Extreme Demon

Chapter 943 Psionic Energy 2


Taking back the key card, Lu Sheng pushed open the door and walked into his room.

There was already someone in the room, and there was a sound of flushing in the bathroom. It was obvious that someone was taking a shower.

Lu Sheng put the food on the table, turned around and sat on a chair. The chair was facing the full-length mirror, which reflected his current appearance.

He turned his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

Wang Dong's originally gloomy expression had been replaced by a cold and calm face. The facial features that were just ordinary before now seemed to have a slight delicate appearance, as if she had put on light makeup, and her skin was better than before.

As expected, the beauty effect of the Suzaku Divine Fire is a bit strong. Lu Sheng touched his cheek and felt that it felt much smoother than before.

While sitting and strengthening himself, Lu Sheng took out his mobile phone and turned on the wifi to reply to the message.

Among them were inquiries from Wang Dong's parents about this body, as well as greetings from several close cousins ​​and other relatives.

Other than that, no one said hello.

This body's social circle is pitifully narrow.

After replying that he had arrived safely, Lu Sheng quickly opened the browser and started surfing the Internet to check various related information about this world.

Among them, the level of civilization, national system, racial distribution, the limit of force, etc. are all the parts that Lu Sheng is most concerned about.

Halfway through searching for information, the bathroom door opened.

Yuan Shuangshuang came out wearing short-sleeved shorts and her long hair was being rubbed vigorously with a dry towel.

We are in the same room again. The girl was a little surprised to see Lu Sheng, But that's right, we will probably arrange the rooms together according to the pairings on the plane.

When Lu Sheng saw Yuan Shuangshuang, he was slightly startled and then reacted. In the Langlani Republic where Wang Dong is located, the boundaries between men and women are not too finely divided.

What they call a room is actually a suite, which is divided into two airtight single rooms.

It’s not really a sleeping space.

The conditions here are not very good, the decoration is good, but the hot water supply is limited, so you should wash up quickly. The team leader said he would get up at six o'clock tomorrow. Yuan Shuangshuang has a cheerful personality, letting down his long hair, and said casually with a smile.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded, stood up and rummaged through the toiletries in his box. Then he walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

Yuan Shuangshuang blew her hair and was about to get into the bed of the room and check her mobile phone.

Boom, boom, boom.

The door rang, someone knocked on the door.

Who is it? Yuan Shuangshuang hurried over in slippers and turned the door handle. I saw Zhang Qixuan rushing in with a girl.

My cousin Wang Dong doesn't use his cell phone very much. I'll let you use his for now. Don't worry, you can return it to me when you find it later. Zhang Qixuan turned around to talk to the girl as she entered.

How embarrassing. The girl was a little shy, but still didn't refuse.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about. We should help each other when we go out. It's settled. Zhang Qixuan glanced at it and quickly found Wang Dong's suitcase. She strode over a few times and found the portable WiFi from the suitcase.

Okay, let's go. She took the wifi and turned around to go out.

Aren't you going to tell your brother? The girl was a little dazed.

It's okay, he doesn't play with his phone very much, so it's useless to hold it. Zhang Qixuan pulled the girl away quickly.

Snap, the door is closed.

Yuan Shuangshuang stood aside and was confused the whole time. Before they could figure out what was going on, the two of them were done.

The sound of flushing water came from the bathroom. Yuan Shuangshuang looked stunned, not knowing what to say to Lu Sheng.

After closing the door, she looked at the messy suitcases and felt that she must make it clear to Lu Sheng. Otherwise, others will think that they translated it themselves.

While Lu Sheng was wading into the water, he also heard the movement outside. After his senses were strengthened, he could still hear clearly from this distance.

It's just that I don't have any clothes on, so it's not good to rush out like that.

The wifi was gone and the Internet was no longer easy to access. As a result, my impression of Zhang Qixuan became even worse.

Although he is just a child, it is uncomfortable if it affects his normal schedule.

After drying his hair, Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the bathroom and glanced at Yuan Shuangshuang, who was sitting beside him.

Go to sleep, I heard everything.

Yuan Shuangshuang breathed a sigh of relief.

That's your cousin? she asked.


Okay. Yuan Shuangshuang didn't know what to say, but she just felt that this cousin was a bit...

Go to sleep. Lu Sheng closed the box, zipped it up, and walked towards his single room.



During the night, the moving clouds continuously blocked and released the moonlight.

The large forest of buildings below was occasionally obscured by shadows, and then quickly reappeared.

To the north of the Silver Gilded Hotel, a few hundred meters away is an unfinished building.

In the dark shadow, Zhao Zhongjun clicked the switch on the golden pistol in his hand. There are complex and exquisite religious patterns on both sides of the pistol, and there is a pair of angel-like wings behind the barrel, slowly emitting golden sand.

The straight body of the gun is covered with scales, like a stuffed golden snake. It opens its mouth to reveal its fangs and bites forward.

I told you, don't mess with me! Zhao Chongjun stared at the open space opposite with cold eyes.

The moonlight moved and shone on the open space, revealing Huang Ya's slender and cold body.

She stared at Zhao Chongjun with the same indifferent expression, holding a slightly curved long knife in her hand.

