Extreme Demon

Chapter 901 Bloodline 2

Forget it, let's improve the deduction first.

Lu Sheng calmed down and began to focus on improving himself.

As soon as he thought, the modifier interface trembled slightly, and he pressed the modify button to enter the modifiable state.

Promote the Miaoyuan Heart Sutra to the fourth level!!

As soon as the command came out, the entire modifier box quickly blurred.

With Lu Sheng as the center, a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth in the surrounding soil swept towards him crazily.

Fortunately, the concentration of spiritual energy in the ancient world far exceeded all the worlds Lu Sheng had stayed in before. Even underground, it was dozens of times higher than the spiritual energy worlds he had stayed in before.

The huge viscous spiritual energy filled Lu Sheng's body in just a few strokes.

A large amount of spiritual energy was transformed and consumed, which was used to improve Lu Sheng's own physical resistance, strength, recovery and charm.

Soon, the influx of spiritual energy stopped, and Lu Sheng slowly sensed the condition of his whole body.

At this time, there was a round lavender golden elixir in his body, which was constantly rotating between his chest and abdomen. The golden elixir continuously transformed the external spiritual energy into Lu Sheng's unique dark red demon power, flowing into the blood vessels throughout his body.

However, as the demonic power continued to transform, Lu Sheng saw a hint of gold faintly among the red demonic power.

‘This body has entered the golden elixir stage, and it seems that a trace of the ancient bloodline of the body has been developed again. ’

Lu Sheng carefully felt the faint golden color. There are hidden artistic conceptions such as nobility, heat, light, and new life.

Looking from a distance, it's like looking at a landscape painting, and it's amazing to be able to sense the things contained in it.

This should be what Lan Xi Enruo mentioned, the Suzaku bloodline. Lu Sheng was about to expel it from his body. But then I thought about it, maybe I could try to refine it and make it my own. Since it is the inherent innate characteristic of this body, wouldn't it be a waste to just throw it away like this?

Add another level to the Miaoyuan Heart Sutra, with the Suzaku bloodline as the main strengthening direction. Lu Sheng silently gave the order in his heart.

The modifier once again consumed a burst of divine power, and suddenly an even greater amount of spiritual energy swarmed in from outside the body, and all the spiritual energy poured into the blood vessels of Lu Sheng's body crazily.

At the same time, the domineering golden color in the blood began to expand rapidly.

The divine power was converted into some special nutrients, and combined with the spiritual energy, it was like blowing air, and the blood in Lu Sheng's body increased rapidly in just a few strokes.

In an instant, Lu Sheng felt that he was extremely familiar with the fire attribute aura in the surrounding environment. It seemed that with just a thought, he could easily control this attribute aura to make up for himself, or transform it into various spell forms.

Is Suzaku's fire attribute talent? It's really amazing. Lu Sheng opened his eyes. He was now at the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Looking at the black soil clinging to him around him, a golden light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Chi! !

Immediately, all the surrounding soil burned with golden flames. The black soil, including rocks, was all vaporized by the high temperature at this moment. Without even being able to see the melting process clearly, it completely turned into black smoke, flowing along the soil. Gaps float out of the ground.

Awesome! Lu Sheng was shocked. This kind of flame was indeed extremely domineering, even more powerful than his Dark Flame. Of course, his Dark Flame focuses on burning the soul, but it is not the strongest in terms of temperature.

The most terrifying thing is that I didn't use any of the demon power in the golden elixir just now, but I could control that golden flame with just a thought.

He closed his eyes and looked inside. There were a total of nine golden flames that were burning just now in his body. He just used one of them. Now that one is much smaller than the others. The surrounding demonic power and spiritual energy are flowing continuously. Supplement it quickly to allow it to burn and grow.

It's just that this kind of supply makes no sense to Lu Sheng, because its consumption speed is far less than his recovery speed.

It seems that this is the so-called Suzaku Divine Fire. Lu Sheng had seen similar records in some of the secret records.

Suzaku is not a phoenix, but a completely different kind of fire-based divine beast. It is usually a divine bird that guides the dead to ascend to heaven. He is one of the gods with official duties in heaven and earth.

The flame of Suzaku has a great meaning of light. Only in this way can countless distant souls see the hot and warm light of the flame. and thus follow him to heaven.

Ignore everything else, it looks like this guy has a good future. Keep improving the Miaoyuan Heart Sutra! Lu Sheng calmed down and continued to control the modifier.

Deep Blue trembled again, and a large stream of divine power surged out, spreading throughout Lu Sheng's body, and then quickly decomposed, turning into some kind of wonderful invisible force, and poured into the increasingly powerful golden Suzaku's blood.

Soon all of Lu Sheng's blood vessels were dyed golden. Countless spiritual energy poured in too quickly and the concentration was too thick, so something transparent like liquid and crystal condensed on the surface of his skin.

These are naturally occurring spiritual liquid crystals.

Chiang! !

Suddenly, a clear and clear cry, like the overlapping of countless birdsong, suddenly exploded in Lu Sheng's mind.

The cry sounded like a simple bird call at first, but if you distinguish it carefully, you can feel the crispness and sweetness contained in it, just like the music being struck by the finest musical instruments.

Lu Sheng gradually became a little lost in the enjoyment of this pleasant sound. He felt warm all over, like soaking in a hot spring.

Soon, this enjoyment gradually faded as the improvement of modifiers stagnated.

Upgrade again! Continue! Upgrade the Miaoyuan Heart Sutra to the next level! Lu Sheng quickly ordered.

