Extreme Demon

Chapter 294 The World Five

It was only then that Demon Commander Rosim and Shang Yangjun looked at the master who suddenly entered.

Rosim, it seems you are in trouble. Shang Yangjun smiled.

Trouble? Let me see how much your Qianshan calligraphy has improved? Rosim stared at the other person, and a rotating ball of magic energy slowly emerged in his hand.

The two faced off against each other, the huge Mushan pen slowly floated up, and the magic ball in Rosim's hand became bigger and bigger.

Lu Sheng, who was standing by, ignored his question.

I know! It's the Master of Xijiyuan! Suddenly a loud voice sounded from beside the Demon Commander.

It's Lee Soon-hee!

He was using all his strength to shout out what he knew.

It's the leader of Xiji Academy who designed to kill the leaders of the Nineteen Factions!! He yelled.

He did not have as terrifying power as the three of them, so he had to use all his strength to let his voice penetrate the countless noises on the battlefield and reach Lu Sheng's ears.

Idiot. The Master of the West Ji Academy stood not far behind the Demon Commander, standing together with the five-star Demon Generals from the other major clans. He rolled his eyes when he heard this.

Li Shunxi, do you think that in this situation, a human can come and kill me if he knows about it?

. Li Shunxi said nothing, just panting and staring in the distance in the direction of Lu Sheng. He didn't know why he did this, but an impulse in his heart made him do it. It was an impulse close to a premonition.

Okay, everyone, just be quiet. We won't talk nonsense until the door of flesh and blood is perfected. Rosim said with a smile.

Yes. The master of Xiji Academy quickly lowered his head.

On the battlefield, Lu Sheng's expression slowly turned gloomy. He clenched the handle of the knife with his right hand and stared at the man behind the Demon Commander.


Suddenly a purple flame ignited on his blade.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished. His right arm began to swell, deform, and twist, forming dense clusters of dark muscle tumors.

In the blink of an eye, it expanded from the thickness of an ordinary person to three meters in diameter.


A single blood-red eye opened on the side of his right arm, spinning wildly.

Lu Sheng slowly raised the blade, and his right arm seemed to be wearing a thick layer of black armor.

Anode...! His eyes slowly transformed into a three-pupil state. At the same time, a trace of purple light appeared.


Boom! ! ! !

The blade slashed forward in an instant, and in a thousandth of a second, the blade shattered.

boom! !

Countless metal fragments were wrapped in purple flames, turning into a purple torrent and flying straight towards the Master of the West Pole.

The speed of the torrent was so fast that the master of Xiji Academy just realized something was wrong and was about to wave his hand to block it, but it was already too late.

In just a blink of an eye, it crossed thousands of meters, and the torrent reached directly in front of the Master of the West Ji Academy.

There seemed to be a soft sound in the air, like the sound of broken glass. The purple torrent seemed to shatter layers of transparent glass all around, and even the space seemed to be shattered.

All the flames condensed into the purest purple line of fire, shooting straight towards the Master of the West Pole.

!!! The smile on Rosim's face froze, his pupils tightened, and his right arm crazily moved up to block the purple line of fire. But it still seems to be a bit slow.

Feeling the huge power contained in this torrent, as the commander-in-chief, once his generals were killed in front of him, the negative impact would be immeasurable!

No matter what, he had to block this blow!

After all, it was a beat slower.

not good!

He exploded with all his strength, increased his speed, and blocked it with his hands.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud bang.

Purple flames and black gas exploded at the same time. Rosim's whole body was exposed with veins, and he held his hands in front of his body and arched his body to withstand the huge force.

But the torrent of purple flames continued to bombard him in front of him like a waterfall, pushing him back continuously, and two deep ravines were carved out of the ground under his feet.

With Rosim as the center, a purple-black oval slowly bloomed backwards, with a diameter of tens of meters and extremely clear.


Arms sprouted from behind Lu Sheng, and the slender body with four arms suddenly rushed out from the center of the flames in front of the Demon Commander, and slashed at Luosim's head with the black knife in his hand.


Another torrent of purple-black flames fell like a meteor.

Rosim's eyes were wide open as a huge black vortex quickly appeared behind him. Before he could think about it, a large black exquisite flag slowly emerged from the vortex.

boom! !

The torrent of purple fire collided with the banner, and terrifying black flames erupted between the two, shooting out in all directions.

The surrounding demonic troops dispersed in shock, and those who could not dodge were stuck by the black fire. Their whole bodies were instantly ignited and turned into ashes within a few breaths.

Lu Sheng's four arms slowly formed new black knives and raised them high.


The third knife!

The Master of Xiji Academy was tense and stiff, unable to move at all while standing there. It wasn't that he didn't want to move, but that he couldn't move at all. An extremely powerful invisible force field had already fixed him in place.

His eyes were wide open, and the corners of his eyes were even cracked open. Blood slowly flowed out from his closed mouth and ears, but he did not dare to look away at all. He just stared at the terrifying figure surrounded by purple flames in mid-air.

The unprecedentedly powerful force field instantly enveloped all the surrounding demon army's top brass.

Everyone was like insects frozen in amber, unable to move.

