Extreme Demon

Chapter 977 Conflict 1

The high-speed rotating helicopter propeller is like a gray disc, stirring a large amount of rain-laden air.

The raindrops were thrown in all directions, like extended lace of a disk.

In the large and heavy cabin of the helicopter, a total of twelve Shifting Mountain Gate disciples were sitting in two rows.

Among them, Lu Sheng was sitting second on the left.

Everyone was silent. The plane was too noisy and it was very difficult to speak, so they simply didn't bother to speak.

Lu Sheng looked out of the thickened circular window of the plane.

The continuous and steep white snow-capped mountains continued to recede under the plane, and they were rapidly climbing higher up the snow-capped mountains.

It gives the impression that they are constantly flying towards the top of the snow-capped mountains.

Early this morning, Lu Sheng was asked to take a special plane to this foreign wilderness mountain range.

After walking for more than ten kilometers, he boarded the heavy transport helicopter heading for his destination.

My sister Wang Jing was entrusted to the care of several black mist figures at the foot of the mountain.

They have been protecting Wang Jing for a long time. Except for the God of Destruction, all other enemies can be guaranteed to be safe.

The helicopter continued to gain altitude, and soon the rain turned to snowflakes.

After a while, at the top of the snow-capped mountains, there was a wide rocky clearing, with a layer of white snow covering the surface of the clearing.

The helicopter hovered in mid-air and gently dropped a ladder.

One by one, the doormen of Yishanmen climbed down the ladder and jumped down when they were still several meters above the ground.

Lu Sheng was the last to jump down.

The snow on the ground looked like just ordinary snow, but there was a thick layer of something like a soft cushion underneath.

Here. He stood up and immediately sensed something abnormal here.

A large amount of dissipated soul power evaporated from the inside of the mountain like mist.

Lu Sheng just glanced around and saw streams of earth soul power spurting out from the ground like fountains.

The leader of the team was replaced by a man named Yu Chenggang. Ouyang Ji and Zhao Quangen were injured by Lu Sheng and could not come for the time being, so they could only recuperate at the mountain gate.

Not only that, but the evil reputation of Wang Dong, also known as Lu Sheng, has also spread through the mountain gate.

The results of the previous secret test with the Great Elder were also reported by interested parties. It is said that Wang Dong and the Great Elder were victorious in a hundred moves.

The details are vivid and the news is spreading like wildfire.

Lu Sheng glanced around and saw that there were a total of twelve people in the team, excluding the pilot. He was the only one walking at the back, and the others did not dare to get too close to him.

The little girl beside him who was sorting out the package trembled even more after he glanced at her, looking like she was about to cry out of fear.

This team is divided into two parts. One part is the powerful Shanmen gold masters, all of whom have the top gold-level weapons. As a protective force, they rotate with the masters stationed here.

Also called changing of the guard.

The other part is the people who came to visit Wanling Cave together.

Among them was Lu Sheng. Apart from him, the other two are all famous geniuses in the sect.

Lu Sheng glanced at the two young people walking in front of him, a boy and a girl, both in their twenties.

Seemingly noticing his gaze, the two people in front tensed up, not daring to make any additional movements.

Lu Sheng looked at the six people leading the team. They were sitting on the snow, resting, wiping the instruments, and beside them were three professionals responsible for liaison and maintenance who were busy checking their portable equipment.

However, the originally harmonious scene froze wherever Lu Sheng glanced at it.

The person who was drinking water almost choked.

The person who was debugging the equipment had his fingers stiff and unable to move.

The girl who was on the phone turned pale and started to stutter when speaking.

What are you doing?

Lu Sheng was a little irritated because he was obviously an eighteen-year-old boy. Why did this group of people make him look like a thousand-year-old monster?

Soon all preparations were completed, and a petite girl who was almost frightened to tears just now walked up to him tremblingly.

Boss, boss, no, senior brother, it's time to leave.

. What the hell is the boss?

Lu Sheng looked at the girl in front of him speechlessly. Looking at the strongest people in the team, they also froze in his sight and paused unnaturally.

Yeah. Relax kid. He reached out and ruffled the girl's hair. I don't eat people.

The girl trembled even more with fright, her body felt like she was electrocuted and she almost screamed.


Lu Sheng was speechless, but he didn't know that most of the people in this team were originally from the Xinyuanhui. After all, among the high-level forces, except for the elders, traditional disciples were no longer the opponents of the Xinyuanhui.

And now the vice-chairman of Xinyuan Hui and a deputy general manager who supported him were severely injured by Lu Sheng like dead dogs and thrown out of his house.

Because they were the ones who started the provocation, Shanmen just criticized him lightly and settled the matter.

Now Lu Sheng has become the most powerful and dangerous being among the Yishanmen disciples.

Moreover, rumors say that he has a violent personality and will beat people to serious injuries if he disagrees with him.

Otherwise, why would a handsome and polite man like Ou Yangji be beaten like that?

