Extreme Demon

Chapter 917 Divine Bow 2

boom! !

Groups of golden fireballs fell from the sky and exploded violently. In an instant, a huge crater tens of thousands of miles away was blasted out of the earth.

Lu Sheng was hanging high in the air, overlooking the ground. Golden flames were splashing and burning everywhere he looked.

The area where Hou Yi was located was covered by countless white air for hundreds of miles. White light shot out from his position and flew towards the golden crows that were constantly attacking in the sky.

The golden fire illuminated the earth, hiding everything, and the temperature continued to rise, reaching thousands of degrees at this time.

Many remaining dead trees have begun to burn. The crimson fire was mixed with gold, and even the rocks on the ground could not resist the terrifying power of the sun's true fire, slowly turning into white ash.

Lu Sheng stared at the cracks that appeared on Hou Yi's divine bow with an ugly expression. Only now did he guess that the Wu clan might simply regard this thing as a disposable item and had no intention of keeping it. But this is really a pity. If so much earthly resentment and earthly energy could really be stabilized on the divine bow, even if it was only for a while, the amount of divine power that Lu Sheng could swallow up would be an unimaginable figure. .

The spiritual power is closely related to the spirit of the soul. Today's Houyi Divine Bow is simply tailor-made for me! The combination of the earth essence and the earth's resentment is another form of spiritual power??

Lu Sheng felt hot and nervous at the same time.

He was so excited just now that he invested nearly one million of his divine power, plus all his own evil divine power, just to stabilize the power of Hou Yi's divine bow and swallow more of his divine power.

But now, the material of the divine bow is actually cracked.


Hou Yi's face turned pale, and he bent the bow and pulled the string again. Finally, the divine bow could no longer withstand the huge pressure, and the second and third cracks quickly appeared.

Damn it! Lu Sheng's eyes turned cold. At this time, the energy around Hou Yi was extremely unstable and the energy concentration was frighteningly high. No other energy was allowed to enter.

The only one who can take action is the power of the evil god.

Only the evil god's power can come into contact with it. Other energies are like illusions to the evil god's power. Can travel freely.

This high-level energy is the most amazing power Lu Sheng has ever seen.

But now that his evil power has been exhausted, even if he restores the secret method, he can only restore the evil power by healing his body and thus accelerating himself through his body.

There is no other way to replenish this weird energy.

Seeing more and more cracks on the divine bow, Lu Sheng felt that his millions, no, millions of divine powers might be wasted, and he began to feel impatient.

The seventh Golden Crow screamed and exploded quickly. The remaining eighth and ninth ones were finally frightened and turned around and flew towards the heaven.

Father, save me!! A golden crow screamed.

But before he could run very far, he was hit hard by a white arrow from behind. It exploded into a golden sun in the sky.

In the end, the tenth Golden Crow was so distraught that he was smart enough not to forget about running into the sky, but instead rushed towards the sea in the distance.

Hou Yi finally drew the bowstring again with great difficulty.


There are some gaps where the bowstring is tied to the edge of the divine bow.

Go! Hou Yi used his last strength and was about to let go of the arrow.

puff! !

Suddenly, his hand crooked, and the arrows of energy dispersed rapidly. Hou Yi stumbled forward, and his huge body finally fell heavily to the ground.


A cloud of smoke and dust flew up from the ground, and the skin and flesh on his body were blistered by the hot ground. However, Hou Yi had already run out of fuel and passed out.

While shooting the Golden Crow, every time he drew the divine bow, he was also overdrawing all his life force.

Finally losing control of the divine bow, it was released from Hou Yi's hand and fell aside.

However, although the tenth shot of the sun was unsuccessful, it still caused irreversible damage to the divine bow.


At this time, cracks were slowly appearing on the bow body, and it looked like it wouldn't last long. After all, countless huge grievances and spirits on the earth have gathered on this magic weapon. Even if it is made of Jianmu, it is already an incredible achievement to be able to sustain it until now.

When Lu Sheng saw this, almost without thinking, his body turned into fire and rushed towards the divine bow.

He must devour all the huge divine power condensed on the divine bow before it breaks!

The distance was getting closer and closer, and Lu Sheng could even see the faint green mist of divine power slowly emerging around the divine bow.

It was a special power that only he could see.

Looking for death! The divine bow is mine!

Suddenly, a blue lightning shot from the right side and hit Lu Sheng hard.

boom! !

Lu Sheng was caught off guard and was hit by a huge lightning beam, which knocked him all over and was thrown far away.

He is now just the physical resistance of the Suzaku clan. Although his strength is very strong due to the seventy-one-turn Nanming Longevity Record, his resistance is still far inferior to the original body.

This lightning is not an ordinary thing, but the first lightning essence in the world.

The power is thousands of times that of ordinary thunder and lightning, and it also has some kind of special power.

Lu Sheng was hit hard by a bolt of lightning and his body went numb for a moment, but he hurriedly stabilized his body when he saw another blue light in the distance rushing towards Hou Yi's Divine Bow.

Seeking death! There was a flash of flame on his body, and his whole body suddenly ignited spontaneously, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he was already less than fifty meters away from the divine bow.

The lightning speed was also astonishing, almost the same as Lu Sheng's speed at this time. The two looked at each other and both shot towards each other at the same time.

