Extreme Demon

Chapter 919 Collection 2

I came to you this time to clarify my plans for the future. Lu Sheng pressed his hand on a golden hairpin, absorbing the divine power inside, while his eyes fell on the three demon gods.

Wait a minute, let's talk about the current situation in the Demon Court. How the demon gods are layered, from top to bottom, as a whole.

The three demon gods looked at each other, and the third demon god called the snake, took a step forward, and whispered.

In this regard, my subordinate serves as the Demon Court's Classics Officer. I have a better understanding of this aspect. It is better for me to explain it to my master.

Song Snake is the only female among the three. In her human form, she looks like a beautiful woman with black hair and black skirt. Her figure is also extremely plump and hot. It seems that if she is more, she will be plump, and if she is less, she will be thinner. The waist is full and tight, as if it may be overwhelmed by the weight above at any time and is about to break.

You said it. Lu Sheng nodded.

Ming She collected her thoughts and spoke slowly.

The supreme ones in the Demon Court are the three emperors and empresses, Taiyi, Dikui, and Xihe. These three are respectively in charge of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, the Hunyuan Heluo Formation, and the Fusang Giant Tree.

Among the demon gods, these three are the innate quasi-sages, and the second is the demon master Kunpeng.

Demon Master Kunpeng? Lu Sheng's eyes were sharp. This guy was the one who killed Hongyun in the legend.

Snake nodded.

Kunpeng is the only quasi-sage in heaven apart from the three. Under him, all the other demon gods are just golden immortals.

You continue. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Below the demon masters, there are seven demon gods who are the strongest. According to the classification of Qi Practitioners, they are all powerful beings that can compete with the top-level Golden Immortal. Ming She said solemnly. These seven are Bai Ze, Yingzhao, Ji Meng, Jiuying, Gui Che, Lu Wu, and Shang Yang.

Each of them has their own powerful magical powers. Even among all the demon gods in the entire world, they can still be ranked at the forefront.

Can you figure out their magical powers? Lu Sheng pondered.

It's difficult. The seven of them are too strong. Even if ten of us fight against one, it's still a question whether we can win. Yun Meng said with a bitter smile.

Yes, they are both demon gods, and they are the most important generals that the Emperor of Heaven relies on. Fei Yi said helplessly.

At this moment, Lu Sheng put down the last magic weapon from his hand.

Now that the Lich is fighting, you can find an opportunity to set up an ambush in the lower realm. As long as you control one first and use it as a breakthrough, the rest will be easy to deal with.

In this case, there is indeed a chance. Ming She thought for a while and whispered.

Say. Lu Sheng raised his eyes and looked at her.

After three months, Jiuying will be sent to the Xiangliu tribe to intercept and kill the great witch Xiangliu. I was originally going to assist. Ming She explained. Among all the parasitized demon gods, she has the highest position and is the easiest to access the core information of heaven.

After three months? Arrange all the demon gods who can descend to the realm to surround and kill him. Remember not to let him escape, Lu Sheng ordered.

At his level, if you want to take action, naturally you don't have to do everything by yourself.

Yes, Master! The three demon gods quickly saluted respectfully.

Okay, you all can go back, and remember to try not to be discovered. Lu Sheng said casually. The fewer people who know about their meeting, the better.

Although it would not be a big problem even if it was discovered, in order to prevent trouble later, it is better to eliminate the possibility first.


The three responded quickly.

By the way, Master, not long ago, the leader of the Suzaku Clan, Yu Xuan, was in trouble. Now that the war is continuing, the Demon Court has insufficient combat power. The demon god Chi Xie kindly requests that the Suzaku Clan be sent to his army to fight against the Wu Clan's Xingtian Tribe.

Chi Xie? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. The results of it?

The result was rejected by Empress Xihe, but Clan Chief Yuxuan strongly requested a fight and seemed not to want to continue to stay in Demon Court. Ming She explained.

Then don't pay attention. If there is any deliberate targeting of safety, please inform me again. Lu Sheng ordered.


There is another one, the evil eye that you mentioned before, Master. We have found it. Fei Yi stepped forward and said loudly.

Eye of Sin? Found it!? Lu Sheng perked up. Where is it? Take me there!

That place is a strange land, with countless giant trees composed of mud. There is no earth, only countless gray-black rocks. The Eye of Sin is at the deepest part of this area. Fei Yi continued.

It's just that we sent subordinates to try to get close, but every time we got close, all the subordinates we sent would freeze inexplicably, and then instantly merge into the rocks below.

Have you tried it personally? Lu Sheng frowned.

My subordinates tried it personally, but before they got very far, they felt that a huge threat might come at any time. So they didn't dare to continue. Fei Yi whispered.

Do you even feel threatened? Lu Sheng asked in surprise.

Fei Yi is a demon god canonized by the Demon Court. Although his strength is not strong here, in the lower realm, he can be said to be a top boss with a middle-level golden immortal combat power.

Even he felt threatened, and the things inside were probably quite dangerous.

Can't you fly there? Song Snake asked.

No, once you get into the air you can't find your direction at all. You will be automatically teleported out after flying for a while. Fei Yi regretted.

If you put it this way, that place is a bit like the place of virtual extension that the saint once mentioned in his sermons. Ming She frowned.

What is the Land of Xuyan? Not only Lu Sheng had never heard of it, but Fei Yi and Yun Meng also looked confused.

The saint said that Xu Yan is the great enemy of all things in the world. Today's Zixiao Palace is the pillar that has been suppressing Xu Yan. The other six saints are divided into various directions to suppress the invasion of Xu Yan from different regions. .

