Extreme Demon

Chapter 938 Eve 1

Invisible flames and heat steamed in the air.

Lu Sheng walked slowly in the mysterious green forest, and then stopped quietly under the wide and shining light golden plaque.

Is this the Sun Palace?

He stretched out his hand to touch the wooden pillars of the shrine, and a gentle and continuous spiritual power slowly poured into his palm.

He could feel that there were countless divine powers as huge as the ocean behind that divine power. It felt like he was collecting water from the faucet on the glass through a layer of glass, and the water flowed slowly down.

But what he saw was the endless ocean behind the glass.

In a flash, he came back to his senses slightly.

Lower your hands from the post.

Only then did he realize that in just a short moment, he had absorbed about 200,000 spiritual powers. And this is just a wooden pillar at the entrance of the Sun Palace.

It seems that this trip may really yield a big harvest.

Lu Sheng raised his legs and walked slowly into the gate. The heavy wooden door of the shrine opened automatically in front of him, revealing the large and simple empty hall inside.

In the main hall, there is a black sculpture of a three-legged golden crow in the middle, with various fire-type beasts and gods on both sides.

Lu Sheng glanced at it and quickly landed on the Suzaku sculpture.

He waved his hand.

boom! !

The three-legged Golden Crow sculpture suddenly floated up and slowly changed positions with the Suzaku sculpture.

Nodding with satisfaction, he carefully looked at his surroundings.

There is no decoration in the main hall, only some natural wooden textures, which naturally reveal traces of mysterious and strange fluorescence.

The light looked white at first, but upon closer inspection, it looked like gold.

Other than that, there is nothing else special about the main hall, it is just a palace.

Lu Sheng walked around the statue from the side and came to the apse. In the center of the apse, there was a silver-black ball suspended in mid-air. He didn't know what it was for.

There are dense circles of ancient divine patterns around the ball, and there are hexagrams-like symbols on the outermost periphery, and there is also a strong aura of the true fire source of the sun around it.

Lu Sheng was very familiar with this kind of aura. When fighting against Di Kui, the opponent used this as a auxiliary means to attack him.

Although the source of the true sun fire is not as powerful as the innate spiritual treasure when it is fully activated, it is far superior to ordinary magic weapons and belongs to the serious spiritual treasure level flames.

Lu Sheng looked around and saw that there was nothing around except the black ball.

This is the entrance. A voice sounded in his mind.

Who!? Lu Sheng looked stern. At his current level, there was no other being except a saint who could suddenly make a sound in his mind.

Which saint is in front of you? He looked around and said coldly.

Having absorbed the world source power at the same level as Hongmeng Purple Qi, if he could actually understand the world source power and completely control it, he might also be able to achieve the level of a saint.

But he is a saint from the Evil God Realm, and it only counts if he is willing to go back.

So he is not very afraid of the existence of so-called saints. Although he will definitely not be able to defeat him, the worst he can do is to use the world source power of the Evil God Realm to protect him and leave here.

A child from another world. Now that he has obtained the corresponding rights, he must shoulder the same responsibilities.

Soon, a white-haired old man holding a white whisk slowly appeared in front of him.


Lu Sheng took a breath of air. He didn't even notice how the other party was approaching. Even a saint should not reach this level.

You can call me Hongjun, or you can call me Tiandao. The old man seemed to be very ordinary. He didn't have any rays of light or any magical powers. Everything on his clothes was made of the most ordinary materials.

But just like this, Lu Sheng became more and more afraid to underestimate him.

Hearing that the other party called himself Hongjun, his heart slowly calmed down.

Hongjun is the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven in the ancient world. As long as he does not affect the operation of the Dao, he will not pose a threat to himself.

This kind of supreme saint is actually the safest among saints.

Among the saints, the most dangerous ones are none other than the Second Western Cult Leader and the Tongtian Cult Leader. The former is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his ambitions, while the latter is strong-willed and insists on what he says.

It turns out to be Saint Hongjun. You are so polite. Lu Sheng bowed quickly.

When facing Tiandao, even though he knows that the other party doesn't care, he still needs to show due courtesy and respect.

Hongjun's face was expressionless, but his eyes were not looking at him at all. Instead, he stared at the black ball suspended in mid-air.

This black ball, which is only the size of a football, looks like a ball of pitch-black ink. There are countless ripples on the surface, and it doesn't seem very calm.

This is the core of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and it is also the key point that seals the entrance to something you didn't expect at all. Hongjun's tone was calm, as if he was explaining something.

May I ask what your purpose is? Lu Sheng didn't know what the strongest person in this world had planned to come here, so he asked directly without taking any detours.

Do you know why I ordered Taiyi to establish the Demon Court? Why did I ask Dadi to establish the Witch Clan? Hongjun asked calmly.