Lu Sheng glanced around and finally found that there was only one young girl with glasses who seemed to be in charge of debugging equipment. She was not very afraid of him. She was also afraid of him, but she had more of a different kind of admiration.

Lu Sheng sensed a familiar breath of earth soul power from her body.

The earth soul power extracted from Xinyuanhui's mountain-breaking technique is of similar purity, but it is more concealed and has a more active aura. It is not as heavy as the traditional mountain-moving spiritual technique.

The earth soul power that made Lu Sheng feel familiar was obviously the same mountain-moving spiritual skill.

Forget it, just be afraid, it just so happens that no one will bother me. Lu Sheng took out his phone and looked at the surveillance camera.

The room facing the surveillance camera was the room where Wang Jing slept on her side. In order to ensure safety, Lu Sheng placed two cats with tentacles of his parasitic evil god around Wang Jing's resting place to protect and check the surrounding environment at any time.

Except for the black mist humanoid and the vampire-like guy who just arrived from another team. These two cats are also one of the lines of defense he has set up.

From here to the bottom of the mountain, it would not take more than ten minutes if he used all his strength. With so much defensive power, it should be no problem to defend for ten minutes.

After withdrawing his mind, Lu Sheng followed the team all the way up, stepping on the thick snow, and the sound of wind and snow filled his ears.

The people present were all experts, far beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even in such a harsh environment, their forward speed was still equivalent to the speed of ordinary people running wildly.

Not long after, a group of buildings made of silver-white metal gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

Yu Chenggang, who led the team, quickly rushed into the building complex and walked straight forward without stopping on the snow-dusted street.

There were quite a lot of people in the building complex. Although not many people could be seen on the street, there was laughter and music coming from the doors and windows of the building from time to time, mixed with many incomprehensible languages.

Soon Yu Chenggang found a medium-sized four-story pyramid-shaped building. The first one takes out the key and opens the door.

The others filed in, and Lu Sheng, the last one, closed the door with his backhand.

Inside the door is a spacious, circular hall with a strong exotic feel.

Lamps similar to torches were hung on the walls, and the ceiling was a huge screen, slowly simulating the rotation of the starry sky.

It's just that the hall floor is a bit unsightly.

Two young women with sallow faces and thin faces were lying on their backs on the single bed, weak and weak. Two nursing staff were responsible for giving them water and food.

In the corner to the side, sitting cross-legged was a strong man with a short head and a bandage on his body.

A woman in red is sitting solemnly on a chair to rest, with a long Guan Dao on her knees.

Seeing that Yu Cheng had just brought someone in, the woman in red and Ban Cuntou quickly stood up.


Well, how's the situation? Yu Chenggang asked in a deep voice.

They have recovered and are recovering well. But when we found them, they were already in terrible shape. The woman in red looked sad.

Are you sure it's the Evil Shadow Beast? Yu Chenggang asked coldly.

Now we even suspect that he is the alcoholic Kyle of the Ice Giant Mercenary Group. A trace of hatred flashed in the eyes of the woman in red.

Drunkard Kyle. Yu Chenggang's expression froze.

The name is very common, and so is the nickname. However, Kyle's strength is extraordinary.

As a tyrannical being ranked seventeenth on the Black Bell Ranking, he is a world-class top player who is even better than the Elder Yishan.

In fact, the other party also acted very measuredly. The real master of Yishanmen did not move, only two staff here moved, and no one has been caught with evidence yet.

Not only our Yishanmen, but also many organizations and locations from various places are in trouble. Some of them have weak backgrounds, and some were tortured to the point of being deformed. The woman in red said angrily.

But it's okay now. The two intelligence investigators sent by the Nasta Ice and Snow Club were also caught. They were knocked unconscious and raped by a drunkard, and their identities were discovered.

Hey, the Ice and Snow Federation is ranked fourth in the world, and apart from the three major organizations, they are the strongest. There are many masters inside, and there are also several masters of the God Advocate. You guys came just in time, we were just going to see the excitement, the thick-haired man said through gritted teeth.

In order to find justice for their own people, they were also slightly injured in one-on-one confrontations.

And they showed mercy, which made them even more angry.

Now that the drunkard had caused big trouble, they naturally took pleasure in his misfortune and prepared to go over and watch.

Let's settle these people together, Yu Chenggang said quickly.

Okay. The woman in red quickly said a few words to the other leaders, her eyes sweeping over Lu Sheng and the three people who came to visit.

Especially when he stayed on Lu Sheng for a second, it was obvious that he was confirming his name and identity.

Okay. Ban Cuntou slapped Lu Sheng on the shoulder from the side and said with a playful smile. Even the hypocritical bitch Ouyang Ji was easily disabled. It seems that the upright leader of Xinyuan Hui may not be your opponent. He is worthy of being the benchmark of our Qianshan Hui!

I have no interest in Qianshan Society and Xinyuan Society. Lu Sheng didn't like this kind of guy who was familiar with people.

This reminded him of his dormitory friends in the Evil God Realm.

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