Extreme Demon

Chapter 915 Myth 2


Emperor Taiyi stood side by side. They were both wearing golden robes and crowns of Heavenly Emperors. Both were embroidered with three-legged golden crow patterns. The most eye-catching thing was that both of them were faintly emitting a faint white light.

The light seemed to come from behind them, but if someone could walk behind them, they would also be unable to find the source.

This is what Yunmeng calls the light of the soul.

Taiyi was high up, looking down at the various monster armies that were gathering in the silver sky below.

Demon god generals have led their troops here one after another. Legions of different sizes have formed a huge army with no end in sight.

The Tianzhu broke and collapsed. The actions of the ancestral witches caused the destruction of all life on the earth. Today we must wipe out the witch clan and save thousands of living beings from water and fire. Taiyi said slowly.

Thunder God, sound the drum!! He glanced at the Thunder God and Lightning Girl not far away, and the two immediately understood each other, and the thunder drum beat hard.

Boom! !

Thunder sounds continued to resound across the sky, and lightning flashed densely around the Tianhe River like spider webs.

Let's go!! A demon god below raised a three-pointed fork and roared.

Suddenly, the monstrous Demon Court Legion, like the overturning silver water of the Tianhe River, surged towards the area where the Witch Clan was located on the earth.

The Wu clan had already prepared the same countless troops. The sacred beast Kui's cowhide war drums were beating at the same time, and the thunder sounds and the thunder sounds of the demon court were protesting separately.

Countless black torrent-like human soldiers of the Wu clan rushed towards the Tianhe demon soldiers. A large number of spells and magical powers from both sides were thrown out one after another as if they were free of charge.

The demon soldiers are well-equipped and are good at all kinds of powerful talents and magical powers.

The Wu clan is physically strong and not afraid of attacks from the soul. Each of them is fierce and not afraid of death, and they are as bloodthirsty as life.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, they were inextricably killed.

But in reality, among the many demon gods and great witches at the top level, they only attack the weakest level. Neither the strongest superior demon god nor the top wizard moved.

The great witch is just a title for the leader of a tribe, but the great witch, the leader of a large tribe, is far more powerful than the general great witch of a tribe.

The same goes for demon gods. There is a huge gap in strength between them. From a low-grade Golden Immortal to a high-grade Golden Immortal, they are two completely different levels.

On the vast plains near Buzhou Mountain, the Tianhe River overturned, and hundreds of millions of Lich troops fought madly.

In another hot East Pole place, ten Golden Crow princes quietly led an army of demon soldiers and sneaked into the back of the Wu tribe. They wanted to make a surprise attack, but they were discovered by Kuafu, the great witch who stayed behind.

Both sides also fought to the death.

Farther away, in the void thirty-three days away, three soft haloes of light were slowly suspended. The haloes had different colors, and saints of different identities stood among them.

In the green light wheel, the leader of Shangqing Tongtian Cult carries the Qingping Sword on his back, looking at the battle below with an indifferent expression.

In the white golden light wheel, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun is wearing a ribbon, with a white beard, his eyes are shining white, and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Within the blue light wheel, Taiqing Daode Tianzun sat cross-legged, with white hair floating in the air, and his eyes slightly closed as if he was asleep.

The all-out war between the Demon Court and the Witch Clan finally broke out. But in the eyes of the three saints, this is just the natural evolution of the birth and death of all living beings, and it is just ordinary.

The reason why they came together was to target the three saints in the distance who were also suspended in the void.

In the red halo, Saint Nuwa's jade face was cold, holding a handful of loess in her hand, looking at the battlefield below.

On the other side, in the golden halo, Taoist Zhunti stood side by side with Nuwa with a smile on his face.

We were all under the same teacher at Zixiao Palace, so why would you do this and hurt your harmony? Taoist Zhunti has always been a harmonious person.

The demon clan, the witch clan, has hijacked the human clan I created to participate in the war. Now the earth is in turmoil, mountains are falling, all living beings are in ruins, and there is no paradise. As a saint of the demon clan, I will not move at this time, and I pretend to be a saint. Nuwa looked cold. road.

This is the general trend of the world. Liches and demons will eventually fight. Why should Saint Nuwa insist on the prosperity of the demon clan? Yuanshi Tianzun's breath was long and his tone was calm, as if there was no anger at all.

I am not a person like you who kills three corpses to become a saint. I have all the joys, anger, sorrows and pity. The demon clan respects me as a saint, and the human clan is also my son and daughter. If we are killing each other like flesh and blood, I will take action. Nuwa. With a cold snort, the loess in his hand quickly condensed into a yellow earth ball.

This is the leftover loess she used to create humans. Now, with the infusion of merit, it has already turned into the treasure of the acquired saints. Once dropped, all living creatures can be turned into loess.

The movement of heaven and earth has its own laws, so why bother forcing me to do so? Taiqing Daodetianzun said slowly.

I just want to leave some fire, so are you going to stop me? Nuwa's beautiful face flashed with a trace of absolute determination.

She is different from Sanqing. They are innate saints, born gods, while she becomes a saint through acquired merit. As heaven and earth turn around, it is her people, her children, who are destroyed.

Sage Nuwa has great compassion in her heart, and she has blessed the world and the lichs. This is consistent with my Buddha's great aspirations for the West. I will definitely help. Zhunti said with a kind smile. A colorful light suddenly lit up in his hand, and a thick cane appeared in his palm.

The hand is shaped like a tree, with seven kinds of treasures hanging on the top, namely gold, silver, glass, crystal, coral, red pearl, and agate.

