Extreme Demon

Chapter 903 Conflict 2

This is the Xuandu Twelve Golden Sky Spirit Flower Rejuvenating Liquid. It is a magical spiritual liquid that can reshape the demon clan like us and greatly increase the body's strength and recovery power.

To be honest, this is also the reason why the Guangming Sect can expand so quickly. Lu Sheng introduced seriously.

To express my apology, I am willing to give these rejuvenating fluids to the nobles.

After Gui Wei heard this, he suddenly became a little commotion.

They had also fought against the giant birds of the Light Sect before, and they all wanted to know how these originally fragile harpies became so perverted and powerful in such a short period of time.

Now everything seems to have an answer.

Haha. Is your Bright Church so generous? Gui Wei sneered a few times.

No, it's just based on the principle of multiple friends and multiple paths. Moreover, this rejuvenating liquid is not effective once you drink it. The longer you drink it, the stronger the effect will be. If the noble feels it is effective, I will wait for you in the future. Can we cooperate often? Lu Sheng showed a smile.

It turns out that this is what you had in mind. Gui Wei felt more relieved this time. It was obvious that this rejuvenation liquid was only a consumable, and it needed to be consumed over a long period of time to make the tribe stronger.

Then, Kuidong, you go and try. Guixiao looked at a two-headed bird on the right.

The bird demon trembled all over and had no choice but to respond. It flapped its wings a few times and was the first to fly out and land in front of the big cauldron.

Lu Sheng quickly and thoughtfully gave instructions on how to use it.

Just take a small sip.

Really? Kuidong nodded and walked over. The bird's head slowly lowered, and he observed it carefully. He smelled it first, but felt nothing, and then pointed its wings.

Suddenly, a ball of liquid in the cauldron flew out and was accurately injected into his mouth for swallowing.

How do you feel? Gui Wei narrowed his eyes at Kuidong.

Before he could answer, Kuidong trembled, his body began to visibly swell, and a cold soul energy began to naturally emit from around his body.

Because the Guihe clan inherited the bloodline of Gui Che, they also have the ability to control ghosts. Soul energy is their most basic power.

At this time, beside Kuidong, the soul energy was rapidly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He was surprised and happy, feeling that the soul energy in his body that had been cultivated for more than a hundred years was expanding to more than double its original size in just a few seconds.

The joy of this rapid growth in cultivation prevented him from noticing that there were some extremely tiny things in the rejuvenating liquid that quietly lurked into his body.

I, I, got the golden elixir!! Suddenly Kuidong suddenly let out a scream of surprise.

A large amount of soul energy gathered in his chest, and soon compressed and spun out a black bead the size of an egg.

Gui Wei and other two-headed birds looked like their eyes were about to pop out.

I only took one sip!

Lu Sheng explained with a gentle smile on his face.

Actually, this rejuvenating liquid can harmlessly release the potential in the bodies of demons like us in a short period of time. That's why Brother Bird can break through to the golden elixir stage in a very short period of time.

But because the effect of this medicine is very overbearing, a demon bird can only take it once a year, and the effect is weaker each time. It can be taken ten times, and the first three times are the best.

His words made the hair on Guixui's face tremble.

The first three times!? Good, good! Anbu! Go try it!


The second two-headed bird took a step forward and tried to take the rejuvenating liquid again.

In the cauldron sent, there was a lot of Huahua Liquid, which was enough for the hundreds of two-headed birds here. However, after discovering its efficacy, Gui Wei quickly tried to take it himself, and his cultivation level actually reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. , breaking through to the late Nascent Soul stage, which simply surprised and delighted him.

After hastily agreeing with Lu Sheng on the time and place for the next transaction, the Guihe clan hurriedly evacuated and brought most of the remaining Huahua liquid back to the clan.

As for the previous conflicts between the two parties?

Don't worry about that little thing at all. Now that the benefits of the Huahua Liquid are too great, even Gui Wei is unsure. He must first go back and show it to the big guys in the clan, discuss the results, and then deal with the relationship with the Guangming Sect.

It's not that he completely fell out of favor. In the previous temptation, there was still a quasi-sage behind the Guangming Sect.

The Guihe clan does have the Guiche Demon God standing behind them, but if they take the initiative to provoke experts at the quasi-sage level, they are causing trouble for Guiche, and the first ones to suffer will be themselves.

No superior would like subordinates who cause trouble for them. And a quasi-sage is a big trouble even for the Demon God of the Sun and Moon Palace.

The Guihe clan left in a hurry. This is how the name of the Guangming Sect's rejuvenating liquid became known.

Lu Sheng prepared hundreds of pots of rejuvenating liquid in one breath. This thing was very easy to get. He only needed to cut a little bit of blood and drip it in.

What drips out is the blood of the main body. Because the red blood cells inside are too overbearing, it must be diluted countless times before it can barely reach the level that many monsters can take it.

Back at Baiqiu, Lu Sheng comforted many of his subordinates who were not in a good mood.

They all thought that they were forced to give up the benefits of the rejuvenation liquid to the other party. For the believers who have experienced the benefits of the rejuvenating liquid, this is simply cutting flesh on themselves.