The blade is a strange blue color, slender and slender, and there are ice-like pure white cubes stacked on the handle, which is emitting a white cold air.

Sure enough, the golden thunder cloud is in your hands. I don't want to be your enemy if it is not necessary, but you should never do it. You should never hurt my brother and destroy his ghost weapon! Huang Yahan said in a loud voice, holding his hand. The long knife turned slightly, reflecting a deep and strange blue light in the moonlight.

Your brother Huang Hao? Zhao Zhongjun frowned, I said it was none of my business. I just fought him off and didn't make a move.

But the only wounds on his body are traces of your ghost weapon! Stop making excuses. Huang Ya slowly walked towards Zhao Chongjun step by step.

The battle is approaching. I don't want to waste my psychic energy. Don't force me. Zhao Chongjun also became angry.

If he said no, it must not be the case. Does the other party's suspicion mean he looks down on him?

Everyone is a silver weapon user. Do you think you can defeat me with a handful of golden thunder clouds in your hand? Huang Ya sneered.


Zhao Zhongjun slowly raised the golden pistol, and the barrel of the gun was automatically loaded, making a subtle rotating sound. The golden wings behind the gun gradually lit up with a dazzling golden light.

Then let's see who is stronger! He slowly pointed the gun at Huang Ya.

Even if he is a classmate, he will not stop in this situation. Bronze level and black iron level ghost weapon users can still hold back, but not the silver level. The power of this level of ghost weapon has been greatly increased, but the ghost energy in it has also become more active and violent.

If you are not careful, you will end up with no bones left.

You Huang Ya raised the blade and was about to take action when suddenly a black shadow floated rapidly behind her.

Chi! !

The blue light flashed, leaving a deep knife mark in the air.

In the night sky, a black rag-like human figure was cut in half on the spot and disappeared into black smoke.

Zhao Zhongjun on the opposite side also looked cold, turned around and fired three shots.

Three black figures in rags in the sky in the distance were flying behind him. They were shot into golden fragments by three golden bullets and exploded on the spot.

It's a virtual demon again! Why are there so many ghost places here? Zhao Chongjun rolled to avoid a black figure rushing from the side.

These figures in tattered clothes trailed long black smoke and could fly freely in the sky. Their faces were wrapped in thick dirty straps, and only the dark eye holes stared at the two of them desperately, as if they wanted to Drag them into the abyss together.

Deal with the virtual demon first! Huang Ya said coldly.

Okay! Zhao Zhongjun paused and nodded quickly.



Huh? This feeling. Lu Sheng paused.

If he hadn't been exposed to that weird power of desolation in the prehistoric world, he probably wouldn't be able to detect this extremely thin mysterious energy now.

He was sitting in his room reading a book, but when he felt something was wrong, he stood up slowly.

I didn't expect that there would be something like that in this world. Although it was very faint, Lu Sheng still felt it. This was the power of nothingness that Hongjun mentioned.

Maybe he had encountered it before but didn't recognize it.

No matter how many things there are, let's strengthen ourselves first. We can't find any other extraordinary systems here for the time being. Let's strengthen the physical body first. Lu Sheng thought for a while, The physical body plus cold weapons should be able to cope with low-intensity battles in this environment. .”

After determining the target, he continued to let the Suzaku Divine Fire vibrate and strengthen his body. After three days, you can use the earth energy to strengthen it together, and the speed will be faster at that time.

Bear with me for now.

While controlling the Suzaku Divine Fire to strengthen his body, Lu Sheng flipped through the book in his hand. Although it was just a travel introduction magazine, it still allowed him to collect enough words and phrases to speed up his mastery of the local language of the Gaussian Empire.

As for the fluctuations of the power of desolation coming from the air, these fluctuations are so weak that if Lu Sheng had not been exposed to the power of desolation in the prehistoric world, he would not be able to distinguish them at all.

The desolate power in the fluctuation can only occupy a tiny particle at most. There are also layers of other weird low-level energy wrapped around it.

It seems that the power of desolation is used as the core.

If the force of desolation that came into contact in the Zhoutian Star Formation was ten thousand units, then the force of desolation in the fluctuations here is at most one thousandth of a unit. And Lu Sheng had a vague feeling that this one thousandth part seemed to have been diluted.

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, all the students in the class gathered in the hotel lobby.

After what happened last night, Lu Sheng planned to find an opportunity to deal with Zhang Qixuan's trouble.

Although his current psychological guidance technique does not have enough earth energy and soul power to support it, after all, the strengthening is not too much.

But it's no problem to deal with a mere high school student.

As for foreign languages, through magazines and TV programs, he has thoroughly mastered the languages ​​of this place.

In addition, he was short of money and could only eat basic meals. For Lu Sheng, who was strengthening his body, he couldn't even reach 30% of the basic meals in one meal.

Not enough to eat at all.

So he decided to get some money.

As for how to get money, he once again found the phone numbers of many unlicensed lending companies around the hotel. It was just right for middle school students like him who could hardly afford to eat.

He still vaguely remembered that the people in these companies were all of good character, rarely discounted when borrowing money, were generous, timely, and enthusiastic.

This made a great impression on him. When I go out, I rely on such enthusiastic people.

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