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And when they muttered secretly, the arbitrators of the other families on the other side had already come.

I heard about Luo Qingtong, and learned the identity of the other party.

In their hearts, it was very awe-inspiring.

This meeting, even more than 120,000 points in spirit, deal with the people of the Natu family.

After all, this young man cannot be misunderstood about their Tianyue City.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the other party spread the anger on them.

While thinking about it in their minds, among the Natu family on the other side, the Natu family owner and others have also received news from outside.

After learning of the scourge of Natulu's rush outside, the Tujia family was so angry.


"This Naturus is like a jerk!"

"Incompetent bungler!"

The Tu family was almost angry.

Even if Tulu had stubbornly not dealt with the people of the Helian family, it would be fine.

This would even provoke the people of the Yifeng family. Not only that, but also offended a teenager from an unknown family!

What does he want to do? !

Did you kill all the people from their family? !

In the mind of the master of the picture, the first Buddha was born with anger, and the second Buddha ascended to heaven!

And when he thought about it in his heart, Na Tulan on the other side also returned to the Na Tu family.

"Dad, what's going on?"

Everyone looked at the master of the picture, and they looked as if they were facing the enemy. They suddenly looked puzzled.

When he said his words, the owner of the picture on the other side, as if he had met a savior, suddenly said: "Laner, you are a younger brother!"

"He really did not succeed enough but failed!"

He told the story of Naturus.

Before, he was going to find Na Tulan, but because Na Tulan went to the Helian family, he didn't let anyone know the news, so he didn't find Na Tulan.

When he heard his words, in an instant, Tu Lan's complexion was astonishing.

"I'm afraid it's not simple."

His eyes were cold and he said towards the head of the Tu family and others: "I went to the side of the Helian family and found that there are traces of the investigation of the Yifeng family!"

"If there is no accident, this time, it is likely that the people of the Yifeng family deliberately designed to frame us."

"That Tulu side, it is estimated that someone else's trick!"

To say that Turan's strategy is really outstanding.

Therefore, through the trails of the Helian family, I quickly found out about the Yifeng family.

But he did not expect that Tulu was designed by people, but it was not designed by the people of the Yifeng family.

But who made his mind too deep.

And it was too coincidental in this matter.

Prior to this, Luo Qingtong and others did not expect to meet Natulu and others in trouble in Tianyue City.

I did not expect that the people of the Yifeng family would go to their family to investigate because of Nalan Yuan.

This series of misunderstandings has caused it to cause the current yin and yang errors.

People in the Natu family thought they were designed by the Yifeng family.

The people of the Yifeng family thought they had to deal with themselves and others.

Therefore, such a result is caused.

And when the voice of Na Tulan sounded, in an instant, the face of Na Tu and other people's complexions were astonishing.

"That means ..."

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