Extreme Demon

Chapter 941 Situation 2

According to Lu Sheng's observation, Wang Dong's physical fitness is among the lowest in this car.

His clothes were also a bit rustic, and the big black headphones hanging around his neck made his already slender neck look like there were shackles on it, which made him look a little funny.

His appearance is a bit delicate, and maybe he can be saved by dressing up carefully.

If that were all, he would be just an ordinary student who was a bit introverted and silent, but his inner desire to be an incomparable middle school student surprised him a little.

Lu Sheng didn't think he had such a soul element. So this must be caused by the deliberate guidance of this world and has nothing to do with him.

Come to your senses. He began to look at the other people in the car.

The cousin Zhang Qixuan sitting in the front right is wearing a white T-shirt and a black pleated skirt. Her slender white legs shine in the sunlight. The shapely and round leg curves make the boys around her unable to take their eyes away.

Coupled with her delicate and pretty face, her skin with light makeup was flawless, and her long shawl hair exuded a light fruity shampoo fragrance.

She is one of the three most beautiful girls in this car. Very eye-catching.

Lu Sheng rummaged through Wang Dong's memories and remembered that this cousin seemed to have been told by his family to take care of him on the road.

However, from the moment he got in the car to now, this girl had no intention of looking after him at all. She didn't even say hello, and she was like a stranger.

Obviously, Wang Dong's image and appearance made this girl feel embarrassed, and she didn't want to come over to talk at all.

Combining Wang Dong's previous impression of this cousin, Lu Sheng quickly came to a conclusion.

He moved his eyes away and scanned the other students in the car. Although it will take time for him to adapt to the rules here, it does not mean that his sharp eyes and battle-hardened experience are ineffective.

Even just looking at the details of the appearance, he can get a lot of information.

From the leading teacher to every student. Lu Sheng soon discovered two maverick guys.

Those were the two students sitting in the last row.

A boy with short black hair, a high nose bridge, and some white lips. He seemed to be in poor health.

The other is a girl with long black hair, a delicate face, and a cold temperament. She is holding a dark brown book in her hand and slowly flipping through it.

Lu Sheng knew from Wang Dong's memory that the boy's name was Zhao Chongjun and the girl's name was Huang Ya. They are all top students in the class.

However, due to personality issues, neither of them had much fun with their classmates, and they didn't have many friends around them.

Two kids, it seems they have a secret. Lu Sheng could tell at a glance the huge difference between these two people and the other students.

They have a special fierce temperament that only people who have seen blood can have.

This is not the taste that those cautious students who are bound by social rules and laws can display.

We have thirteen minutes to arrive at Baolai Airport. Please be prepared and don't leave your luggage behind. Team leader Xu Fanjiao's voice came from the loudspeaker.

Although the name is neutral, the leader is indeed a petite and cute 1.4 meter tall woman, an adult woman.

When she stood up, she was not as tall as most students. In addition, she was wearing a white dress with princess lace on the hem, her slender legs were also wearing thick white stockings only worn by children, and black leather shoes on her feet. She looked like a little girl who had not grown up.

I'm very happy to meet you all on this journey. Xu Fan began to introduce the journey seriously.

Our itinerary this time is as follows. We will arrive at the hotel tonight, check in and rest smoothly. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the Bodoya area south of Goss, where there is the world-famous Fulalimu Mountains, where we can see The most famous active volcano in the world.

Lu Sheng withdrew his gaze, leaned back on the seat again, and slowly squinted his eyes to rest.

He didn't know what the world line meant by guiding him to this world. But now that he had calculated that the whereabouts of the Eye of Sin were most likely to be here, he would search for it as quickly as possible.

Listening to the baby voice of team leader Xu Fanjiao, Lu Sheng closed his eyes, and the soul in his body activated a trace of the Suzaku Divine Fire, slowly integrating into the depths of this body.

Compared with the earth energy and dark flames of the main body, although the temperature of the Suzaku Divine Fire is very high, it is actually not very harmful to living creatures. It is most harmful to spiritual bodies and souls.

In addition, under the micro-control of Lu Sheng, the current Emperor of Heaven, a very small amount of Suzaku Divine Fire slowly invaded the body and soul, rapidly transforming the body's constitution.

The Suzaku Divine Fire was originally owned by Suzaku, who controlled the music. When transforming the body, it mainly carried out micro-vibrations like music.

This kind of vibration is very gentle and can easily fully strengthen the body.

Lu Sheng just slowly leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes as if to rest and relax.

He also perfectly inherited the language here through Wang Dong's memory. There is no communication barrier. The relationship between Wang Dong and the classmates around him was not very good, so he saved a lot of troublesome junk communication.

It had been a long time since he had rested in such a non-threatening world. Lu Sheng quickly arrived at Baolai Airport in the rickety vehicle.

The team leader and airport staff worked together to arrange for the evacuated students to get off the bus.

Lu Sheng took off his black suitcase from the luggage rack on his seat. When I looked up, I saw my cousin Zhang Qixuan and two female classmates getting out of the car talking and laughing without even looking this way.

