Extreme Demon

Chapter 384 Future 1

Boom! !

The blade of the blade was suddenly covered with countless dense cracks after being swallowed like this. Starting from the small bite that Lu Sheng chewed, it spread to the entire side of the knife.

No!! Xiu Ming Dao let out a shrill girl's cry. The whole knife began to tremble violently, trying to break free from Lu Sheng's grasp.

Ahhhhh!!! As Deep Blue continued to lift his body, Lu Sheng felt as if his whole body was being soaked in boiling water, his whole body burning and tingling.

It was already a body at the demon lord level, and its pure power continued to rise at this time, reaching an incredible level.

He used all his strength crazily, biting the blade with three rows of fangs, rubbing it violently like a saw.

No!!!! The Xiu Ming knife trembled violently, and more and more cracks appeared. Finally, there was a crisp sound.


The whole knife paused suddenly and then exploded.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! ! A large number of divine weapon fragments tried to explode in all directions, but were immediately caught by the three pairs of black fire arms that appeared behind Lu Sheng, and were caught one by one in their hands.

Click click click

Lu Sheng chewed the pieces of Xiu Ming Dao in his mouth. The sharp metal fragments were no more than popcorn in his mouth, at best a little harder to chew.


Swallow it in one gulp. Lu Sheng felt as if he had swallowed a large mouthful of heat. As soon as the fragment of Xiu Ming Dao was taken into his stomach, countless demonic elements, qi liquid, and true energy began to condense and circulate in the stomach area like crazy. All the strength in the body began to converge to one point, forcibly digesting the Xiu Ming Dao fragments.

How much energy can a fragment of a golden leaf divine weapon contain? no one knows.

Magic weapons and magic blades are inherently strange things. Some magic weapons may not be of high grade due to different abilities, but they contain great energy. Some magic weapons and magic blades, even if they are of high grade, do not contain much stored energy due to the nature of their abilities.

Xiu Ming Dao is the latter. Her power ability is more of a way of influencing thinking and manipulating the spirit. The power and ability contained in it are not much in quantity, but of extremely high quality.

No. Xiu Mingdao begged, making a shrill cry. The looming shadow of the black-haired girl faintly appeared on the side of the blade.

The phantom was obviously much weaker than before, and even the image was a little shaky and unstable. It was obvious that Lu Sheng's mouth just now really scared her.

She could feel part of herself being rapidly digested in Lu Sheng's body, digesting into a part of his body. This feeling is not like being eaten by some monster, but more like being swallowed and absorbed by another powerful magic weapon.

Many aristocratic families have similar methods, offering weak divine weapons to powerful divine weapons for absorption. Xiu Ming Dao once received such treatment, absorbing several magic weapons and magic blades.

But she never thought that such a day would happen to her.

But unfortunately she said it too late.

Lu Sheng's eyes flashed with greed. With that one bite, he swallowed the broken pieces of the divine weapon, but got more than he imagined.

The fragments of the divine weapon provided him with at least a thousand units of divine power in one breath!

Really. Why didn't I find it earlier? Lu Sheng licked his lips. His tongue was now pitch black, full of barbs, and the tip of his tongue was faintly divided into three forks.

I don't dare anymore. I don't dare anymore. Xiu Mingdao whimpered and begged.

Your heart is dishonest! It's easy to change a person's nature! If you dare to trick me at a critical moment, who knows if another opportunity will suddenly appear in the future! It's better to eat it! Lu Sheng decisively took the piece in his hand again A large group of fragments of the divine weapon were kneaded together, stuffed into the mouth, chewed in several mouthfuls, and swallowed hard. He didn't even care about Xiu Ming Dao's pleading.

I don't dare to dare anymore...!! Xiu Mingdao's voice became weaker and weaker, and he became more and more panicked.

Lu Sheng, however, ignored it and ate four-fifths of the blade in one go, leaving only a little bit on the handle, and then he reluctantly stopped.

In fact, he just wanted to find an excuse to eat a few more bites. Lu Sheng had never expected that eating this golden leaf-level magic weapon could bring him so much supernatural power.

He took four bites in total. Almost got nearly 5,000 units of divine power.

This is just a magic weapon and magic blade at the golden leaf level.

There are so many magic weapons in the world. If I could eat them all, how terrifying would it be?

Lu Sheng became more and more greedy.

Xiu Ming Dao cannot be completely destroyed yet. After all, it is a magic weapon given to him by Su Fei Fei, so he has to show off after all.

Lu Sheng casually inserted the remaining hilt of the Xiu Ming Dao back into the scabbard, and then Lu Sheng remembered that he still had a Weihe Sword that he had not disposed of.

Presumably Weihe Sword also saw his true form of strength during this trip. But what does it matter? As long as it doesn't hinder his power, he can accept it.

He looked around at the messy open space around him. Lu Sheng looked at the tattered robes on his body again, and his true energy suddenly emerged, turning into a pale golden halo, covering his body. Then he paused lightly on his feet, jumped up, and flew towards the distance. go.

I ate most of the Xiu Ming Dao in one go, and the rest was nothing to worry about. The will of the divine weapon in the knife was almost eaten away. Lu Sheng also felt a little relieved.

