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When his words were spoken, in an instant, the resentful and terrifying gaze of the owner of that figure suddenly changed. Then he looked at Natulan and said, "You mean ..."

"Father, we have other opportunities!"

"When the young master of Yetong's house just said, it was too smug."

"Say, they will continue to bet with us and continue to gamble."

"At that time, all the amount of those bets will come in this way."

"Father, we still have a chance to turn over!"

That Turan would also gritt his teeth.

He had to agree.

Otherwise, those who will be in the Colosseum will talk about their collusion with the other side ...

Even if the other party is just an unpredictable one, and there is no evidence, if someone who finds the Yifeng family who comes out with a mobile phone meeting is afraid, they will not be willing to give up.

Therefore, if you shrink your head, you can also stretch your head.

They might as well recognize this matter, and then find a way to reverse it.

In fact, Tu Lan still felt that Luo Qingtong was lucky.

Otherwise, how could the killing win so coincidentally?

Two battles, in fact, did not consume much effort at all.

It's hard to say a little. If the people in the arena are not in vain, if Lei is sent to the field, maybe nothing will happen.

Slowly, grinding can kill death.

That Tulan thought so, and had a bit of resentment against the people in the arena.

Hearing his words, the Master Tu's heart was stunned.

He looked at Natulan and asked coldly, "The Natu family still have a chance to come back?"

"That Turan, you must take full responsibility for this matter. If you make mistakes again, don't blame me for being cruel!"

The Master Tu would not trust that Turan that much,

Before, he believed that Tu Lan, thinking that the other party would not be wrong, he could easily abuse Zaluo Qingtong and others.

Unexpectedly, it was abused by others.

Then, they gave the details of the family to Luo Qingtong.

What if I lose again? !

Na Tu's voice sounded, and Na Tu Lan on the other side gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, father!

Next time I know what to gamble with her!

This time, we are gambled! "

In Turan's mind, there is already a certain plan.

Luo Qingtong is so lucky.

Then he continued to let her "good luck"!

That's what Turan thought in his mind, and he had already calculated many things.

"it is good!"

When the Tujia master said this, he nodded slowly.

They have no good solution.

This time, look at Luo Qingtong and others.

In fact, the master of the picture did n’t agree and could n’t help it. He could n’t offend the Beast Arena and Luo Qingtong, right? !

Therefore, the master of the figure clearly knew that Luo Qingtong's money over there must have been given.

Otherwise, the Beast Arena will definitely explode.

He thought so, and immediately said to Luo Qingtong and everyone in the animal arena: "Okay! We promised to invest this money!"

There was blood in the heart of the master of that picture.

Most of the people in their Tu family are gone.

This will also give Luo Qingtong the money in the family.

He is really crazy!

The master of that picture took a deep breath in his heart, and then said to Luo Qingtong and others: "But the battle is not over yet! Let's continue!"

He said this, and then glanced towards the Turan.


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