Completely pretending that he doesn't know his cousin.

He exhaled, dragged the suitcase slowly out of the car, and then followed the large group into the airport to gather.

Xu Fanzheng was chatting sweetly to an airport employee. Pretty people are popular wherever they go. This sentence is not a joke.

The enthusiastic airport employee not only led Xu Fan to the ticket processing counter, but also escorted him all the way, giving instructions and helping to maintain order in the class.

After spending more than ten minutes with the whole team, I reluctantly turned around and left with my contact information.

Lu Sheng followed and queued up for class tickets and checked luggage. While sighing, this place is really no different from the earth. Except for the different races, countries, and some differences in terrain, the level of civilization in other places is almost the same.

After checking in for the ticket, going through the security check, and boarding the plane smoothly, these steps gave Lu Sheng the feeling that he was still living on earth.

There was a sense of peace in this world that he couldn't describe. The energy particles permeating the air are incredibly few and extremely inert.

With this kind of energy concentration and super inertia, even a prehistoric monk in the divine transformation stage can only use his magic power to light a match here.

But these have nothing to do with him. His power is countless times that of the monks in the transformation stage. For this world, there is not much difference between being destroyed once and being destroyed countless times.

After getting on the international flight, Lu Sheng was looking for a seat when he saw his cousin Zhang Qixuan struggling to drag a large suitcase into her luggage.

Come and help, why are you standing there? Zhang Qixuan shouted angrily when she saw Lu Sheng watching.

Lu Sheng was speechless, walked over slowly, stretched out his hand to help, gently stuffed the suitcase into the empty space and put it away.

Okay, this time we go out, follow the leader carefully, don't run around, let me worry less. Do you hear me? Zhang Qixuan turned over a wet wipe and came out, wiping her hands.

Yes. Lu Sheng responded. This was also Wang Dong's normal behavior before. He didn't want to appear too abrupt just yet.

Returning to his position, Lu Sheng continued to use the Suzaku Divine Fire to emit sound waves, and the vibrations strengthened his body.

Not long after, another student sat down next to him.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was a girl named Yuan Shuangshuang in the class.

The girl has short bangs and two dimples on her cheeks. She loves to smile and her big eyes are twinkling. Although she looks far less dazzling and attractive than her cousin Zhang Qixuan, she is the standard cute and well-behaved type.

You are Wang Dong, please give me some advice along the way. Yuan Shuangshuang stretched out his hand in front of Lu Sheng.

Just pretend I don't exist. Lu Sheng replied, reaching out to shake her hand as well.

He roughly calculated that the basic warming time of this body was three days, and then the earth energy could be used for the next step of strengthening.

As for the power of the evil god, this kind of guy who is a great weapon to the world cannot even withstand it in the prehistoric times, let alone this. He has no plans to release it for the time being.

He also roughly calculated the flow rate of time here, which is almost one-thirtieth of that in the Demon Realm and the Ancient World.

In other words, thirty days here is equivalent to one day there.

So you have plenty of time to search slowly.

Yuan Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment and before she could react, she saw Lu Sheng pull out his hand and continue to rest with his eyes closed.

She hesitated for a moment, then smiled sweetly.

Then I'll try my best.

The plane sped up and took off amid a roar, gliding like a running giant bird.

It took a while until the plane rose steadily to a high altitude.

Yuan Shuangshuang started chatting with a girl in the outermost seat. Various unintelligible brands and snacks came out of their mouths.

Lu Sheng had no interest in this. After sleeping for a while, he opened his eyes and saw Zhao Zhongjun and Huang Ya standing in the corridor in front of the toilet, talking quietly.

However, both of them looked a little solemn, even a little cold.

As the only two supernormals in the class, Lu Sheng paid a little more attention to them.

The two chatted for a while, then separated with cold faces and returned to their seats.

Hey, Wang Dong, do you know Zhang Qixuan? Yuan Shuangshuang's voice came from the side.

My cousin. Lu Sheng said casually.

Really? Yuan Shuangshuang and another little girl started shouting.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes, too lazy to pay attention to them, and continued to strengthen the foundation.

This time, he didn't need to find the divine power, he only needed to find the Eye of Sin.

Ignoring the two girls, Lu Sheng soon began to speed up his body strengthening again.

Although Suzaku Divine Fire can also work on its own, his concentration will speed it up slightly.

Not far away, Zhang Qixuan's pretty face looked a little irritated.

During this trip, she originally planned to have fun with her friends. She also prepared enough foreign currency to buy some goodies that she had been looking forward to for a long time.

But before leaving, he was told to move more with his cousin, not to wander around alone, and to take care of his cousin more often.

According to what her father said, her cousin Wang Dong has a somewhat dull and introverted personality. As a cousin, she should pay more attention to her brother. Don't just play around.

But she despised this cousin from the bottom of her heart.

It was like this before. I was timid when traveling and doing things. I wouldn't go to this or that. I would wear old-fashioned and ugly clothes. When we talked together, we could not say a few words before being awkward.

I have to worry so much about guiding the topic, it’s so annoying!

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