But he still couldn't figure out why Demon Emperor Vera, who had been at war with Dayin, sent someone to capture him alone? Just because he destroyed the Demon Abyss seal, what was released?

And what does Shang Yang Fei mean? Baba has come all this way, and why do you want to intercept him halfway just for such a small thing? What happened to her during the demonic disaster over in Da Song to make her look like this now.

These are all doubts that Lu Sheng cannot understand.

But in the end, he got benefits. He got rid of Xiu Ming Dao, a magic weapon that could betray him at any time, and also learned about the target mission assigned by Demon Emperor Vera to Shang Yang Fei.

Lu Sheng had always wanted to be independent from the Great Yin and break away from the war between the two realms, but he finally hesitated.

Originally, he thought that these were none of his business, but now Demon Emperor Vera would send people to hunt and arrest him inexplicably. If there is a grudge, don't blame him for officially taking action and participating in the war against the demon world.

Leaving the area where he fought with Shang Yangfei, Lu Sheng flew straight towards Qiuyue County.

When crossing a mountain range, a sharp air suddenly came from below. It seemed that some powerful crossbow arrow was aimed at him.

Who!? On the mountainside below, among the large dense forests, several well-dressed men and women in blue tights were walking in the wild with knife-pointed crossbows. Seeing the sound of breaking through the air above their heads, two of them quickly raised their hands and pointed their crossbows at Lu Sheng, who had just arrived.

I am Lu Sheng, the honorary sect leader of Qianyang Sect in Mo Ling Mansion. Just now, a spy from the demon world made a sneak attack and was killed by me. Now you can go over and check the scene. Lu Shengjian explained.

Qianyang Sect? Upon hearing that it was one of the three sects, the group of public servants quickly relaxed.

Please also show me the Thousand Yang Sect's souvenir. The leading man raised his head and took out a purple-black token. The token showed a slight fluctuation, similar to the fluctuations of the Yangming Army that Lu Sheng had experienced in Qiuyue County.

He also showed off the iconic secret treasure of the honorary master of the Qianyang Sect, which was a purple jade pendant inlaid with a golden phoenix and bird pattern.

As soon as the man saw the jade pendant, he knew that the other party was definitely from the Qianyang Sect, but he had never heard of the honorary sect leader. But the style is genuine. Except for the top men with unimaginable strength, who would dare to fly so fast and flamboyantly in this wilderness.

I've met you, sir. Several people quickly knelt down on one knee and greeted him loudly.

It's okay, it's my duty. Lu Sheng also knew clearly that the Yinfu Army and Qingluo Division must have monitored the fight between him and Shang Yangfei, and then sent someone to investigate the situation.

These people have extraordinary cultivation, and the fluctuations on the leader's body are obscure, making it difficult to judge their specific strength. However, they are at least the third level below the Earth Yuan, and they are obviously top masters in the army. I'm afraid he is the general in Qiuyue County's army.

Lu Sheng organized the vocabulary. The fight just now was caused by my chance encounter with a spy from the demon world. The battle spread to the surrounding areas. If anything happens, you can find me at Qianyang Sect in Qiuyue County. He left a few instructions and continued flying towards Qiuyue County.

In the mountains and forests below, several masters of the Yangming Army did not slowly get up until he completely flew away from the place.

There was such a huge momentum just now. The entire surveillance network around here was torn apart. I have no idea what happened. This person is probably a very high-ranking figure in Mo Ling's mansion. The middle-aged man who led the team. said in a deep voice.

This person claims to be the honorary sect master of the Qianyang Sect of the Mo Ling Mansion. Hasn't the honorary sect master of the three sects of the Mo Ling Mansion always been vacant? Why? Another person asked doubtfully.

I'm afraid it's due to recent changes. The man shook his head, The affairs of these big shots are not under our jurisdiction. I also saw the jade pendant just now. It is indeed the mark of the Qianyang Sect of Mo Ling Mansion. And only big shots are qualified. Wear it. Go back and check Qian Yang Sect and you will know whether it is true or false. Let’s go and see the scene first.”

Hey, just in time, the information urgently released by Qingluo Division said that this place is at the level above the Earth Yuan, at least the huge force collision reaction at the level of the commander. I am old, Mr. Zhong, and I have never seen a fight at the level of the commander. The scene. I want to experience it well this time.

Let's go, you're the only one talking nonsense!

Several people left quickly and headed straight to the area where Lu Sheng and Xiu Ming Dao had fought.


Demon Realm·Qi Mica Tree.

The huge Qi Mica tree is the birthplace of Demon Emperor Vera. It is a huge tree with a diameter of several thousand meters. It is dark all over, with countless black roots protruding from the surrounding ground, exposed outside the surface. The roots of the tree are covered with various black eggs of different sizes.

In the area close to the trunk of the mother tree and three roots away, an oval-shaped black egg about the height of a person staggered away from the tree root and rolled to the ground. Small holes slowly opened on the surface of the black egg.


An arm with sharp nails rushed out from the inside and pierced the entire black egg epidermis.

The arms are white and delicate, not the rough structure of demonic creatures at all. Rather, she is more like a woman from the human world.

With a hiss, the black egg separated to both sides, completely torn apart. A large amount of translucent mucus overflowed and dripped on the ground, and was quickly absorbed by the fertile black soil in the grass.

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