"What is this place?" Leila couldn't help but complain loudly in her heart. Looking at the dense woods around, Leila had to admit that the child was lost.

Losing is fine, but the problem is not to get lost in the forest. How to get out? Getting lost in the forest is fine, but can we come to a normal forest? Why are the animals here different? Whose pig can grow to a size of five meters? Fortunately, Leila is lucky, and Leila is more cautious, otherwise he will become the nourishment of nature.

Leila walked for a long time again. His physical strength has been almost consumed. What's more, he was afraid to avoid those animals. In desperation, Leila found a tree and sat down to rest for a while.

When Leila sat down, the physical and mental fatigue gradually surged up, and Leila couldn't help but sigh in his heart that it was really unlucky.

When Leila woke up, he was already in this forest.

He crossed over.

Leila didn't know the appearance of this body.

The only thing that was certain was that this body was a child, who didn't look very old, with thin arms and legs, and wearing some simple clothes.

Leila felt a little desperate.

According to the size of the animals, the more resources there are in this forest when the ecology is relatively stable, which proves that this forest is very large.

It is difficult for Leila to escape in her current state.

Leila already felt that she could not hold on any longer. Because of the problem of avoiding animals, Leila did not have access to water sources. It is well known that there must be many animals where there are water sources, and now Leila had to take risks. But at this time, a figure appeared in front of Leila. Leila stood up instantly and saw an old man.

He had wavy white hair, leaving traces of time, thick beard, kind face, deep and bright eyes, wearing a purple cloak with marks and a white robe, and holding a magic wand inlaid with purple gems. For some reason, Leila felt a sense of peace in her heart when she saw the old man in front of her. At the same time, because of the relaxation of her mind, Leila lost consciousness and fell to the ground just as she was about to speak.

August walked closer, glanced at Leila, and then knocked the ground with his magic wand. A purple magic circle immediately appeared under the feet of Leila and August, wrapping the two of them, and disappeared in an instant.

"Um, am I still alive?" Leila opened her eyes, sat up from the bed and looked around, she found that it was a small house, the environment in the house was a bit simple, the house was made of stones, the furniture was made of wood, like the Middle Ages.

At this time, Augustus opened the door and came in with a bowl of porridge, and saw that Leila had woken up, so he handed the bowl to Leila. After Leila thanked Augustus, she took the bowl, took a spoon and drank the porridge in small sips.

Augustus watched Leila quietly from the side until she finished the porridge in her hand, and then when he saw that the bowl was empty, he asked Leila:"Do you want more? If it's not enough, I'll get you another bowl"

"No, no, thank you, grandpa, I'm much better now."After drinking the porridge, Leila felt that her body had recovered a little, and she was embarrassed to bother the old man in front of her.

""Child, how did you end up in that forest? You look like you must have gotten lost." Seeing that Leila was in much better condition, August nodded in relief and asked Leila some questions. During the time when Leila was unconscious, August also asked the villagers about the child, but the villagers had not seen the child.

"Grandpa, I don't know either. My memory is a little confused. I was in that forest when I woke up."Lila felt an inexplicable familiarity with the old man in front of her, but she just couldn't remember where he was.

"Do you still remember your name?" August asked

""I remember, my name is Leila Sloan, but I can't remember the rest." Leila replied. When Leila just woke up, she felt a sharp pain in her head. She had lost some memories. The only thing she could remember clearly was the name of this body.

Then there was a silence. August was thinking in his heart. There was no way to deal with amnesia. He was not a professional doctor. He knew how to use healing magic, but he didn't know how to restore memory.

"Grandpa, what's your name?" Leila looked at the old man and thought about it. After a while, she felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so she asked the old man's name.

"My name is Auguste"

"Augustus." The old man's words echoed in Leila's mind. Leila's pupils dilated slightly, her expression froze for a moment, her heart skipped a beat, and then she pretended to be calm and repeated the name.

Leila certainly knew the value of this name. No wonder she felt familiar with it. This outfit was exactly what Augustus looked like when he appeared. Leila then asked cautiously,"Then, Grandpa Augustus, where is this place?"

"This is Maple Leaf Village, a small village on the western border of the Kingdom of Fiore, and the forest you were in before is to the east of the village, which is called Maple Leaf Forest."Because of Leila's memory problem, Augustus tried to tell the information as detailed as possible.