The treasure among them released colored light, and scattered colorful stars, floating out, surrounding Zhunti's whole body.

Like Nuwa, he became a saint the day after tomorrow. He set great aspirations to become a saint, and everything he did was for the purpose of universal salvation in the West. He came on this trip because the Sanqing was so powerful that he and Nuwa had to form an alliance to fight against each other.

That's it, let's just do it once. The leader of Shangqing Tongtian slowly pulled out the Qingping Sword behind him with a cold expression.



Suzaku Palace.

Lu Sheng took the jade slip back to his bedroom, and the information he got from Yun Meng made him fall into deep thought again.

If the demon gods are at the Xuming level, then Di Kuang, Taiyi, Xihe, and the demon master Kunpeng are the four strongest ones in the demon court. They are either top demon gods or quasi-sages.

After seeing the level of the demon god, Lu Sheng still wanted to try the power of the quasi-sage.

Sitting cross-legged in the bedroom, he took out the jade slip and looked around carefully, but no matter how he checked or how his soul scanned, he could not see what was inside.

It must be checked by the soul. If I were a Qi practitioner, I could check the jade slips while transforming into a god. But now that I am a demon clan, with a Suzaku bloodline holy body, and without a soul, I really can't deal with it.

Even if it was the main body, he tried to scan it with his soul, but it was still useless. This thing was just like an ordinary jade, with nothing inside.

The Yuan Shen is a stronger existence than the three essences, Qi and Shen. There should be relevant content in Suzaku's inheritance.

Lu Sheng went back to check the inherited knowledge.

Before, he just swallowed it whole, and before he had time to sort it out, he only picked out the martial arts part and looked at it.

Now he went back to look for Yuanshen, and he immediately found the clue.

'The Yuan Shen is the innate god, and the soul and spirit in the essence and spirit are the acquired gods. If you want to trace back to the origin and return to the origin, and then transform into the soul, you must blend the essence and the soul with the soul again, and mix the three. Yuan, lead the way to ignite, and turn into the Yuan Fire. The Yuan Fire burns away the impurities and dirt, and what is left is the Yuan Shen. ’

The record in Suzaku's inheritance is very clear, and Lu Sheng translated it into just such a short paragraph.

Looking at it this way, he could also understand the difference between Qi practitioners and demons.

The demon clan just tried their best to save fuel. If they saved more, they would all ignite and explode. The sublimated power would be huge, and the soul would become stronger and stronger.

The Qi practitioner starts from a small fire little by little and slowly builds up the fire.

But the temperature is naturally not as high as the instantaneous explosion, and the things burned naturally are not as good as those of the monsters. But the win is to go step by step and be safe.

Then my Nanming Immortality Record, which is now at level seventy-one, has accumulated enough fuel. Isn't it possible that the soul can be transformed into a soul just by igniting it? Lu Sheng thought of his current state.

But before that, I need to figure out what level my current strength is. Lu Sheng pondered for a moment.

The quasi-sages of the Demon Court are most likely those four, while the quasi-sages of the lower realm may be the ten ancestral witches.

So if you want to test it, you can only look for this. No!

Suddenly, Lu Sheng thought of someone, Hongyun!

However, now that the Lich is fighting, maybe after a while, a strong person at the quasi-saint level will take action. Then we will see you.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the entire Demon Court sky darkened.

Lu Sheng suddenly felt as if something shattered, and an invisible strong sound wave came out.

The sound waves were inaudible to ordinary people, and only those of the Suzaku clan, such as Lu Sheng, who were at a high level and could control the music, could detect it.

He quickly walked out of the room and looked up. The sound wave was coming from the sun star in the sky above his head.

The sun star has always been operated by Prince Jinwu, and has always risen in the east and set in the west.

But at this time, the sun star was shining with shocking golden light, and streams of golden fire shot out from it, falling towards the distance.

Lu Sheng felt hot all over even when he was in the Heavenly Court, which was naturally guarded by the Zhoutian Star Array.

Before he could recover, the Sun Star actually split into blazing balls of light one after another. The splits were continuous and divided the entire Sun Star into ten smaller individuals.

The huge light and heat caused the air to boil and twist.

This is...!! Lu Sheng immediately remembered the relevant legend.

Ten suns shone on the earth, causing suffering to all living beings and causing cracks in the earth. Hou Yi used building wood to make a bow, and nine suns fell.

This is an eternal myth! If you can see it, it will be a worthwhile trip! Lu Sheng immediately calmed down, turned around and turned into a red flame, flying out from the Suzaku Palace and falling towards the ground below.



The land of the East Pole.

The earth is yellow and cracked.

In a huge pit, streams of sun fire fell from the sky and shot into the center of the pit.

A huge corpse over a hundred meters long was lying on its back. The corpse was completely charred and black, and was still being continuously impacted by the terrifying solar fire.

There were constant bursts of sharp laughter in the sky, and the ten-headed and three-legged golden crows turned into ten golden haloes, flying around the deep pit.

Although more than half of the ten golden crows were injured and in a miserable state. But victory still belongs to them in the end.

When Lu Sheng flew here at full speed, he saw this tragic scene.

The earth has climbed to hundreds of degrees, there is no moisture in the air, and the forest has been burned dry and black.

Thanks to book friends Spring Breeze Crossing the Willows for the reward of 50,000 yuan. My recent state is not very good, but Lao Gun will adjust back as soon as possible. Thank you everyone for your tolerance and support~

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