bed. Two thousand years later, Leila fell asleep peacefully in bed.���

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