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In particular, Helian Mu and Heliana jumped directly in front of Luo Qingtong, and said coldly towards Nalan Yuan and others: "What do you want to do?!

Tell you, don’t want to miss the idea! "

When they spoke, Luo Qing Tong suddenly couldn't help but support the amount.

These guys...

The other party is deliberately setting their words!

This is all right, they will show up at once.

Not only that, but he almost brought out the old man.

Luo Qingtong looked at Helian Mu quite silently,

But she also knew that Helian Mu and they were for her good.

If they weren’t worried about her ability, they wouldn’t respond that much.

Helian Mu and Heliana, will not be directly in front of her, not to protect her?

Therefore, even if Helian Mu and others kindly did bad things, Luo Qingtong didn't blame them, but instead looked at Nalan Yuandao: "You have already seen that, it is indeed the case."

"You are from the Yifeng family, shouldn't you report us to the Beast Arena?

Of course, even if you report it, you must have evidence.

And you don’t, don’t you? "

Luo Qingtong's face was faint, and Nalan Yuan on the other side looked at her like this, and suddenly laughed.

"Yes, it is.

Rest assured, I won't tell a whistleblower.

What's more, I have one more thing to ask you for help. "

Na Lanyuan said this, and immediately tapped his fingers on the table case unconsciously.

He had guessed this answer casually before.

After all, Luo Qingtong did not leave any handle.

In the previous situation, the only thing that Nalan Yuan could think of was whether Luo Qingtong had made hands and feet on those mad blood beasts.

And since you have to do things, you can't let people see the clues.

The most important thing is that the blood beasts cooperate with each other to win "coincidence" many times in the case of impaired strength.

So, in Nalan Yuan’s mind, only the other party’s blood burst exploded.

After all, once those mad blood beasts are free from the mad blood burst.

Well, the strength of other blood beasts is simply not their opponent.

Even if the blood beasts had wounds on them, it was the same.

Therefore, even though the ridiculous guess in his heart was unbelievable, Nalan Yuan did not stop guessing.

However, he did not expect that he guessed right.

And when he thought about it in his heart, the people in gray on the other side were shocked and surprised.

They looked at the location of Luo Qingtong and others, but they never thought that Luo Qingtong could actually...

Control the existence of mad blood explosion? !

How can this be? !

How can this be done? !

How can Luo Qingtong do it? !

While thinking about it in their hearts, the other side of Helendu and others had already thought that they and others might have been scheming, and they quickly watched tightly beside Luo Qingtong.

On the other hand, after hearing Nalan Yuan's words, Luo Qingtong immediately said to him: "Does it refer to the top blood of you?

If this is the case, then it can be! "

Her words were exported. In an instant, Nalan Yuan and others were startled.

They looked in the direction of Luo Qingtong.

The face of Luo Qingtong on the other side was faint.

She looked at Nalan Yuan and others and said—

"You asked me to come, isn't it just for this?"

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