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The people in the arena took medicine.

It is not intentionally easy to heal, but it can temporarily seal the loss of the opponent's physical strength and strength, so that the wild blood beast can exert its strongest strength, almost the same as when it was not injured before!

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that Turan is so confident that he will definitely win.

Those of the Beast Arena, have not really learned their lessons!

That Turan they too!

Luo Qingtong sneered.

She didn't pay too much attention to the mad blood beast that was picked by that Turan.

The other party is not worth mentioning to her at all.

She will have to consider this. How is it better to win this game?

And when Luo Qingtong thought so, the Turan on the other side had already made his crazy 1 attack on the other side.

In other words, it was the mad blood beast. After being released, it rushed towards the mad blood beast selected by Luo Qingtong.

The other party must put this mad blood beast to death.

The brains of these bloodthirsty beasts are controlled by bloodthirst and killing. In the process, they want to kill everything they see.

And when that mad blood beast rushed towards Luo Qingtong's mad blood beast, Luo Qingtong's heart had already figured out what to do.

It is impossible to cooperate with the other party like a kill.

This mad blood beast is not as sane as a slaughter.

The second is that this kind of trick has been played for a long time, and there will be no flaws, and it will be seen by people.

The third is that Luo Qingtong has no need to deal with that mad blood beast.

After all, she did this before because she wanted to achieve her goal.

This is no longer necessary.

Luo Qingtong thought so, and suddenly had an idea in his heart,

She looked at the place where the mad blood beast rushed over, and then silently threw the power of the nine-fold Linglong tower in her hand to the mad blood beast on her side.

Then, her power swept in.

After Luo Qingtong's power entered the body of this mad blood beast, he directly refined the power of the mad blood explosion in the other party's body.

Feel the changes in your body. In an instant, the figure of the mad blood beast lying on the ground was a stiffness.

A blank expression appeared in his eyes.

And because of its original behavior on the ground, no one noticed this movement and change.

Luo Qingtong directly pressed the mad blood explosion in the other party's body, and then showed a trace of clear and dazed blood beast in the eyes of the faintly, and said: "You want to live safely Go back and listen to me!"

If I don't want to go back safely, I will use the corpse.

Luo Qingtong's face was faint.

There is no pure good and evil in her heart.

In her view, she gave these mad blood beasts a chance to live. If the other party was unwilling, it would mean giving up the will to live.

In this case, what else is there to say?

Rather than keeping someone else to kill, she ended up fighting hard by the other party.

Anyway, Luo Qingtong is sure, even if the other party is dead, he can abuse the mad blood beast on the opposite side.

And even if the mad blood beast in her hand died, she won even count in the end!

After all, don't let others end up exhausted?

Anyway, as long as "die" behind that mad blood beast!

Luo Qingtong's face was faint, and looking at the mad blood beast across from him, he rushed to the front.

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