After the rejuvenation liquid was sent out, Lu Sheng soon felt that there was a group of parasites in the main body somewhere far away.

As long as he wants, he can control the physical souls of these parasites at any time. This is also the power of the evil god's pollution.

In the past, he could only control the physical body, but now even the soul can control the influence.

But the Guihe clan seems to be very cautious. Apart from Gui Wei, there is no second Nascent Soul stage monster among the individuals who take the Huahua Liquid.

But Lu Sheng is not in a hurry. If the other party can really research something, he will be unlucky.

If research can't be done, it will be a matter of time whether to drink it or not.

After handling the matter of the Guihe clan, the Zengmu shaman clan also responded.

Lanhe Demon King and Mingzhao, who went to negotiate, once again started fighting each other. This time it was serious. The two sides fought fiercely, each leaving dozens of corpses before slowly retreating.

The entire tribe under Lanhe Demon King only has a thousand demon birds, and now dozens of them die at once, which is almost killing him.

The next day, he rushed to Baiqiu to hope that Lu Sheng would support him in fighting the Zengmu Witch Clan.

Leader! That great shaman Zengmu is simply arrogant and cruel. He wants us to provide free rejuvenation liquid, and at the same time, he also wants to send fifty pairs of demon birds every year for them to use as food reserves! This is simply! This is simply true!! Lan He The rage in the demon king almost made the demonic energy boil and twist.

Mingzhao on the side had lost one of his wings. If he didn't need his wings to fly into the sky, this trip would have really been a waste.

Lu Sheng sat at the head of the cave, saying nothing, holding a wooden wine glass carved with a red bird pattern in his hand, his expression calm.


Leader!! Do it!

Yes! These bitches are simply arrogant and do not know whether to live or die! We, the Guangming Sect, are powerful and have many demon tribes, but we are still afraid of a small tribe with a hundred people!?

Tear them apart!

A group of high-ranking members of the congregation roared.


Suddenly, a little demon rushed into the cave, holding a black token in his hand that looked like gold but not gold, and looked like wood but not wood.

Report to the leader, the Zengmu tribe sent someone to send this. They said that if they don't comply with their requirements within three days and hand over the formula of the rejuvenating liquid, they will come to kill the Guangming Sect completely!

Before Lu Sheng could make any move, the other Demon King Protector Vajra exploded and started shouting and cursing.

Only Lu Sheng reached out and made a move, and the token flew in front of him and floated in the air.

The token rotated slowly, with a huge sentence on the front. There is a simple pattern with a bird's body and a human face on the back.

What frightened him the most was that this token faintly exuded a huge, obscure and heavy power.

It's obviously not heavy, but in his soul's perception, it feels like it's extremely heavy, as if it weighs tens of thousands of kilograms, and there are thick and thick invisible substances slowly emitting around it.

The messenger said that if you don't follow this order, the one who takes action next time will not be the great shaman of the Zengmu tribe, but the owner of this order! The little demon who reported the news added tremblingly. .

Perhaps we were inadvertently involved in the cracks of the Lich War, Mingzhao on the side said solemnly.

The Wu Clan will never sit back and watch the Demon Clan improve their strength. When they discover the treasure of Hua-Returning Liquid, the first thing they have to do is to get it first. Otherwise, if the formula of Hua-Returning Liquid is obtained by the Demon Court, they will be in extreme danger. It’s possible to be more passive.”

We are only a few pounds, how can we attract the attention of the two Lich clans? Lu Sheng shook his head and laughed, At most, we are just some leaders of the subordinates on both sides fighting each other on their own initiative.

Then what are we going to do?

One word, endure. Lu Sheng said calmly.

The formula of the rejuvenating liquid is our biggest bargaining chip, so it must not be leaked. However, once we refuse, now that the Wu clan has noticed us first, any rash action will cause big trouble.

So the only way is to delay and find backers. Lu Sheng shook his head and said, There is nothing we can do about it because we are too weak.

Then how to delay it? Lanhe Demon King asked helplessly.

Now the Huahua Liquid has been known to the Zengmu Witch Clan, so no matter what we do, we cannot avoid their persecution. Lu Sheng said seriously.

So, the only way to delay is

Just what?

A group of demon kings looked solemn.

I will personally go to the Zengmu Witch Clan. As long as I kill everyone who knows, the time will naturally be delayed. Lu Sheng said seriously.

But. The Zengmu Witch Clan has definitely informed the superior Qingmu Witch Clan, Mingzhao said with a dull look on his face.

Then there is no other way. I can only work hard again and wipe out the Qingmu Witch Clan. Then no one will know that we have the secret of the Hua-Returning Liquid. Lu Sheng said seriously.

But...but a group of middle and high-level teachers felt that they were a little confused.

But don't the Guihe clan also know about it? What if they also leak it out!

It doesn't matter. I can go back to the Guihe clan again. As long as we kill everyone who knows, we will be safe. Lu Sheng said solemnly.


A flock of birds was speechless.

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