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I am in this beast battlefield, and because Luo Qingtong bet on the killing and running, he deliberately confronted her.

Therefore, the arrogance of Luo Qingtong's bones belonging to the big family's children came out!

Today, he even beats himself with the Zijin bone card of the master of Yifeng!

In this case, I am afraid that the owner of Yifeng never dreamed!

And when Tu Lan thought so, his heart was very happy.

I didn't expect to just follow and trace Luo Qingtong's whereabouts and get so many benefits.

He originally just wanted to meet each other and evaluate the origin and strength of the other party.

But I didn't expect that even with such benefits, I can't let it go!

In Tulan's eyes, a cold, ambitious light flashed.

He and Natulu, in the Natu family, are incompatible.

It was not obvious before, but this will, after passing the matter of the Helian family, his heart is very clear-

He wants to get higher, even in the Natu family, to get a good position and reputation, then he can't rely on Natulu alone!

That guy has no brains!

Na Tulan was still thinking that when Natulu succeeded to the throne, he used his brain to assist Natulu to let the other party know his strength.

So there is also a place in the Natu family.

But he never thought that Tulu did not take him seriously.

Even he dismissed his scheming and brain.

In other words, if he wanted to rely on the Tulu words in the future, he would be afraid that he would die directly!

After all, Tulu will definitely not give him any preferential treatment and respect in the future.

Under such circumstances, why should he help each other? !

That Tulu stupid, if he had that strength, he wouldn't be taken by him.

What I lack is strength.

The former Natulu was the strongest one in the Natu family, so no one was dissatisfied with him.

But this time, things are different!

That Tulu did a wrong thing, and even affected the Tutu family to pay most of the details and territory!

Under such circumstances, although Na Tulan advised Na Tu's head not to care, in fact, he still hit his own little Jiujiu!

Once the family losses caused by Naturus are huge, he can recover the family losses.

Isn't that the opponent's strength is actually not as good as his own ability?

The brain is always more important than strength!

He will use practical actions to tell those of the Tu family a glance!

At the same time, he will also tell everyone that he came to be the patriarch, which is ten million times better than that of Natulu!

He can retreat to the second line in order to assist Natura, why can't Turu retreat to the second line for him? !

As long as he can prove that the value he can create for the family is far stronger than that of Natulu!

In this way, even if Tulu is unwilling, there are many people in the family who have a way to force him to follow!

Just like yourself in those days!

Unless, then Tulu no longer needs the family's shelter, leave the family!

But how is that possible? !

Is it true that the young master of the Tu family is improper, but is it a dog for other families?

That Tu Lan's ambitions and ideas were hooked at once.

And when he was thinking so in his mind, he immediately said to the waiter: "Okay!"

"I picked it up!"

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