It's just that what the saint said is too false, and I don't know what this false extension is.

Really? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, vaguely feeling that this virtual extension was most likely related to something he had come into contact with.

After coming out of the Yunmeng Demon Palace, Lu Sheng did not go back to the Suzaku Palace. Instead, he went straight down to the realm and turned into a fire cloud to fly to Buzhou Mountain.

The original Buzhou Mountain has now collapsed into a series of mountains. A huge blood-colored round hole in the sky was surging continuously, leaving behind the water of the Tianhe River.

Except for Buzhou Mountain, the entire area is a vast ocean, and the water of the Tianhe River is highly toxic, making it impossible for ordinary creatures to survive in it.


At the top of a mountain, a cloud of fire transformed by Lu Sheng fell from the sky, landed on the top of the mountain, and transformed into a human form.

Standing on the top of the mountain, he looked around and saw a silver-blue sky and river everywhere.

The fragments of Buzhou Mountain were divided into several pieces, lying on the ground, glowing with a heavy pale color, almost becoming the only giant islands in the ocean.

Yuanshi Tianzun will collect the fragments of Buzhou Mountain and practice them into the Heaven-shaking Seal. Then the divine power contained in the entire Buzhou Mountain is probably an astronomical figure. I just don't know how to collect it.

Lu Sheng observed the surroundings quietly. This was the rumored Heavenly Pillar, the pillar supporting the sky. There must be many secrets of heavenly materials and earthly treasures on the mountain. He came here this time with the intention of repairing the sky before Saint Nuwa. Scrape it once.

By the way, let’s take a look at how powerful the saint is.

Originally I came to this world just to look for clues, but I didn't expect to get such a big windfall. It's just that Xu Yan is... For some reason, Lu Sheng vaguely recalled that when he entered the Demon Realm, he saw A strange scene on the entrance door.

The blood-red door gave him a strange and ominous feeling.

Xu Yan. It seems that I need to find a time to investigate carefully. Lu Sheng's spirit dispersed, he found a direction and sensed it, followed the place where the spiritual energy was the most abundant, and once again turned into a cloud of fire and flew away.

What he landed on was a fragment in the middle of Buzhou Mountain. Logically speaking, it should be on the mountainside. There are definitely many hidden treasures.

Before, there was too much coldness in the surrounding Taiyin, all kinds of spaces were broken, and no living thing could get close to it.

But in this current state, although there are many space cracks and the cold lunar current is constantly escaping, the intensity is much weakened.

The fire cloud transformed by Lu Sheng flew along the mountain range.

The ground below was covered with continuous ice and snow, with occasional greenish tints, but they were all broken branches and leaves. Apart from the ice and snow, the most numerous ones were boulders. Many boulders with a diameter of more than ten meters, or even hundreds of meters in diameter rolled down everywhere.

He walked quickly and soon saw the first piece of lawn glowing with light green fluorescence. There is a strange flower with petals in three colors growing in the middle of the lawn.

Lu Sheng was not polite. He went down and grabbed them all, including Hua Obito, and stuffed them into the Sumeru bag he snatched from the demon god.

Passing across the lawn, there was soon another bunch of round black fruits covered with spikes, hanging in the middle of a charred dead tree, glowing with yellow light.

Lu Sheng decisively took them all away.

After that, he collected a lot of things one after another. All the things he encountered that looked a bit attractive were put into the Xumi bag by Lu Sheng.

After flying for several hours, Lu Sheng gradually saw a faint flash of colorful light ahead. At the same time, it was accompanied by a huge howling beast roar.

Flying closer, the colored light in front becomes more and more clear.

In the middle of the endless Tianhe River, a huge woman with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake, with a solemn expression, was facing a huge copper furnace with Bagua painted on it, throwing pieces of colored stones into it for smelting.

There is a giant black beast like a giant turtle beside it, which is being locked by several black chains covered with mysterious symbols.

Sage Nuwa? Lu Sheng frowned slightly. Although it seemed like this scene was just an ordinary snake demon exercising something, it was very ordinary, but when placed in Buzhou Mountain after its collapse, something was wrong.

The current environment here is extremely harsh, and even ordinary demon gods are unwilling to come in rashly. How could this woman, who looked just like an ordinary snake demon, appear here suddenly?

The distance between him and the snake demon opposite was at least tens of thousands of miles, but for some reasons, he did not dare to get closer and just watched the opponent's movements from a distance.

If she is really Nuwa, then he is very likely to be able to see the power of a true saint.

While the snake demon opposite was concentrating on refining the colorful stone, which seemed to be melting very slowly, Lu Sheng simply found an open space to land on, dug a hole in the ground, and went into seclusion.

The Houyi Divine Bow that he had just obtained, plus the eight treasures donated by the demon god, contained divine power. The difference between the one million and the divine power was 300 million.

It's time to take this opportunity, having just caught so many treasures of heaven and earth, to see if they can provide some divine power.

Thank you to everyone who tipped thousands of points last week~

Spring breeze crossing willows



The happiest thing is that you are fatter than me

This world may lead to a critical point, so it may be a little slow. The most critical point of this book is revealed here.

I'm really sorry for everyone. I've been mentally and physically exhausted recently. My grandma passed away suddenly. My daughter has a fever of 40 degrees and a hernia. My wife is so tired from taking care of her daughter that the fever won't go down. I have to continue to persevere.

As a result, Lao Gun's condition is extremely poor, but he will recover in two days, and I believe he will be able to continue to let himself go and adjust. You will never be disappointed.

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