Mavis looked at the sea quietly, a long-lost sense of peace surged in her heart, and her thoughts gradually returned to last night.

Mavis sat on a stone beside her, her eyes fixed on Auguste, revealing deep expectations and care.

Auguste sat opposite her, telling her about the past in a soft voice.

Auguste told her a lot of things, including his birth, his encounter with Jellal, the origin of his name, and his experiences in the Albares Empire over the years.

Finally, he talked about coming to the Kingdom of Fiore to travel and see the guild created by Mavis, as well as his encounter with Leila and their more than a year of getting along.

Auguste did not mention the days after he was abandoned by Precito, and Mavis knew in her heart that it was not an easy time.

But in the end, Auguste could not help but tell Mavis the reason why he came here - Leila. Mavis noticed the strangeness in Auguste's words and showed a serious expression. Auguste told Mavis the cause and effect.

This time August was ready to leave, but Leila was worried and anxious. The book seemed to tell August something, and the words she said were reminding him intentionally or unintentionally. August knew that Mavis was still alive, but he didn't expect that Mavis would have a missing body on the island. If Leila didn't say it, August wouldn't go.

Of course, there are several reasons for August's suspicion.

First, Leila was a little sensitive to August's name when her memory was confused. Although Leila covered up the past, August noticed it, which made August pay some attention to him.

Second, August proposed to Leila to travel together. Leila's performance was a little calm that didn't match her age. A child can still have good control and decision-making when his memory is confused. It may also be out of a little trust in August to save him.

Third, from such a long time together, Leila sometimes shows a mature side. The most important point is that when Leila and Leila went to see a doctor for treatment on the road, she didn't care much about not being able to recover her memory.

Fourth, Leila's memory problem.

Leila knows a lot about some common sense of magic.

When Auguste and him were popularizing magic knowledge, Leila was able to absorb it very well, but she didn't know much about the continent, the country, and other professional guilds, and only had a little concept.

She lost her memory, but knew magic, as if she had heard Auguste's name.

Her body and soul were repelled, and her behavior was somewhat mature.

These would lead to a conclusion that Leila's soul was likely an outsider, but Auguste did not detect the soul of this body, and for some reason it came to Leila's body, and Leila was not very clear about the common sense of this world.

The only possibility was that Leila was not from this world. Mavis had also heard about the existence of other parallel worlds, but was not very clear about some of the information about those worlds, including Edras, so he could not be sure of Leila's world.

Regarding this possibility, the argument that could convince Mavis was that he was an ordinary person in the world where Leila was, perhaps a parallel world without magic, or there were very few wizards in that world, and Leila had never come into contact with them.

As for why it is clear that the relationship between Mavis and Auguste may be that they originally recognized each other in that parallel world, and Leila knows this.

Of course, this is just a possibility.

Parallel worlds are diverse, so is there a possibility that Leila's world has a faster historical process than this world, and it comes from the future of different worlds.

Since this conclusion has been reached, with the unanimous agreement of Mavis and Auguste, Leila's matter has been put aside by the two of them and no longer mentioned. After all, according to Leila's current behavior and performance, there is no danger. For the two of them, Leila's reunion is enough. After that, Auguste sealed and encrypted those memories in their minds.

However, if Leila knew the speculation of Mavis and Auguste, she would also be amazed at their imagination, but unfortunately people often ignore or can't imagine the higher dimensional problems. Yes, we will not deny our real existence and think that we are just living in a world in a book.

After this period of contact with Leila, Mavis gradually understood and confirmed some things. That guess is actually very likely!

"Leila, you are such a good kid. Mavis turned her head and said to Leila.

"Ah, what are you talking about, first generation?" Leila put away her things in a hurry, touched her head and said embarrassedly

"Thank you for shopping with me"

"Hey, you're too polite, first generation, just have fun"

"Let's go back then. I want to go back and read some books." When it comes to reading, Mavis' eyes light up.


Leila followed Mavis's footsteps. Mavis walked leisurely in front, while Leila behind her was carefully talking to Jerry hiding in Leila's jacket pocket. Seeing Jerry's thumbs up to show his approval, Leila was satisfied, and then Jerry's figure disappeared.

Back at the hotel, Mavis said good night to Leila and asked Leila to have a good rest. Then he could not wait to go back to his room and start reading.

Leila responded and went back to the room and walked to the table. She opened her backpack and took out the diary and camera inside. , opened the diary, recorded today's events, and then took out a stack of photos, including a photo of Auguste and Mavis. When Auguste left, he looked quite decisive, and who knew that he would use telepathy to tell Leila to give him a copy of the photo when he came back.

The remaining photos were taken when Leila and Mavis were shopping today. Leila selected a few photos and pasted them on the diary. The photos of Mavis in the photos were taken by Leila, including Mavis bargaining with the manager of the magic shop, and Mavis eating and looking at roadside stalls on the street. Then she focused on taking She took out two photos and put them up.

One of the two photos was a hug between Mavis and Auguste, and the other was a photo of Mavis leaning against the railings and looking at the sea at night. Leila was going to buy photo frames tomorrow to frame the two photos.

The room where Mavis was was illuminated by the soft light of the bedside lamp, reflecting a comfortable atmosphere. Mavis was lying on the bed, wearing pajamas, with a soft quilt covering her body. There was an open book next to the pillow, and it seemed that she fell asleep unconsciously while reading. The room was quiet and peaceful, with only Mavis. The sound of gentle breathing and the rustling of leaves in the breeze outside the window.

On a quiet night, Lyra lay in bed thinking about the scene when Auguste thanked her. Lyra actually knew that he had only lived for more than 20 years in two lives. From the moment he agreed to travel with Auguste, it would always be exposed.

Because of Auguste's filter, Lyra always brought that perspective to see them in this world. Because she knew about his affairs and his personality, Lyra would have a kind of trust in her heart. It was precisely this unintentional trust that made Lyra relax.

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