Extreme Demon

Chapter 961 Situation 1


A huge rhinoceros covered in iron-like armor lowered its head and roared wildly at Lu Sheng.

Quick! Run!! It's a black-armored rhinoceros!! Oh my god!! Jack's face turned pale, and he quickly looked around for a big tree that he could climb up.

It's already running away. Lu Sheng looked at the black-armored rhinoceros who turned around and ran away. It doesn't matter. You don't need to chase them. You can meet new ones later. There are many such animals here.

Jack was about to cry.

What he said was that they ran away on their own. Fortunately, the rhino turned around and ran away. Otherwise, if they charge directly towards us, they might not be like bean sprouts.

Lu Sheng looked back at the four of them. Jack and Shaman's legs were trembling, but they could still stand, but Ben's handsome face turned pale. He was holding on to the tree trunk on one side and was about to be unable to walk.

On the other hand, Jela was just panting a little, still relatively calm.

He was just out of curiosity and had a little tentative intention about Ruby, a world-class psychic organization.

That’s why I took these four people all the way here.

Let's go. He turned his head and continued on his way forward.

This is extremely close to the deepest part of the mountain range. But what surprised him was that he still didn't see any virtual demons around him.

Originally, he planned to come over and try to see how powerful the monsters above the so-called virtual demons were. But when we got here, it was still almost the same as an ordinary deep mountain. There was nothing dangerous about it.

This is a little strange.

On a sloping grassland in front, several black wolves were tearing apart a wild deer. They were lowering their heads and feasting, making some kind of gurgling sound mixed with saliva and breathing.

Seeing this group of black wolves, Lu Sheng's pace of advancement finally slowly stopped.


These black wolves noticed the approaching people and raised their heads to look this way.

Lu Sheng could clearly see that the faces of these black wolves were covered with dark red earthworm-like insects.

Black-backed wolf! Oh my God, there are so many!! Jack started yelling again.

Just as Lu Sheng was about to take action, he suddenly saw the group of black wolves retreating slowly, constantly looking left and right, as if there was something extremely scary around them.

Lu Sheng frowned and looked around. His body now only comprehensively developed the five senses and physical abilities.

There hasn't been much improvement in psychic skills. So far, it is only the seventh level of spiritualism. After all, although he has more than a billion supernatural powers, no matter how much he uses a useless thing like necromancy, it won't be enough to slap him in the face.

Isn’t it a waste to add more?

Woo! !

A group of black-backed wolves turned around and ran away, not even wanting to eat the half-eaten food in front of them.

Now even Jack and the other four realized something was wrong.

There seems to be something wrong with these black-backed wolves. Shaman is a professional graduate student in this field. He has participated in related research with a zoology professor at the school, so he is very sensitive to various behaviors of animals.

The most important thing is that in their eyes, these black-backed wolves look similar to ordinary wolves.

Jela's back, which had been tense, relaxed slightly, and she glanced at Lu Sheng in front of her.

The man in front of him probably carried the dung of some wild beast or something like that, which could scare away these low-level predators. She reminded Shaman in a low voice.

The feces of wild beasts? Shaman was also surprised.

Jela did suddenly think of something. She pressed it gently on her chest. There was a black crystal pendant there, which was a birthday gift from her grandfather. Ask her not to take it off.

Thinking back to just now, the mysterious man tried to hypnotize himself, but he suddenly broke free.

The necklace pendant on her chest suddenly tingled, waking her up from her hypnosis.

She thought for a while, and as she moved forward, she looked down and saw a poisonous scorpion that had just emerged from beneath her feet.

She held the necklace on her chest and suddenly saw the poisonous scorpion under her feet before it could touch her, so she quickly dodged aside.

Sure enough! This pendant is really useful! Jela was convinced.

It seems that the rhino just now was probably scared away by my pendant. She immediately guessed this possibility.

If it weren't for my pendant, this person would have been tortured by all kinds of dangerous poisonous insects. Now he is enjoying my help and blackmailing me, looking like he will never leave! This kind of person is simply disgusting. !! A thought flashed through Jela's heart bitterly.

Seeing that the man in front of her was heading towards a more dangerous place, she actually had already thought about retreating.

But after looking at Jack and the others, I felt like I was left alone, without anyone to take care of me if there was any trouble.

We must bring someone together! She decided in her mind.

After walking for a while, it was soon afternoon.

You guys take a rest here first. I'll go find some dry firewood and branches to make a fire. Be careful not to throw it out of this area. Lu Sheng warned.

Stack all the wild fruits collected on the road together and place them in the hole of a big tree.

There was originally a black python in the tree hole, but as soon as he approached, the black python immediately turned around and ran away.

Along with the swarms of poisonous insects on the giant trees, as well as wild animals such as monkeys, they all fled in all directions.

