Extreme Demon

Chapter 343 Exposure 2

Teacher, is this what you want? Two pairs of horns slowly grew on Lu Sheng's forehead, and the muscles on his body continued to expand. Countless black smoke poured out from under the scales in his seven orifices, as if his whole body was burning.

What do I want? Qian Xie put away her halberd, her eyes full of weirdness and distortion. You think you're hiding it well? Idiot!!

In an instant, the dozens of meters long black halberd turned into black shadows all over the sky, as if it had split into dozens of giant halberds and slashed towards Lu Sheng.

All the big trees in the sea of ​​trees with a radius of several hundred meters were instantly shattered and exploded, and terrifying ravines opened on the ground. Black smoke filled with countless invisible black insects filled the air. Wherever it went, everything withered and turned black, and even the grass and soil gradually melted, exuding fine translucent mucus.

So what if you can't hide it well??!! Lu Sheng raised his head, and his figure suddenly exploded, turning into countless black smoke. The black smoke expanded and spread to tens of meters around him in an instant.

Bang! ! !

A giant hand more than ten meters thick stretched out from the black smoke and suddenly grabbed the beetle in mid-air.

The black palm is covered with thick barbs and scales, and it also carries burning heat and poison. And all the halberd shadows fell on the arms, but they only made a clanging sound of metal.

It's never me who needs to be afraid!!

The black smoke dissipated, revealing Lu Sheng's huge body. It was a behemoth nearly twenty meters tall, with thick and even bloated lower limbs, a big mouth that was split to the ears, a second pair of arms that slowly grew out of his back, and a body full of... Due to the thick black smoke, Lu Sheng looked like some kind of terrifying beast like a giant centaur.

He grabbed the beetle and slammed it onto the ground.

Boom! !

The ground shook for a moment, and the entire sea of ​​trees within dozens of miles shook violently. The waterfall-like loess splashed up to a height of tens of meters, and there were even a lot of rocks and broken wood mixed in.

It's over. Lu Sheng's voice at this time naturally had a confusing and dangerous effect. Vast and profound, sometimes far and sometimes near.

Yes, it's over. Qian Xing's voice came from above Lu Sheng's head.


Everything around me changes instantly, as if countless paints are mixed together, and the colors are constantly stirred. All the scenery suddenly twisted and rotated faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Sheng's eyes flashed and he came back to his senses.

He was standing calmly in a huge cave. There was an emerald spar inlaid above the cave. The sunlight filtered through the spar, dyeing the entire cave green.

Qianyi was standing in front of him, holding a black halberd as tall as a man, with boiling black mud emerging from the void behind him.

Are you afraid? Qian Xie said inexplicably.

Teacher, what do you mean by this? A test? Or a test? Lu Sheng stared at the opponent tightly with a hint of cold murderous intent in his calmness. The person standing opposite was just a clone, and he had already sensed it when he came back to his senses just now.

It's well hidden, but the powerful man at the top of the dignified military command is actually willing to sneak into Qianyang Sect from scratch. It seems that your plan is not small. Qian Xing said calmly.

Teacher, you are wrong about this. Lu Sheng's eyes fell on the black halberd. I'm pursuing my own path, and I'm also confirming something.

Now that I've discovered it, what else are you going to do? Qian Xing raised his head and stared at Lu Sheng.

Mastering the strength of soldiers is my past. Now I am just an ordinary junior disciple. I am also your disciple. I am an ordinary Qianyang Sect member who hopes to get your guidance. Lu Sheng said expressionlessly. Answer calmly.

So, where are your subordinates in Da Song?

That's the disciple's servant.

Where are the demons you killed in the demon army?

It's just a wild beast that goes out to hunt occasionally.

And that transformation you just had

That's a family martial art that the disciple used to practice casually.

I see.

Qian Xie also understood what he meant.

I can give you some advice about Zhenqi, but you also have to do something for me.

What's up?

Find someone. Qian Xing's eyes deepened, A woman who looks exactly like me.

Looking for it in Dayin? Lu Sheng was a little surprised.

In Dayin, as a reward, I will teach you how to enter the realm of the Holy Lord. You are too easily exposed now. With the hiding methods you think you are good at, you can't hide it from the Holy Lord and the soldiers. Lord. Qian Zhi smiled lightly.

I understand. Lu Sheng understood that this was a deal.

Qian Xing did not intend to expose himself, although it would not be a big deal to expose him. At most, he would be taken seriously and feared in advance, and he might be regarded as a spy from outside forces, which would lead to the failure of Lu Sheng's purpose of stealing the secrets of Zhenqi cultivation.

But now that he is covered by Qianmo, he can take advantage of this and gain early access to the secrets of the real Demon Lord and Holy Lord realm.

To be honest, if I hadn't found out your details before, I might have killed you just now because of the demonic energy in your body. Because you look too much like an ancient demon. Qian Xing explained calmly.

Really? Lu Sheng's huge body began to be enveloped in countless black smoke. Soon the black smoke became smaller and smaller, gradually becoming only a few meters high.

