Extreme Demon

Chapter 953 Disaster 2

It seems it has something to do with Wang Jing. Lu Sheng understood why Wang Jing was so disliked.

Ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to get along with her.

When he reached the top of the stairs, several wild dogs looking for food were crazy and pounced on him with red eyes.

Woof woof woof! !

The wild dog was drooling, and nothing could be seen in its eyes except raw murder.


Lu Sheng's lightning-like kick sent one wild dog flying backwards and hit two other wild dogs. The three dogs vomited blood and fell to the ground, whimpering on the ground unable to get up.

Lu Sheng had no expression on his face, walked into the stairwell, and pressed the elevator button.

Entering the elevator, the door slowly closed. Then it goes straight up.

Suddenly the elevator buttons flashed randomly and malfunctioned.

The elevator, which was originally rising slowly, roared madly and rushed up. It reached the eleventh floor in one breath, and then all the button lights went out at once.


Lu Sheng heard the sound of the steel cable breaking.


The elevator shuddered.


The real elevator was in free fall, falling hard from the height of the eleventh floor.

A strong airflow poured in through the crack in the door, causing Lu Sheng's hair to flip slightly.

He estimated the number of floors the elevator would fall.

Then he stretched out his hands and thrust forward with both palms like lightning.

Chi! !

The fleshy palm actually pierced the elevator door straight and tore a big hole in the iron door.

In a lightning-fast moment, Lu Sheng kicked out a bag of daily necessities, and then firmly grasped the thick wall of the elevator entrance on the fourth floor with both hands.

There was a loud bang, and the elevator that had been falling violently just now was caught by a huge force and hung precariously at the elevator entrance on the fourth floor.

Lu Sheng hung on the elevator with one hand like a nail. He took out his other hand, grabbed the elevator door, and tore the entrance and exit even wider.

Then he stooped and stepped out of the elevator. The elevator behind him suddenly lost its support and plummeted downwards with a roar. ,

Then there was a loud bang, and the elevator completely smashed into the ground floor and was completely destroyed.

Residents on many floors were disturbed by the loud noise and opened their doors to check the situation.

Lu Sheng had no expression on his face as he picked up the things on the ground and opened the door to his house.

Wang Jing is sitting quietly on a chair reading a book. Hearing the sound, she raised her head and looked at Lu Sheng. Then he showed a very faint smile.

That smile was like the joy of finally seeing the person you care about return home safely after worrying for a long time.

I'm back. Lu Sheng closed the door with his backhand and put the things down on the ground.

The elevator is broken, and we may have to find someone to repair it. The property management company will call the maintenance company later. We may have to take the stairs recently.

. Wang Jing stared at him quietly, her eyes gradually calming down.

Your sour plum juice. Lu Sheng threw a can of drink to Wang Jing and walked to the bathroom.

I'm going to take a shower.

Today's incident is a bit exaggerated. A while ago, it was just once a week, but today there were so many accidents a day, it seemed like an attack.

Lu Sheng turned on the water in the bathroom, and the showerhead sprayed a large line of water on him. Rinse the soil out of the pot.

Fortunately, the only good thing is that there will be no random unexpected troubles within a certain range around Wang Jing.

What makes him a little strange is that Baiwu's people haven't come to trouble him yet.

He killed two groups of them in a row.

White Mist Branch, Black Ning Snake Hall.

The dark underground hall is full of strange black stone statues standing or sitting.

A group of figures covered in white robes and masks were scattered around the hall, all focusing on an old man with a white beard sitting cross-legged in the center.

Since he is that brother's brother, no wonder all the people he sent disappeared inexplicably. The old man sighed deeply.

Are you sure she is the cause of the disaster? One of the people in white robes around said in a low voice, using a voice changer with a distinct electronic sound.

Confirmed, the news came from the Mercury Capital. The old man nodded.

In this case, all arrangements against Wang Dong are withdrawn. All branches are withdrawn from the Bluegrange Republic. Use actions to show our attitude. Another person said in a female accent.

“Generally speaking, as long as we don’t take the initiative to cause disasters, causal disasters will not move around, but will live peacefully within a small area.

Among the world-class Gods of Destruction, this one is considered a very peaceful one.

I just hope that this person won't be angry with us for this. The old man whispered, with a hint of awe flashing on his face.

No one can resist the power of the God of Destruction, not even psychics. Because that is the power of the hegemon who stands at the top of the world, and no one can compete with it.

Just make enough compensation.

After a long time, one person said with a trembling voice.



The thirty-third time. Lu Sheng opened his eyes with a calm expression. After his body was lifted again, he felt a strong sense of fatigue. This is cumulative fatigue caused by excessive consumption.

But with his resilience, he only needs a good rest.

In one night, he easily doubled his physical fitness after just sleeping.