Thunder King!! Die! A piece of brilliant golden thunder and lightning burst out from the opponent's body. All the thunder and lightning were connected and turned into a giant net. In the middle of the giant net, a majestic and sacred old man with four arms and three heads vaguely appeared.

Get away! Seeing more and more cracks on the divine bow, Lu Sheng became anxious and turned his seventy-one body forward like lightning.

Bang! ! !

The power grid exploded, accompanied by subtle thunder and fire, and the figure was so shaken by the huge explosion that he vomited blood and flew backwards.

Lu Sheng rushed towards the divine bow without any injuries, white flames surrounding him like a guard.

Now he has practiced the Nanming Immortality Record to a level that has never been seen before or since. With the seventy-one turns of the Nanming Immortality Record, just by casually waving his arm, he can trigger countless mysterious flames in the world, adding power to it.

Sure! Suddenly a deep voice exploded.

Lu Sheng's movements suddenly paused for a moment, and a shadow appeared out of thin air beside Shen Gong.

The phantom looks like an ape, with six arms on its back and a sharp purple horn on its head. A slightly familiar strong aura suddenly erupted from the shadow.

This treasure belongs to me Kunli! Hahahaha!! The six-armed ape reached out and grabbed the divine bow.

Demon God!? Lu Sheng's expression changed, No! Not an ordinary Demon God!

In the distance, a large number of powerful auras from the Witch Clan and Monster Clan were approaching rapidly. Apparently, they also discovered the tragic fighting situation here.

Lu Sheng knew that if he couldn't take the divine bow with him now, it would be even more impossible in a while!

From the beginning to the end, he has never revealed his true identity. The strongest thing in the seventy-one Nanming Immortality Record is his magical power, but he has not used it to prevent leaving traces. but now

Watching the demon god Kun Li pick up the divine bow and shoot into the distance.

Lu Sheng knocked away another lightning figure that rushed towards him with a palm, his eyes flashing. He paid such a high price, even his evil power was exhausted, and he also spent nearly a million of his divine power, but he didn't just use it to be snatched away in vain!

After a little calculation, the distance between the two Lich clan armies to reach here was calculated.

Lu Sheng's eyes flashed, and he opened his arms and raised them up.

One breath!

He slowly crossed his hands and brushed his face.

Wherever the palms touched, strange bright red lines appeared on the face. All the lines made Lu Sheng's originally handsome face look like an evil ghost.


A huge red flame burned and expanded behind him, turning into a huge oval-shaped vortex.

Eat it, Thousand Gods!

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge, dark and ferocious claw suddenly stretched out from the flame whirlpool.

Almost at the same time, the demon god Kun Li was flying thousands of miles away in the sky holding a divine bow.

Suddenly, his originally ecstatic face paused slightly, and he felt as if something was chasing behind him.

When he was completely unaware, a black shadow flashed in mid-air behind him, and a ferocious black giant claw with a diameter of a thousand miles appeared, placing him right in the center of the claw.

The huge giant claw was like an upright continent, approaching him quickly and silently.

Poof! !

Suddenly, the giant claws closed in an instant, and there was just a small burst of blood in the palm. Everything melted away quickly.

The only divine bow rolled and danced, as if being pulled by an invisible force, and flew back. Soon it fell gently into the palm of my hand that had always been fair and well-proportioned.

Lu Sheng was wearing a red feathered coat, his body was covered with strange red blood lines, and his short golden hair was constantly fluttering with the blazing wind.

He looked down at the Hou Yi Divine Bow in his hand, and looked back at the demon army that was approaching rapidly from a distance.

Demon God Kunli. Lu Sheng snorted coldly, turned around and turned into fire, soared into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

He must leave here as soon as possible and find a good place to absorb the huge divine power in Houyi's divine bow.

The amount of this divine power is so huge that it is almost only slightly worse than the original Overlord's Certificate. The rest surpassed all the treasures Lu Sheng had obtained before.

Demon Court.

Kunpeng Palace.

The demon master Kun Peng was sitting opposite a gray-haired old man, sipping tea and discussing Taoism.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and a faint murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

What? Do you have something urgent to do, fellow Taoist? the old man asked with a smile.

At their level, at such a distance, naturally not even the slightest change in demeanor would be hidden from the other party.

Moreover, given the old man's identity and strength, even if the soul changes, it is impossible to hide it from him.

Kunpeng shook his head.

It's nothing, there's just a change that may have some impact. He had already arranged for the demon god Kunli to snatch Houyi's divine bow, but he didn't expect that Kunli would die just now.

Moreover, before he even had time to send out the jade symbol for help, he died instantly. The soul is also missing.

The world is now a sea of ​​blood, and lichs are fighting. Except for the realm where I am, variables are everywhere. The old man said with a smile. If fellow Taoist is interested, I can send someone to help. Speaking of which, the tribe under my command is the best at killing. But this time, the favor will cancel out the two.

Kunpeng's face turned cold and he shook his head slightly.

Thank you, Ancestor. I will take care of it myself at this time. As a quasi-sage and a Demon Master of the Demon Court, if his subordinates are killed and he needs external help to take revenge, will he still have a foothold in the Demon Court in the future?

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