Extreme Demon

Chapter 945 Psionic Energy 4


The clerk rolled his eyes, shrugged, and motioned for them to wait where they were while he went to find a translator.

In desperation, a group of girls could only wait quietly on the side. Watch the queue at the back as they come forward to check out.

After a while, Yuan Shuangshuang and two other girls also had trouble with the clerk.

They had already paid at another counter, but when they left, no matter how they degaussed them, the alarm sounded when they passed the security fence.

The same thing happened four times in a row. The security guard came over and asked to check their bags and bodies.

This is not our problem! a girl named Zhong Beibei shouted.

You should check your machines! Yuan Shuangshuang also argued. As a girl, it would be extremely humiliating to be searched at will, in the presence of so many people.

The security guard and the store clerk didn't understand what they were saying at all. The two sides were in a stalemate, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

While they were arguing, Yuan Shuang's sharp eyes happened to see Lu Sheng holding a shopping basket, walking to the counter and starting to check out.

Wang Dong! Come and help me! she shouted quickly.

Lu Sheng heard the sound and looked back. Both Yuan Shuangshuang and Zhang Qixuan saw it, and not only that, there were also disputes between tourists in two other places in the store, and it was obviously not just for them.

Help call the team leader! Yuan Shuangshuang said loudly.

Lu Sheng swiped his card casually and walked towards the few people carrying his things.

What's going on? he asked directly.

Several girls quickly finished the story one by one.

Lu Sheng nodded, turned around and had a conversation with the waiting security guard Yili.

The security guard was overjoyed. He finally found someone with whom he could communicate, and he hurriedly joined Lu Sheng in making a fuss.

Soon, with the cooperation of both parties, the confused Yuan Shuangshuang and others were quickly found out. There was no problem with their products, but the clerk at the counter had missed a small brand.

After repainting the small sign, Yuan Shuangshuang and others finally breathed a sigh of relief and were able to run out of the store.

Thank you so much this time! Wang Dong! I didn't expect you to be so talkative?! It's so awesome!

It's okay. Go back and rest early after shopping. Lu Sheng nodded with his hands in his hands, turned around with a calm expression and continued to wander.

Aren't you going to join us? Yuan Shuangshuang asked quickly.

I still have something to do, you can do whatever you want. Lu Sheng waved his hand without looking back.

Watching Lu Sheng leave, Yuan Shuangshuang and the other girls suddenly fell into curiosity and wonder.

Shuangshuang, aren't you in the same room as this Wang Dong? How come you didn't know he was so good in class before? You can see how many languages ​​there are, and the security guards and store clerks are impressed by what they say. He's so handsome!

He used to be very low-key in the class. No one knew to pay attention to him.

Let me tell you, this kind of boy usually keeps a low profile, but at critical moments he becomes a blockbuster. If it weren't for luck this time, we wouldn't have known that Wang Dong's foreign language was so good. Since people didn't spread the news, they probably didn't want it to spread, so let's not get him into trouble. . Zhong Beibei reminded in a low voice.

That's right. Yuan Shuangshuang nodded in agreement. When the girls looked at Lu Sheng's slowly disappearing back, they felt that this originally ordinary boy with no sense of existence seemed to be filled with a faint mysterious aura. Even the back is much more outstanding than before.

After a whole day of shopping in the town, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening when the students returned to the hotel. All of them were so tired that they fell on the bed and didn't want to move.

In the afternoon, Lu Sheng's body strengthened to four times that of an ordinary person. We have basically reached the racial limit of this world.

After he realized that he could no longer improve, he immediately started practicing the Red Soul Skill.

This technique, which uses the Suzaku Divine Fire to continue to strengthen oneself, is not complicated or difficult. The only trouble is that, like Nanming Longevity Record, this technique is a special technique that can be practiced indefinitely. It becomes more difficult to improve in the later stages.

But his only function is to increase the strength of the physical body.

After spending more than ten points of spiritual power, the Red Soul Skill was upgraded to the fifth level in one breath, and his physical fitness was once again increased to fifth times that of ordinary people.

The further you get to the back, the harder it will be to improve after your body has exceeded its limits.

However, for Lu Sheng, who has more than one billion supernatural powers, the only thing he needs to consider is whether his body can bear the food.

Haste makes waste, food must be eaten one bite at a time, it is impossible to eat a big fat man in one bite. Therefore, the strength must also be steadily improved and cannot be encouraged.

Early the next morning, the team left the town and headed to the next location.

At one o'clock at noon, the car finally stopped in the second town of Khiva, where we stayed temporarily.

It is still arranged to check into the room with the previous combination. Yuan Shuangshuang secretly came to ask Lu Sheng when he encountered something he didn't understand.

Since she has a good attitude, Lu Sheng also answers all questions. Anyway, this kind of casual help is completely effortless.

Zhang Qixuan and others waited for a long time in the last supermarket before the team leader came to rescue them. At this time, I felt extremely unhappy.

After a group of students arranged their rooms, they checked in with their luggage.

Stay here for at least four days during this stay.

There are hot spring baths and a large ecological park around it, which is a scenic spot for viewing active volcanoes.

