Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 5713: The name of the king of the beast!

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She had broken Ben's vitality, and a lot of fresh blood flowed to the killing body.

She was repaired by her traceless body.

In this way, even afterwards, the slaughter shows different abilities.

It can also be said that between life and death, different potentials and abilities are opened!

Anyway, such a thing is not impossible to exist, isn't it?

The only difference is whether you can find a reason to show it to others.

And this time, Luo Qingtong even found such a reason.

As long as he can persuade others, Luo Qingtong will not be afraid to expose his strength in the future.

of course.

The exposure she said would not be the kind of body that she killed, and the one that was repaired in a flash.

Everything needs to be progressive, right?

What's more, the effect is too fast.

Even if it is a reason, it will be described as a conspiracy by others!

Moreover, Luo Qingtong doesn't want to let the people of the Tu family be so simple!

Thinking this, she suddenly smiled in the direction of the people of the Tu family and opened the mouth of the bloody, **** flesh!

In the eyes of other people in the arena, the giant monsters in the field bite directly before the stage, and they opened their mouths towards them.

The **** flesh and steel teeth in it, combined with the criss-crossing wounds on the body and the blood-stained scene, are even more daunting and fascinating.

Because, this giant beast has the coercion of the king.

Although it didn't say a word, the appearance of the big mouth was enough to make people hear the roar of the king invisible and silent in the void.

The reputation of this beast king, the beast of auspiciousness, is truly worthy of the name!

After a short silence, the people in the surrounding arena called again.



All of them are crazy called Luo Qingtong's name.

Luo Qingtong has quietly laid down again, and then closed his eyes again, just like it was running towards the cage before.

It seems to disdain to respond to this madness and cheers from everyone.

And seeing this scene, the voices of the people around were even more crazy.

When Luo Qingtong's figure fell down again, Luo Qingtong on the other side, his consciousness returned to his body, and then he turned towards the outside with a faint expression: "It seems my luck is good."

"Can I start the next game?"

Luo Qingtong's voice is not only evil, but also reveals a beam of pride and cynicism.

As soon as her voice came out, everyone around me remembered it.

This is not just a game, but also the next one.

Luo Qingtong wants to challenge a hundred straight!

I went, I didn't know how exciting it was!

A group of people constantly waved the bone coins in their hands and wanted to raise money to bet.

But there is no way.

Those who did not bet before, can no longer bet to win a hundred games.

It can only bet on the next victory.

After hearing this news, the people in the surrounding arena immediately pressed the killing note without hesitation!

After all, the killer just had that strength, and did not deliberately go through the loss.

Although most of them are good luck, there is no loss, no loss.

Representing its strength, most of it has been saved.

In this way, the next game really has a chance to win!

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