Immediately, his spiritual power surged out quickly and spread to his whole body and limbs again.

Deep underground, a beautiful pale golden shadow gradually began to appear on Lu Sheng's originally huge body.

It was a beautiful giant bird filled with bright red flames. The giant bird was also surrounded by a circle of pale golden light. Its slender tail feathers and supple and brilliant wings shone with a pure and bright luster like crystal.

A pair of eyes burning with golden flames, shining with countless inexplicable lights of seven colors.

As he continued to improve, a vague and deeply hidden bloodline inheritance memory quietly flowed into Lu Sheng's mind.

‘Suzaku is the god of music, so you will have the most beautiful sound.

Suzaku is the master of Nanming Li Fire, so you will have the most perfect blazing flame that can burn everything. ’

‘Suzaku is the light that guides the dead, so you will have the light of eternal sleep that can pierce all illusions and bring peace to the dead. ’

‘Suzaku is the god of musical beauty, so you will have a graceful and vigorous figure, the most perfect appearance, and the most perfect feathers. ’

Traces of inherited memories continued to flow into Lu Sheng's mind, and he seemed to see a huge firebird dozens of meters long before his eyes.

The firebird's body is vermilion red, with a circle of golden light shining around it. Its figure is graceful and moving, strong and slender, as if every inch of its body is measured by the golden ratio.

As the firebird continued to hover in front of his eyes, countless warm breaths quickly penetrated into his body.

Don't forget the glory of the past. A vaguely beautiful voice sounded, as if the most tender girl was whispering softly in the ear.

Lu Sheng gradually fell into a deep sleep, and his whole body was slowly enveloped in countless warmth.

A few days later.

boom! !

A black rock cave was severely smashed by a huge force.

Lu Sheng slowly retracted his fist and walked out of the cave.

He tightened the turtle shell on his back, and the word Beauty was clearly engraved on his chest on his tall human body.

Then there is the character charm on the left cheek, the character force on the right cheek, the character four on the left shoulder, and the character shoot on the right shoulder.

Taken together, it is charming!

clang! !

Lu Sheng held a mallet in his hand and struck it on his back.

A crisp and sweet sound suddenly vibrated.

It really is the most beautiful sound in the world. He sighed in admiration, looked down at the stick and said.

Although I won't use it much, I can still use it to entertain myself.

Putting away the mallet, Lu Sheng walked out of the cave slowly with the shell on his back. He had now successfully reached the perfection of the golden elixir stage.

Although it's a little slow, you can't be eager for quick success in your cultivation. You have to work slowly and take every step well, so that you can go higher and go further.

After all, this body is just an ordinary spirit bird, and its physique is not good. Even if the Suzaku bloodline is inspired, it is still far from the true descendants of the divine beasts.

As Lu Sheng thought, a burst of red flames naturally burned on his body. The flames quickly turned into a red, delicate robe and was draped around him.

Lu Sheng! You're out of seclusion! There's a lot of trouble here, you should deal with it yourself! I still have something to do and I have to leave quickly! Ancestor Hongyun's voice drifted into Lu Sheng's ears from afar.

In an instant, a red cloud fell from the sky, landed accurately not far from Lu Sheng, and transformed into a handsome and fair-skinned young Taoist, it was Hongyun.

As soon as he landed, his nose twitched and he looked around with a look of astonishment.

Is this the smell of Nanming Lihuo? Is it the Suzaku clan showing up?

He couldn't help but recall the Suzaku clan he had seen back then. They were all so beautiful. Both men and women were extremely beauties. They were delicate, slender, charming, pitiful, light and graceful, and their voices were even more charming and sweet. Every word and action is like the most beautiful vocal music, which is pleasing to the eye and makes people love these extremely beautiful descendants of the demon gods from the bottom of their hearts.

The Phoenix and the Suzaku are the ancestors of all birds in the world. Is it possible that you have activated the latent Suzaku bloodline in the birds? As he spoke, Hongyun looked at Lu Sheng with a hint of expectation.

The strong and shiny chest muscles are visible to the eye.

Her black hairy thighs swayed under her robe. As the muscles squirmed, a huge word 美 on the chest twisted painfully, as if trying to escape from this guy.


Hongyun felt that his outlook on life had been dealt the most painful blow ever!

What? Are you so moved and speechless when you see my perfect figure? Lu Sheng curled up the corner of his mouth and chuckled.

. Hongyun had something blocked in her heart and couldn't spit it out for a while.

Originally, I thought you were just like one of those vulgar people who only care about your appearance. Now it seems that you don't have any inner meaning at all. Lu Sheng nodded appreciatively.

Isn't the most beautiful melody in the world the scream that bursts out at that moment when the fist hits the opponent hard, and the impact sound when the flesh and blood is squeezed and exploded?

Beauty is power!

Lu Sheng opened his arms, and his robe revealed two huge ancient characters on his shoulders. They are four, shoot.

No! What's that on your back? After transforming, shouldn't some of your original limbs turn into supernatural powers? I remember that the Suzaku clan, as a rule, turns its entire body of feathers into musical instruments. Hongyun suddenly remembered something.

Lu Sheng pointed at the turtle shell behind him.

This? I gathered all the feathers together and made this. According to inheritance, it will automatically form the beautiful instrument that I recognize most.

Don't you think this shape is perfect? All the enemy's attacks will make a huge sound when they fall on it, and this sound will in turn become my strength to defeat the enemy!

You, you, you! Hong Yun pointed at Lu Sheng, her face flushed for a moment, and she couldn't say anything.

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