Zhang Qixuan was in a very bad mood, so she simply stayed in the hotel and had a good rest and sleep.

The previous supermarket incident made her very humiliated and embarrassed, although she also saw Yuan Shuangshuang from a distance being solved by her cousin Wang Dong in some unknown way.

But at that time, she didn't have the nerve to ask for help, so she missed the best opportunity. By the time she overcame her psychology, Lu Sheng had already taken Yuan Shuangshuang and others away.

This made her feel very bad.

Death Wang Dong! You are dead! Remember, you will look good when you go back! She leaned on the bed and couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

She felt that Wang Dong's attitude toward her had changed subtly since joining the tour.

From being timid and obedient before, to now he doesn't say a word and doesn't even bother to look at himself.

She was already very sensitive in this area, so it was easy to tell the difference.

Feeling depressed for a while, Zhang Qixuan changed her clothes, put on a green long-sleeved T-shirt and tight jeans, standard hiking boots, and carried a tactical backpack with all kinds of wilderness survival tools.

These are special preparations for climbing mountains to see active volcanoes.

Then spray some insect repellent water on your body and apply moisturizing cream and sunscreen oil.

Standing in the mirror and patting her perky little butt, Zhang Qixuan felt a little better. Carefully tie your long black hair into a small ponytail on the right side. She walked out of the room leisurely and walked toward the ecological park alone.

She planned to take a walk in the park alone. Anyway, there are no entrance fees to the park. The only thing you need to be careful about is the wild animals inside.

But there won't be any troublesome beasts in the periphery.

Zhao Chongjun slowly stepped on a large stone and used the height of the stone to look at a large swamp in front of him.

It's incredible that there is a swamp here. He looked a little confused.

If I guessed correctly, the key to that thing should be around here. Zhao Chongjun encouraged his class to travel here collectively. This is also his true purpose.

As for why he brought the whole class with him, it was just to cover the trajectory of his solo actions.

What he didn't expect was that a ghost weapon user actually appeared in the class midway, and he was a silver ghost weapon user on the same level as him.

The other person is a classmate whom he always thought was just an ordinary person.

So this is embarrassing.

But the battle was about to begin, and Zhao Chongjun could not give up this opportunity, otherwise he would have a serious lack of cards and he would never be able to get a good ranking in the battle.

Even if a little bit of information is revealed, nothing will happen. We must get the key as soon as possible.

After calming down, Zhao Zhongjun jumped off the rock and continued running towards the top of the mountain.

Unfortunately, he didn't run very far when a blue figure slowly landed right in front of him.

Huang Ya!? How did you find me? Zhao Zhongjun's eyes darkened, his expression extremely ugly.

Huang Ya sneered.

Don't you know that there is such a thing as a tracker in this world? She casually pinched a few sesame seeds from her cuffs and tossed them gently.

Tracking device? On the edge of a huge rock not far away, Zhang Qixuan was about to continue climbing the mountain when she suddenly noticed two people standing in front of her.

Perhaps out of gossip mentality, she did not take the initiative to show up, but hid behind the boulder with great interest, carefully eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.

But as soon as she understood it, she felt something was wrong.

These two guys even used things like trackers.

Suppressing the surprise in her heart, Zhang Qixuan continued to listen carefully to the two people talking.

Zhao Zhongjun quickly rummaged around on his body for a while, and sure enough, he found the tracker the other party mentioned - an extremely tiny sesame seed in his trouser leg.

You guy.!! Zhao Chongjun finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart after his action plan was ruined again and again.

He lowered his right hand, and a golden wing pistol automatically appeared in his palm.

Get out of the way! Otherwise, I'll kill you!!

kill? ? Just kidding.!

Zhang Qixuan, who was behind the boulder, looked stiff and glanced at the two of them. She happened to see the golden pistol automatically appear and condense, and her mouth couldn't help but open wide.

This is.!!?

Huang Ya sneered, holding the blue cold spear, slowly approaching the opponent.

If you have the ability, kill him!! As soon as she finished speaking, she jumped like an osprey falling from the sky into the lake, and stabbed Zhao Chongjun with a fierce shot.

Thousand Snake Moon!!

White snake-like cold air suddenly appeared around the ice blue spear, and these cold air rushed toward Zhao Chongjun while surrounding it.

Golden Thundercloud! Zhao Zhongjun knelt down on one knee, raised his pistol, and the gun body stretched forward in an instant. In the blink of an eye, it changed from a pistol to a long gun like a sniper rifle.

The spear was aimed at Huang Ya in mid-air, and the golden light at the muzzle grew from small to large.

boom! ! !

The golden light beam and the blue spear stabbed together fiercely.

Brilliant white light exploded from the middle of the contact between the two. It spreads around like a mask of light.

All the rocks, soil, and grass that came into contact with the light shield were twisted, broken, and broken, as if they were cut in half by some giant machete.

Zhang Qixuan stood there blankly. Before she could react, she saw the two of them fighting at will. When she came back to her senses, an incredible scene had exploded in front of her, and a halo like a movie was approaching her quickly.

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