Extreme Demon

Chapter 987 Outside the River 1

Wang Jing stood in the cave, glanced at Nange who was groaning, and then returned his eyes to the gray ball suspended in mid-air.

Aren't you worried? Nange asked with a sneer. It seems like you have a good relationship with that monster?

No, this is just a ceremony. The ceremony will not die. Wang Jing said calmly.

Nangle was noncommittal.

Then why do you want to prevent him from becoming the God of Destruction? You know, the God of Destruction is the most powerful force in the world. Nange asked again. To be honest, she was also very curious about this.

Wang Jing shook her head slightly.

You don't understand. Gods of destruction can't get too close to each other. Otherwise, he and I will both die.

After seeing Lu Sheng in the deserted land, she woke up immediately and rushed here. But it seems it's still a step too late.

The divine seal has been formed. Now, if he really wants to prevent his younger brother from becoming the God of Destruction, then the formed divine seal will actually be his talisman.

And if he truly becomes the God of Destruction, then they...

Wang Jing closed her eyes slightly.

Since this is your choice, she took a deep breath, turned around and strode away from the cave.

Since it was her brother's choice, she thought about stopping it, but in the end she couldn't.

Since I can't do it, I'd better leave as soon as possible.

If it is said that a long time ago, she had imagined when she would be completely destroyed and end this horrible endless reincarnation.

So now, she hopes that this reincarnation can continue forever.

She could just stare at her brother from afar, the man she originally thought was her only salvation.


At this time, the gray sphere suddenly exploded in the cave.

Lu Sheng and Crimson Platinum broke away from each other and landed firmly on the ground in three places.

Let's go! As soon as Crimson came out, his face turned pale, turned around and turned into a red thread, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Without saying a word, Bai Jin's body exploded and disappeared into white mist.

In the ritual world just now, both of them saw the truly terrifying side of Lu Sheng. With their God of Destruction power, they couldn't stop him even if they joined forces.

This is simply incredible.

But if it is a monster that appears in that place, it is normal no matter how strong it is. It's not like they haven't seen it before.

The two of them were not worried about Lu Sheng at all. Anyway, it wouldn't take long for stronger guards to come forward and kill Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng watched quietly as the two people fled in a blink of an eye, expressionless.

His upper body was covered with dense dark red lines, and the outlines of his strong muscles were like dark copper-colored metal.

As long as it doesn't block his progress, he doesn't care whether the other party escapes or not. After all, the God of Destruction cannot be killed, and he also verified this just now.

What is the divine seal? Lu Sheng looked at Nange who was standing aside.

The mark of immortality created specifically for you. As long as you inject your soul into it, you will become the God of Destruction. There was a hint of inexplicable envy in Nange's tone. Even if she is a demon, this body of the God of Destruction is almost the most powerful body.

Immortal and immortal.

Lu Sheng nodded and slowly walked towards the newly formed cave.

A large number of gray-white humanoid shadows flew past him, and they seemed to recognize Lu Sheng as the person who was about to carry their will and power.

Gradually, rays of illusory Holy Spirit began to slowly dance and rotate around him.

The cave began to tremble.

Fuck! The Ten Thousand Spirits Cave is about to collapse! Nange knew the situation was not good as soon as he saw it.

This Ten Thousand Spirits Cave was originally formed to form a new God of Destruction.

Now that the new God of Destruction is about to be formed, there is no need for the Ten Thousand Spirits Cave to continue to exist.

She hurriedly followed Lu Sheng, walking all the way deep into the cave.

Lu Sheng moved forward step by step.

Countless scenes of life flashed before my eyes. It was countless strange lives and strange memories.

These are all the memories of those Holy Spirits whom He will soon bear.

Soon, he walked through the long cave tunnel and slowly walked into a semicircular cave with smooth colored inner walls.

Inside the cave, countless mysterious runes shone brightly on the inner walls.

Waves of Holy Spirit were spinning and flying crazily in the center, as if they were rapidly condensing to form something.

What shocked Lu Sheng the most was that there were actually people in the cave.

A handsome man wearing a long white coat, his eyes full of blood, was holding a long sword shining with red light, standing quietly aside, seeming to be watching everything in front of him.

No! This is not a divine seal! Nange rushed in and immediately noticed something was wrong.

She stared in horror at the terrifying things that were rapidly gathering in the center of the cave.

It seemed to be giving birth to something far more powerful than the divine seal.

Countless rays of mysterious energy are injected into the cave along countless veins in the void. Countless white threads are differentiated from the surrounding inner walls of the cave and injected into the colorful light ball suspended in the center.

One after another, the Holy Spirit rushed into it crazily, integrating all of itself into it.

This kind of power.!!? Nange had never seen such a huge power condensed at one point. She unconsciously stepped back step by step and exited the cave entrance.

With that kind of power, it would be easy to destroy the entire planet.

Oh? Is there someone here? The man in white slowly turned his eyes and looked at Lu Sheng. So, he is the hope you want to cling to? There was a smile in his eyes, but there was a hint of coldness in the corner of his mouth.