After hearing Augustus's answer, Leila lowered her head and pretended to think, thinking that it was true. It seems that the benefits of being a time traveler have come. Although I have suffered a little, it is not important. I met Augustus.

"Leila, do you want to travel with me?"When August heard about Leila's experience, a ripple appeared in his heart. He looked at Leila who was still thinking with her head down and asked for her opinion.

"Traveling?"Lila was a little confused. Why did August travel? According to the previous plot, there was no such thing. The butterfly flapped its wings so quickly.

"Yes, I want to go inland, where the medical conditions are better. I think I may find a good doctor there to cure your condition."Ougast said this to Leila, hoping that Leila could follow him, because Ougast seemed to see himself as a child in Leila.

After thinking about it, Leila nodded and thanked Ougast. Then Ougast left the house and asked Leila to have a good rest. After recovery, they would set off on the journey. After all, this house was temporarily borrowed by the village chief, and it was not good to occupy it all the time.

"Travel, inland, Fiore Kingdom."Lila thought of Auguste's purpose and was a little surprised. Why would Auguste go there? No, it was normal to go there, but why at this time.

The next morning, Leila woke up and walked to the mirror next to the window.

She looked at the boy in the mirror.

He was about five or six years old, with a handsome face, golden brown hair, cat-like eyes, brown pupils, and a thin figure.

Then he sighed that he was still so handsome, and walked out of the house.

Speaking of which, the human bodies in this world are really good.

Leila recovered overnight.

When she went out, she saw the village chief thanking Auguste.

It sounded like he was saying thank you Auguste for helping them set up the barrier.

Auguste and the village chief saw Leila, and then asked about Leila's body.

When asked how Augustus was feeling, Leila said she was in good shape.

Then the village chief took Augustus and Leila to the dining table.

The village chief’s enthusiasm was a little too much for Leila, but fortunately, breakfast time passed quickly.

After Augustus had finished his meal, he saw that Leila was in good shape as he said, so he asked the village chief to leave. Although the village chief hoped that Augustus could stay for a while longer, when he saw Augustus looking at Leila, he understood what he meant. After that, the village chief prepared a bag for Leila, which contained some clothes and food, and then touched Leila’s head. After Leila thanked the village chief, she followed Augustus out of the village.

When they reached the maple forest, Augustus suddenly asked,"Leila, do you want to learn magic?"

"Magic? Yes!"When Leila heard about magic, she was so excited that she couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I will teach you magic later, but you have to exercise your body first."Ougast said to Leila. Then he explained to Leila why she had to exercise her body first, and gave a detailed introduction to magic. Of course, while Auguste was explaining to Leila, Leila did not rest. Auguste made a series of exercise plans for Leila, and Leila was also working hard to complete them so that she could learn magic as soon as possible.

There is a"magic factor" between all things in the world, and it circulates among all things. The"magic power" of the wizards comes from this. They cast"magic" by harnessing the"magic power" in their bodies. Therefore, the importance of the body as a container for storing magic power is self-evident.

Magic is divided into two types-holding system and ability system. The magic that requires the use of magic props and one's own magic power to use is called"holding system", and the magic that uses the practiced magic power to materialize is called"ability system". Of course, there are various specific magics, and Auguste performed them for Leila. Explanation.

Lyra, who was standing by, listened to Auguste's explanation. After all, she didn't know much about these specific things.

At the same time, because of the schedule Auguste made for Lyra, she learned a particularly important piece of information. It was now the end of X766.

But Lyra didn't remember the time at all. The only timeline she could remember was X777.

After Lyra's continuous deduction, she could only lock in an interval, that is, X772 to X774. Due to insufficient information, this time could not be determined, so she still had to collect intelligence.

However, when she thought of being able to save Sister Lei, Lyra couldn't help but raise her mouth.

Auguste was a little thirsty, and then he stopped and looked at Lyra. Lyra was in a daze, with a somewhat obscene smile, and he took the magic wand and hit Lyra on the top of her head.

Finally, Lyra touched the big bump on her head and wanted to cry without tears. She exercised twice as much today, and was asked by Auguste to exercise for more than a month.

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