Extreme Demon

Chapter 296 World Seven

I understand. Although it still felt incredible, Shang Yangjun already understood what kind of existence the man in front of him was.

Yuan Mo Sect, that school of thought he had heard of, was a powerful sect that had shone brightly in the past demonic disasters, but now it has declined.

Is it possible to reach this level just by relying on perfect compatibility with the secret technique? Even the masters of some powerful magic weapons can't reach this level at such a young age, right?

Shangyang Jun still had doubts in his heart. But facing the powerful man in front of him who was at least one level higher than him, he finally hid his doubts in his heart. Although I don’t know what the divine weapon that Lu Sheng has fused is, just looking at the power that was close to the demon lord level before, it is enough to win him over at any cost.

So Brother Lu, the devil commander Rosim on this side. Shang Yangjun asked slowly.

I will take him away. Lu Sheng naturally would not let go of the meat that was brought to his mouth. The headquarters of our Yuan Mo Sect is nearby. If there is any problem, you can send someone directly to find me.

Okay. Shang Yangjun stopped talking nonsense and carefully pointed Lu Sheng in the direction of Xijiyuan.

Lu Sheng quickly landed on the ground and stood on the edge of the huge pit created by the fighting below.

Can you tell me, are you really my junior brother? He Xiangzi slowly walked out of the crowd and looked at him with complicated eyes.

Lu Sheng looked at the rest of the Yuan Mo Sect and others who came out, as well as Zhan Kongning and Zhan Hongsheng. The umbrella girl and Xu Chuuining walked over without hesitation and stood behind them.

After I heard that the Nether Demon Body was completed, I searched for the sect's relics and accidentally obtained the secret book of the Eight Demonic Bodies. I practiced hard and finally the eight demon bodies merged into one, creating the Eight Demonic Paths, and pushing them to an unprecedented level. Finally, he broke through the shackles of the holy weapons in one fell swoop.

Lu Sheng said calmly. He looked straight at He Xiangzi.

So, you say I am?

He Xiangzi smiled bitterly.

Teacher, if Teacher is still here, he will definitely pass on the position of leader to you as soon as possible.

In just over a year, he has successively broken through Tingyou Demon Body and the other eight demon bodies. Even if the Demon Lord reincarnates, it is unlikely that he will achieve such achievements.

This kind of talent, this kind of qualification, can no longer be described as terrifying and perverted, but more bizarre monsters can adequately describe the opponent.

Let's go to Xijiyuan. Lu Sheng didn't talk nonsense with He Xiangzi and others, and walked straight through the crowd towards Xijiyuan.

Everyone in Yuan Mo Sect quickly followed.

Shangyang Jun slowly fell down and was immediately surrounded by the remaining judges.

I didn't expect that there could be such a powerful being among the Hundred Veins. He was puzzled.

This school, a place where secret arts are purely practiced, does not have magical weapons and magic blades, but this kind of monster can actually appear, and it can practice the secret skills of Yuan Demon to a level that has never been achieved before or since.

Perhaps after mastering the holy weapon, he found a new divine weapon to fuse with? Shangyang Shenyan guessed.

That's strong enough. This person's level is close to that of a demon lord at the level of a country. Even if he is in charge of soldiers in the entire Song Dynasty, he is still at the peak of his existence. Shang Yangjun shook his head.

The two of them looked around, and saw that allied forces that had been affected by the aftermath were everywhere. The logistics troops on the plain began to clean up the mess, and stretchers were hurriedly lifted and sent to the centralized medical tents.

One of the gates of flesh and blood has been forcibly closed, but there is more than just one in the Nine Cities. There are three gates in total. Apart from this one, the other two gates are probably the same, Shang Yangjun said helplessly. Anyway, let's deal with this side first. You go gather the surrounding survivors and deal with it according to the last demonic disaster.

Yes! Shangyang extended his head.

The next step is our battle. Shang Yangjun's eyes were serious. Although the demon commander was captured, the third demon spirit Huang Fu had just taken advantage of the chaos and quietly escaped into the mountains. Now his whereabouts are unknown. This man is also in charge of the army. The powerful existence of the level must not be left alone.

Most of the Nine Cities this time are the territory of the Shangyang family, except for Bailing City and the other two cities, which are under cross-management with Baimai. The remaining cities, and even a relatively core central city, were all affected by the demonic disaster at the same time.

This is just a small battle. If terrifying powerhouses like Demon Commander and Lu Sheng hadn't suddenly appeared, the Gate of Flesh and Blood would probably have descended here, and eventually the coalition forces were defeated and everything collapsed.

Speaking of which, if this powerful man from the Yuan Mo Sect hadn't emerged from nowhere, I might not have been able to reverse the decline if I personally came out of seclusion this time. Shangyang Jun sighed, My Shangyang clan owes him a big favor.

If the Gate of Flesh comes and the demon lord rushes out and targets him, what will happen?

Shangyang Jun suddenly didn't dare to think any more.

Shang Yang Yanyan beside him also had a solemn and gloomy expression. As the highest level of the Shang Yang family, both of them understood how much they owed Lu Sheng this time.



The huge fortress-shaped city was now in deathly silence.