Lu Sheng stared at him with squinted eyes for a moment, but soon he realized that the other party was just a shadow with no energy.

Then he quickly focused his attention on the mysterious substances gathering crazily on the side.

The speed of the condensed energy in this core has reached a point where even his own body is frightened.

It feels like this universe is trying its best to gather all the energy it can mobilize, regardless of any cost or cost.

Gradually, the things condensed in mid-air showed an outline.

Lu Sheng instantly recognized the aura of this thing.

Is this the proof of dominance?? He looked slightly stunned.

For a moment, he thought of the series of events he encountered after arriving in this universe.

All this seemed to be arranged in advance.

Since arriving here, everything has been going so smoothly that everything I want comes to me.


At this time, the colorful light in the cave slowly trembled, and the condensed Certificate of Overlord finally took shape. It was a gray-white ball like a tree tumor.

In the energy that filled the surrounding air, traces of pleading thoughts were gradually conveyed.

As if he noticed Lu Sheng's hesitation, his will to plead became stronger and stronger.

The Certificate of Overlord slowly and automatically floated in front of Lu Sheng, only half a meter away from him. It seemed to be automatically delivered into his hands.

What does this mean? Are you asking for help? Lu Sheng's eyes turned cold.

He is not a good person, nor is he a kind person who takes the blame.

This world obviously wanted to give him the Overlord's Certificate as a price, hoping that he would come to the rescue.

But what does this mean?

Various foreshadowings were arranged from the beginning, from identity to power, just to make him more connected to the world.

He doesn't like this.

This feeling of being set up made him very uncomfortable.

God of destruction? Ridiculous. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. The two gods of destruction could only flee in front of him. Since he is now invincible in this world, why does he need the power of the gods of destruction?

After thinking about everything, Lu Sheng no longer lingered, turned around and walked back the way he came.


Countless colored energy and white threads trembled crazily, conveying thoughts of pleading and pleading.

Lu Sheng remained unmoved and continued walking out of the cave.

Where's the proof of dominance? Tsk tsk. Why are you putting so much effort into it? The man in white suddenly laughed.

It's really ridiculous. You actually want to place your hopes on a little devil just to expel the evil eye that I personally planted.

Lu Sheng almost took a step out of the cave, but stopped instantly.

He turned around and stared at the man in white.

What did you say?

The man in white was stunned for a moment, then his eyes moved over.

Little guy, what's going on? Do you want to try to resist? He laughed softly. In those blood-colored eyes, there seemed to be countless stars shining for a moment.

An invisible terrifying spirit covered the entire cave silently.

Lu Sheng's body sank, and his eyes suddenly blurred. The other person's eyes grew bigger and bigger in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, it almost occupied the entire sight.

A huge pressure that he had never felt before came from the man in white.

For a moment, the hair on his body stood on end, and he was terrified.

As if encountering a natural enemy, all the potential of this physical body and all the soul power burst out instinctively, trying to escape from this pressure.

But the gray soul power couldn't break away from the pressure, and could only circulate and stir wildly on the surface of Lu Sheng's skin.

As a small universe with a low energy level, the entire universe is only the size of dozens of star systems. It's really hard work to be able to gather a proof of dominance. The man in white smiled.

It's a pity that such efforts are meaningless to me. He slowly stretched out his hand and pointed gently at Lu Sheng.


Lu Sheng froze, and his body suddenly burned with countless purple-black flames. His skin began to decompose and melt, and the dark red lines on his chest began to dig into his muscles and bones, turning into a life-threatening rope.

Uh!! Lu Sheng wanted to speak, but even his voice couldn't come out under the huge pressure.

He felt as if he had an entire star system on his back.

That feeling of being so heavy that I can barely breathe. His powerful heart beat wildly, trying to use more force to break free.

Don't be afraid! He has no power, he is just using your own power to defeat you! Wake up! Wake up!!

A blur of consciousness passed anxiously into Lu Sheng's heart.

do not be afraid!

do not be afraid!!

Wake up!! Don't be afraid!!

Wake up quickly!!!

It's so noisy!!!

Lu Sheng suddenly raised his head and roared, and countless blood exploded and spattered from his body. A black ball the size of a grain of rice flew out from between his eyebrows, exploding out of thin air and disappearing.

Tens of billions of soul powers exploded from his body like an endless ocean.

The soul power rushed out of the cave, rushed out of the Ten Thousand Spirits Cave, and surged to the ground, surging to the entire surface of the surrounding hundreds of miles.

The massive gray soul power was like water, washing away all the creatures in front of it.

Oh? The man in white was slightly surprised. You can actually break free from my oppression.

But, what can this change? He looked at Lu Sheng inexplicably.

Change what?? Lu Sheng struggled to stand up from the ground, the blood on his body almost flowing down his skin.

It's just that his eyes were like a ferocious beast before death, crazy and vicious.

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