It was like seeing a ghost.

Lu Sheng placed Jela and the four inside, and went around to pick up some dry branches and leaves to make a fire.

Wait until Lu Sheng slowly walks away.

Jera looked at the exhausted Ben and Jack. Approach quietly.

Let me tell you a secret. Those beasts, as well as rhinos and black-backed wolves, were actually scared away by something on my body.

Jack was stunned, and Sharman looked at each other, then looked at Jera.

Are you sure? Don't joke with us, Jayla. This isn't funny.

I'm not kidding you. Jela said seriously. I can show you! She gently pulled the pendant out of her chest.

It was a round black crystal pendant, its surface polished like a mirror, smooth and delicate.

There is also a thin dark red pattern on the edge.

Not far away among the branches of the trees.

Several human-shaped black mist slowly emerged.

Have all the nearby spirit beasts been driven away?

Well, all the expulsions have been completed.

Solve it all.

I hope there won't be any trouble. This is already the hinterland, so everyone should calm down.

We control the area and try not to disturb too many soul beasts here.

A group of humanoid black mists all looked tired when communicating.

This is the hinterland of the Anmi Mountains. The surrounding beasts are all soul beasts infected by soul power. They are extremely ferocious. Even they spent a lot of effort to protect Lu Sheng and the others along the way.

As for the little thing on Jela's body, it is useful for avoiding small insects. If it encounters a slightly larger spirit beast, it will transform and swallow people and everything in one bite.

It's almost done when we get here. As long as he doesn't find the underground ruins, there should be no problem. The leading figure, Heiwu, said in a low voice, I guess I can't find it anywhere. His Highness Wang Dong will take the initiative to retreat.

Bang! !

Suddenly, one of the human-shaped black mist shuddered and exploded.

A group of humanoid black mist quickly dispersed, each occupying a favorable position.

Look, look what I found? A huge red python slowly crawled down from the tree crown, its eyes glowing with a faint green light, staring greedily at this group of human-shaped black mist.

A group of little guys digging holes everywhere? The red python spit out its core, showing an extremely human expression on its face.

The leading humanoid figure, Black Mist, trembled.

Red Sera is in trouble! Split half of them to rescue people! I'll hold her back!!

The Lord of Nothingness is also under the command of the God Lord. Although he is slightly stronger than the other party, this is the Anmi Mountains!

It is the territory of the opponent’s god!

Want to leave? You can't go anywhere! The red python laughed, As for that little sweetheart of your God Lord, someone will soon come over to comfort him.

I really didn’t expect that I would find unexpected surprises just by taking a walk.

Red Sera knew the identity of the group of humanoid black mist in front of her very well, and the person who could be protected by this powerful group of black mist must be the person most cherished by the God of Destruction.

It turned out that they just received a little bit of news. It was said that the person was very favoring an ordinary psychic. Now it seems that it is more than just grace.

What a big surprise! Hahaha! If I leave you here, I will definitely find the location of you and the rest of the God Lord!

Red Sera twisted her huge body and rushed towards the human-shaped black mist.

Barn, leave this to me. You go and catch the little psychic.

Not far away is the foot of another big tree.

A bald man with all the muscles in his body clinging to the bones, looking like a mummy, looked at the giant red python and the human-shaped black mist, with a strange smile on his face.

no problem!

He bowed and turned towards Lu Sheng.


After a soft sound, the person disappeared into the distance.

Damn it!! The humanoid black mist taking the lead suddenly became anxious.

He could imagine how the God Lord would react if he knew that Wang Dong had been arrested. Now I can only hope that my companions over there can block that guy.



Jela and the other two stole the wild fruits left by Lu Sheng, and she held the necklace to open the way and trotted away in the direction they came from.

As expected, those little poisonous insects on the road actively avoided Jela and did not dare to get too close.

When Lu Sheng returned to the tree hole with dry firewood, there was no one there except some scattered stones.

Not only was the money not given to me, but the wild fruits I collected were also stolen. Lu Sheng shook his head speechlessly, Where is the basic trust between people?

He squatted down and re-stacked the scattered stone stoves.

Suddenly, a black fog hissed and quickly formed around him.

Run away! Wang Dong! Run away!! The black mist quickly transformed into a human form, with two red lights on his head. He rushed over anxiously, grabbed Lu Sheng's arm and pulled him up.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy didn't have any malicious intent to kill, Lu Sheng almost couldn't hold back and slapped him.

Who are you!? Lu Sheng somehow stabilized his figure.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Lu Sheng suddenly turned his head back.

Another group of human-shaped black mist is rushing towards here at a fast speed.

Take people away quickly!! Andy! it shouted.


An arm suddenly penetrated from its belly.

The humanoid black mist paused, let out a scream, collapsed and disappeared on the spot.

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