After straightening up, Lu Sheng was suddenly surprised to find that there was someone else beside him.

When I opened the quilt, I saw that it was Wang Jing! ?

The girl curled up, her white dress barely covering her slender thighs, and her long black hair spread naturally on the white sheets, like a deep black lotus. It's hard to take your eyes away.

But what Lu Sheng was thinking about at this time was not this issue, but when did she come in! ?

With his induction power, Wang Dong's body has now been strengthened to thirty-three times that of an ordinary person, although he has not used his physical power.

He didn't even notice when she came in and lay down next to him?

That's true. Lu Sheng took a deep breath. Although he felt that this sister was not simple, he didn't expect it to be so simple.

Even if it was a ghost, it would be impossible to hide it from him if it was so close to him.

Wang Jing suddenly opened her eyes slowly, straightened her upper body slowly, and looked at him quietly with a pair of delicate eyes.

sleep together.

You have a bed. Lu Sheng said expressionlessly.

Too far away from you.

What about it? Lu Sheng was speechless.

We... need a deeper bond. Wang Jing suddenly said something incomprehensible. In this way, you will always belong to me. These words flashed through her heart.

?? Lu Sheng didn't know what she meant.

Brother, you are mine. Wang Jing reached out and grabbed his arm.

The hands are very slender and the grip is tight.

Lu Sheng understood her thoughts instantly.

Think of the fatal accidents that happened before. This kind of bad luck ability is probably beyond her control, so no one dares to stay with her for a long time.

And I am an exception.

He should be the only one who can always be with her, so this situation may be normal.

Forget it, get up. Lu Sheng said speechlessly.

Getting off the bed, he opened the curtains.

Wang Jing walked slowly behind him.

She blocked herself behind Lu Sheng to prevent the sun from shining on her.

I'm going to buy breakfast and I'll be back in a while. You wait at home. Lu Sheng warned, put on his coat and left the house.

Wang Jing stood alone in the bedroom, looking around slowly.

After a while, she closed her eyes and opened them again after a few seconds.


She quietly walked to a bookcase, then squatted down and gently pulled out comic books with colorful pictures from the back of the bookcase and the gap between the wall.

Gently opening the comic book and looking at the blushing pictures inside, Wang Jing's eyes flashed with a hint of enlightenment.

My brother is mine. Whoever robs him will die.

Putting down the book, Wang Jing gently closed the cover.

With a pop, all the comic books were quickly blackened, twisted, and turned into black ashes, as if they had been ignited and burned in a fire.

In the blink of an eye, in just a few seconds, all the comic books turned into black ash, and the black ash turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air.

For a moment, it was as if those books had never existed in the world. Not a trace was left behind.

There wasn't even any smell of black smoke in the air.

Lu Sheng was holding a shopping bag with a warm breakfast drink stuck to his pants. He took out the vibrating mobile phone in his hand and glanced at the number above. It was a number that was not recorded in the address book.

Pressing it down casually, he took the key and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, a slender figure rushed towards him with a fragrant breeze.

The moment Lu Sheng saw the person clearly, he suppressed his instinct and hugged Wang Jing. His hands instinctively placed on Wang Jing's buttocks, and then he realized that she had put on long black seductive stockings at some point.

The long black silk wrapped her perfectly slender legs and buttocks, and all that could be seen was the round thigh exposed under the white dress.

From now on. Wang Jing let go of Lu Sheng, her delicate face only ten centimeters away from him.

I will satisfy all your needs.

As long as you stay with me forever, that's fine.

Wang Jing's slender black hair swayed slightly, and her beautiful eyes stared at Lu Sheng.

What are you doing? Lu Sheng was stunned. Don't you still have parents?

You are not their biological child. Wang Jing said calmly. And, now, they have escaped.

In fact, from the day they took her home, Wang Zhuo and the two had already been arranging an escape route.

Parents are the people who know their children best, so they are the ones who know the horror of Wang Jing’s superpowers best.

Any existence with malicious intent will be inexplicably killed around Wang Jing.

And no matter who it is, if they stay with her for more than two days, they will gradually develop evil thoughts to torture her and kill her.

And as long as evil thoughts come together, all kinds of death attacks will come.

And during the time when there are no evil thoughts, there will be the threat of crisis around her.

Because Wang Jing has a moody personality, she will go crazy and go to extremes from time to time. Once there is a slight dissatisfaction, the ability will explode and cause massacre.

This is the God of Destruction.

She itself represents destruction and disaster. No matter what she does, she cannot actually change her own nature. No matter whether she has good intentions or bad intentions, the final result will be destruction.

In so many years, this is the first time that Wang Jing has been in contact with another person for so long.

Lu Sheng just treated her like a normal person, but he made her truly feel warmth that she had never experienced before.

Therefore, she wants this warmth to belong to her forever.


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