Black threads of demonic energy floated in the air, and the sun was shrouded by dark clouds. The light projected down seemed to be covered by a thick cloth, without any life.

Beiliao Street, Qingyu Road.

On the empty streets, scarlet corpses and minced meat were everywhere.

In the darkness of the street corner, squatting were several strange monsters whose lower bodies were covered with black mist and whose upper bodies were only human heads and hands. These monsters gathered together with their backs to the light, biting at the putrid corpses on the ground like big mouthfuls of flies.

The wind was filled with the strong smell of corpses. It's also mixed with burnt charcoal.


Suddenly a monster raised its head and looked ferociously towards the end of the block.

There was a flash of black light, and a translucent human-faced snake that was tens of meters long suddenly rushed out and rushed forward along the street.

All the monsters in the corners immediately fled in fear. There was absolutely no thought of resistance.

The human-faced snake made a weird hee-hee sound, circled in the air, and then continued to rush forward. Behind it, Lu Sheng and others, dressed in black robes, slowly stepped onto the ground of this block.

As soon as he set foot on this street, Lu Sheng frowned slightly and looked down at the ground. The ground was dark red.

When you step on it, it feels like stepping on a grass blanket, but with a sticky, nauseating feeling.

At least tens of thousands of people died here. The blood dried, got wet, and dried again. This repeated process was enough to create this hellish scene on this short street.

Hongfangbai is the most experienced among the people. She has also experienced the era of demonic disasters. When she saw the terrifying scene in front of her, her expression changed slightly.

Everyone was dressed in black robes and rushed to the nearby Xijiyuan before it got dark.

The headquarters of Xijiyuan itself is a city. Because of the daily needs of the disciples and teachers, the entire Xijiyuan itself has spawned many ancillary industries.

The entire headquarters can even be called West Pole City.

Lu Sheng raised his head and looked into the distance. In the gray-black mist ahead, he could vaguely see a huge fortress surrounded by many magic smoke monsters.

Hee hee hee.

In the distance, the shadows below the fortress were twisting and floating, as if there was some kind of threat hidden in them with arrogant claws.

The group of people slowly came to the entrance of Xijiyuan and stood there.

The gate was empty, not even a trace of blood, it was clean, and at a glance you could see the neat and calm interior of the house.

Continuous light red buildings stand together in patches, making a whistling sound when the wind blows.

Hee hee hee.

There was another weird chuckle in the air.

Is this the place where teachers attend the Little League? Lu Sheng said calmly. He looked back at the person at the back of the team, his gaze straight and sharp.

Yes. The last man was covered in a black robe, and even his head was covered with a black hood. His face could not be seen clearly. Faced with Lu Sheng's questioning, he just answered calmly and lowly.

What should I do to find the person I want? Lu Sheng asked again.

The man raised his head and lifted his hood, revealing the defeated face of Demon Commander Rosim.

I'm not the master of Xiji Academy. I only control the overall situation and don't know anything else. Maybe you can ask Li Shunxi.

If I knew, I would have told you earlier. Li Shunxi also lifted his hat and said helplessly.

After taking advantage of the chaos to escape from the demon army, he decisively followed Lu Sheng and came to Xijiyuan together.

In today's entire demon disaster battlefield, the safest place is next to Gang Leader Lu Shenglu. So he shamelessly came over and got close to each other.

Lu Sheng took a closer look at Xijiyuan. The seemingly peaceful and empty building inside clearly hid inexplicable dangers.

Snake of jealousy. He suddenly raised his hand slightly.


The translucent human-faced snake that was tens of meters long just now slowly swam out of the shadow behind him. He loomed behind Lu Sheng in front of everyone's shocked gaze.

Kill it.

Lu Sheng pointed to the front door.

Hee hee hee..

The jealous snake laughed and its huge body slowly retreated.

Boom! !

In an instant, its body, which was tens of meters long, shot out suddenly and pounced on the ground of the square facing the gate of Xijiyuan.

At this moment, the originally empty square began to shake slowly. The entire square moved to the left and suddenly turned into a round, fat belly.

This belly belonged to a fat monster that was more than ten meters tall. He moved his body, bent down and reached out to grab the human-faced snake.

This big fat man's belly actually looked like the most perfect and realistic photos and oil paintings, and what was painted on it were clearly empty buildings and squares. As a result, everyone mistakenly thought that his belly was the entrance.

boom! !

The two behemoths were entangled fiercely and began to fight in a twisted manner.

Only then did everyone become shocked.

It's surprising that the Xijiyuan Square we saw before was all filled with paintings on this monster's belly??! He Xiangzi said in horror.

At this time, after the big-bellied monster got out of the way, everyone saw the real interior scene of Xijiyuan.

The ground was covered in dark red blood. The walls, floor tiles, and stone pillars were all dyed dark red, and everything smelled of decay and dilapidation.

The doors and windows of the buildings facing the gate were all open, and black shadows flashed inside from time to time.

Is this the former headquarters of Xijiyuan? Hong Fangbai asked slightly curiously.

She was once expelled and hunted by the school, but now she has the opportunity to come to the headquarters of the strongest lineage in the school. Even after it has been ruined, this feeling is commendable.

Let's go, there is very strong demonic pollution here, please follow closely. Lu Sheng said calmly.

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