The smoke slowly dissipated, revealing Lu Sheng's originally calm face. Except for his lower body, which was covered with a layer of black scales, the rest of his body was naked, revealing the outline of steel-like muscles.

He threw his hand and threw out a set of black robes.

Take it and put it on. How far is your Qi cultivation now?

Only the second level. Lu Sheng replied calmly, putting on his black robe, The Great Sun Light Technique and the Spiritual Space Dao taught by the teacher are both the second level.

And what about the Fusion Core Earth Heart Jue that you took from the branch? Qian Xie seemed to really treat him as an ordinary disciple.

It's also the second level. Lu Sheng replied.

First cultivate Lingkong Dao to perfection, and I will give you the follow-up skills. Don't hide it, just do your best to improve. As long as I'm here, covering up is just a waste of time. Qian Xie reached out and threw the black halberd in his hand.

The black halberd roared into the sky, spinning rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it became smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller, and soon shrunk to the size of a peach core. She gently put it away and put it into her sleeve.

Besides, I don't know how you got to this point. But now you are trying to combine the three elements into one with the True Art of Demonic Dao and Qi Dao. There is some hope, but without the suppression of the magic weapon and the magic blade, your own physique and soul cannot bear it. Explosive growth after living together. Qianyi continued.

Lu Sheng's pupils shrank, and he didn't expect that Qian Xing could even see this. Please also ask the teacher for guidance.

Your path is either to follow the pure path of the demon world and give up on others, or to find a fusion of a divine weapon and a demon blade. Take the orthodox path of a master of weapons.

No other choice?

No, the reason why you can take the demon world route is because you don't know how to get the special magic essence. This is the first time I have seen that kind of magic essence can be stimulated without a magic blade. He said with a hint of doubt.

Lu Sheng was silent.

Your biggest problem now is your soul. The soul is too weak, so you can't perfectly control your own changes. Otherwise, the three powers will not be so independent, and it will be more of something that devours everything else.

Lingkong Dao itself has the effect of simultaneously exercising and improving the body and mind, so practice it well. After you reach Consummation, you can enter the Secret Realm by yourself. Qian Xie grabbed his hand in the void at the same time, and a small, round golden bead suddenly appeared in his palm.

She threw the beads towards Lu Sheng. This is the sub-body of the Demon Blade Seven Insect Flower Magatama. It can hide your breath strength and provide the essence here. It is also my identity symbol. Take it and keep it. After you go out, if you encounter trouble, take it out and shake it. , there are not many people in Qianyang Sect who dare not give me face.

Understood. Lu Sheng nodded and carefully put the beads into his waist bag with the help of them.

Okay, let's go. Following Qian Xing's last words, Lu Sheng's eyesight dimmed quickly.

Not long after, his eyes blurred and he returned to the practice room in the courtyard of the city.

Sighing, Lu Sheng stood up. Although he didn't think he could hide it from everyone, he didn't expect it to be exposed so quickly.

Stretching out his hand, he took out the golden bead from his waist bag and felt the strong essence flowing out of it as if it was connected to the secret realm.

Since the teacher said so, there is no need for me to hide it.

If your energy is sufficient and your skills are mastered, it’s time to improve.

There are three true techniques that he wants to practice now. The first is the Lingkong Dao, the second is the Great Sun Light Kung Fu, and the third is the Fusion Core Earth Heart Technique.

These three doors are where I need to work hard on the Qi path.

Deep Blue. Lu Sheng handed over the modifier without saying a word. He had already mastered Qi Sense in both Ling Kong Dao and Da Ri Ming Guang Gong, and was barely able to get started.

Glancing at the remaining spiritual power, Lu Sheng was stunned.

678 units! ?

He didn't expect there to be so many. Since he has so much divine power, he is not polite. Using golden beads, Lu Sheng raised the Spiritual Sky Path to the highest ninth level in one breath, and the Great Sun Light Technique to the extremely high sixth level. The next three levels require special conditions to be met. , can we continue to improve. The third Gate of Core Melting Earth Heart Jue was even faster, reaching the ninth level of the highest realm in a blink of an eye.

The three true arts cost Lu Sheng a total of 155 units of divine power. After using them all, he still had 523 units left.

Among them, the Great Sun Light Technique has only reached the sixth level, but even so, Lu Sheng's true energy cultivation has also reached the level of gathering at the top of the seven lines.

For others, when the total amount of infuriating energy is reached, it is at most a black film hard point, and the other offensive methods still need to be slowly honed, but for Lu Sheng, it is completely unnecessary. Once he reaches this level, he will be a master at this level.

At this point, it has reached its peak temporarily and there is no way to continue to improve. The seventh level of the Great Sunlight Light Skill requires a special environment filled with blue light without heat.

Having improved so much in one go, by the time Lu Sheng was completely finished, it was already dark outside.

He stood up, opened the door and walked into the courtyard, just in time to see Duanmu Wan directing several servants to assign tasks.

The entire courtyard was kept clean and orderly.

The floor is much cleaner and tidier, and there is less dirt on the walls. Some old places have also been replaced with new ones.

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