Only the Demon Commander Rosim.

In the black vortex behind him, the flag was slowly sinking back little by little. He himself was also under the weight of this terrifying force field and frantically tried to raise his hand.

I am the Demon Commander. I am the Demon Transformer...Rosim, the King of the Red Demon. The blood vessels all over his body began to burst, and black-red blood dyed most of his body red.

Don't underestimate me!!!

Bang! ! Bang bang bang bang! ! ! !

Black vortexes suddenly opened up behind him, and together with the black vortex he summoned in the beginning, a total of nine vortexes formed a huge triangular formation, emerging in the air behind him.

All the whirlpools are facing Lu Sheng's third sword Kamui.

The purple flame meteor crashed into the black vortex like lightning.

Chi! !

A ball of dazzling light suddenly exploded between the sky and the earth, like a small sun burning on the ground. With just one breath, everything fell into darkness again.

Lu Sheng's body returned to the cathode state. Everything in front of him was completely annihilated. The black vortex and the purple fire that exploded from the divine power were all offset and disappeared.

The price was that the entire central area of ​​the demon army was scorched black, and a huge pit more than ten meters deep was burned out.

The diameter of the crater is hundreds of meters wide, and it can be seen at a glance. It was like there was a huge black pimple in the middle of the entire demon army.

The Master of the West Ji Academy was blocked by a dark demonic barrier and was looking at Lu Sheng in mid-air with fear and fear.

Li Shunxi opened his mouth wide and laughed happily.

Did you see it? Did you see it!!? He shouted, This is the resistance of my human race! My strong human race! My hope of human race!! Hahahaha!! The emotions he had been suppressing finally seemed like It broke out like a torrent.

Demon Commander Rosim and the remaining demon generals looked at Lu Sheng with four arms in the air, and then at Li Shunxi who was laughing wildly.

Who will tell me? Is this a human being? Why do we need us to do this when humans look like this? Are you sure he won't be a spy of our demon clan? A demon general couldn't help but curse.

Well Li Shunxi also felt something was wrong, but this did not affect his joy at this time.

Because he finally saw the changes in the future. He has been able to determine that the future can be changed. And Lu Sheng was the final variable!

Ninetowns, there is still hope!

The world is twisted, people's hearts are twisted, and the heaven and earth are twisted. Four dark magic knives appeared in Lu Sheng's hand again. The wrong world needs people to correct it.

His eyes showed coldness, cruelty, mixed with burning and burning contradictory eyes.

What a shame!! The Demon Commander straightened up again. His eyes were solemn as never before. Even the Mushan pen was far from being able to give him such terrifying pressure.

He looked up at Lu Sheng in mid-air, with magic seals forming behind him like lightning.

What do you think you are? The Demon Lord?!

The person who killed your teacher is right in front of you. If you have the ability, go ahead and kill him! Rosim showed a half-smile, not caring that blood was slowly dripping from his forehead.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the Master of the West Ji Academy who was blocked by a black barrier. The four magic knives were slowly raised.

Not good! Shang Yangjun, who was in shock in the direction of the coalition forces, suddenly changed his face.

That barrier is connected to the half-made door of flesh and blood!! You can't force it!! Otherwise, it will open the door and open up the demon world! Let more demons come!!

The rune chain on his body rotated rapidly, driving Mu Shan Pen to rush towards Lu Sheng.

Brother Lu of Yuanmo Sect!! Don't be impulsive!! He was extremely fast and the distance was not far. He was at Lu Sheng's side in a blink of an eye and reached out to grab his arm.

Get away! Lu Sheng's eyes glowed with purple fluorescence, and the muscles all over his body bulged rapidly. He hit the side of Mushan Pen with a sideways palm.

boom! !

Dozens of meters of purple fire exploded, and the huge Mushan pen shook violently. It was knocked top-heavy and hit the ground.

Lu Sheng's body at this time had completely transformed into the anode state.

Compared to his previous size, he was now bigger, almost 20 meters tall. His body was covered with black spiked scales. The four horns on his head were bent backwards, and he had a big mouth that was split to the ears. Inside, three rows of densely packed sharp saw teeth glowed with a cold white light.

The most exaggerated thing is his lower limbs, with a giant tail as thick as a battering ram swaying gently behind him. The diameter of the legs is seven to eight meters thick.

On the plain in the distance.

He Xiangzi and others followed closely and rushed to the edge of the battlefield, just in time to see Lu Sheng's transformation process from a distance.

Then what is that??! He Xiangzi knew that the demonic body of the Yuanmo Sect could demonize itself and improve its strength.

But the problem is that Lu Sheng is too big at this time.

With a huge body of nearly twenty meters, his toes alone could easily crush her to death.

Although she saw many characteristics of the demonic body from Lu Sheng, she couldn't believe it at all.

The two brothers Zhan Kongning and Zhan Hongsheng also stared at Lu Sheng in mid-air with their mouths open.

They saw the whole process of transforming from a cathode state of more than one meter into a giant monster of nearly twenty meters. Zhan Hongsheng was okay and had some mental preparation before, but Zhan Kongning's face was dull, completely losing his usual calm and calm temperament.

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