I don't know Sheng. Lu Sheng said calmly. But a hint of curiosity also arose in my heart.

Hongjun's eyes slowly shifted from the black ball to Lu Sheng's face.

During the battle between the ancestors, dragons, and phoenixes, the heaven and earth collapsed, and countless creatures were constantly struggling in destruction and rebirth. But the law of heaven did not intervene at that time.

Later, when the Demon Court was established, I personally passed down the decree. Do you know why?

I don't know. Lu Sheng had a vague feeling that he was about to come into contact with some extremely secret secret.

Hongjun pointed at the black ball in front of him.

Come in with me and have a look.

He took a step forward, and his body turned into a white light in an instant and penetrated into the ball.

Lu Sheng hesitated for a moment, then turned into red light and got into the ball.

The ball seemed to be just an entrance. Once the two entered, they felt like they had entered a long passage.

After traveling in the black passage for several breaths, Lu Sheng finally rushed out and saw Hongjun who was one step ahead of him in a medium-sized black cave.

This old man, who represents the way of heaven, is standing quietly in front of a round arch door with rippling gray light.

When Lu Sheng saw the gray door, he immediately thought of the door to the world of pain established by the Mother of Pain.

This feeling is very strange.

The aura inside that door was like an enhanced version of the original Painful World, with intensity and concentration far exceeding that of the Painful World.

This is the door to the desolate world. Hongjun said slowly. There is the illusion of pain and the edge of nothingness.

I wonder if the saint brought me here to give you any advice? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Now that you are in control of Demon Court, you should know that the main function of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is to seal this door. Hongjun said calmly.

The universe is chaotic and heaven and earth are one. In fact, everything can be included in the concept of 'being'. He continued. In countless dimensional universes and even gaps, there are also forces corresponding to 'being'.

That's 'nothing'.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and instantly remembered the Root of Nothingness.

That huge and mysterious force in the world of demons.

So, this door here is the so-called power of nothing? he asked.

So, Hongjun said calmly, No matter what you do, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation cannot be moved. This place must be defended. This is the meaning of the Demon Court's existence.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

Suddenly something strange occurred to him. I want to ask this saint who is the incarnation of the way of heaven, what kind of existence is the so-called weirdness.

After all, this one is the true and false omniscient master of the universe. Or it might be more appropriate to say that it is the Avenue of the Universe itself.

But before he could speak, Hongjun nodded, turned around and slowly disappeared into the air.

Lu Sheng felt a little regretful. He really didn't know if he would have a chance to meet such a powerful being again.

After coming back to his senses, he continued to look at the gray door.

There was a faint gray air coming from the door, and the gray air gave him an extremely ominous and dangerous feeling.

Is it possible that the original Mother of Pain was a painful world created by imitating this desolate world? He vaguely guessed the truth in his mind.

Compared with the painful smell of the painful world, the gray gas here is like the acidity gap between strong nitric acid and a slightly acidic drink.

And this desolate world, according to Saint Hongjun, is still just on the edge of nothingness. No real contact with nothingness.

The Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation was actually set up for this seal. Lu Sheng licked his lips, walked forward slowly, stretched out his finger, and touched a trace of gray gas that slowly dissipated in the air.

In an instant, the skin of his index finger quickly developed a layer of dry and pale wrinkles.

This feeling was as if all the nutrients, moisture, and even energy in his fingers were completely absorbed and devoured in an instant.

Lu Sheng observed carefully, and then noticed that the walls around this cave seemed to be continuously releasing strands of invisible distortion, which seemed like starlight, or some kind of cold and strange energy.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and walked back through the passage.

The black ball rushed out with a chirp, and Lu Sheng slowly landed on the ground in the back hall.

He looked back at the black ball, waved his hand and released a ball of white-gold Suzaku Divine Fire, completely surrounding the entire black ball.

After this package, he felt that the black ball was also slowly releasing a trace of energy-devouring breath.

This is...a little leaked. It felt a little bad, and Lu Sheng immediately noticed that his Suzaku Divine Fire was slowly being swallowed up bit by bit.

I can't resist this feeling yet.


I thought I was getting a big deal, but I didn't expect that it also came with an explosive pack.

Lu Sheng frowned and returned to the front hall, wandering around the statues for a while, trying to find the good things left by Taiyi.

But obviously, he found nothing except a few golden crow hairs.

Even the air in this ghost place is a diluted version of the sun's true fire. There is very little that can survive in such an environment between heaven and earth.

Even if there is, it cannot be left here for a long time.

So Lu Sheng didn't notice anything except the wood material and golden black hair.

After a fruitless search, Lu Sheng had no choice but to start touching the placed statues one by one. These statues also have divine power, but they are also released very slowly.

It seems that this high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees also has a certain impact on the spiritual power.

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