Extreme Demon

Chapter 265 Disaster 3


The heavy rain shrouded the entire Bailing City in a white mist.

Several little pigeons with red eyes and white feathers built their nests in the gaps under the eaves, making rhythmic cooing sounds.

Blood Infant Huang Fu stood in front of the window with his hands folded, overlooking the empty North Block outside. Not a word was spoken.

He had been standing like this for a long time, ever since the man behind him entered the door.

I thought you knew. The man behind him said in a low voice, slightly worried.

Surprisingly, it was Wanshun Gong Baixiu, who was also the top genius of the school.

What do you know? So what if you know? The master of the courtyard has his own reasons for the arrangement. Huang Fu said in a deep voice.

But with such a strict blockade, you should also understand how serious the consequences of the internal and external separation will be if an accident occurs. Bai Xiu said solemnly.

Huang Fu remained silent. Unexpectedly, the various arrangements made by the hospital master after that did not look like hosting a cocktail party at all, but more like preparing to launch a war.

The two of them didn't speak for a while. After a while, disciples from the school hurriedly came outside.

After the disciple entered the door, he whispered a few words in Bai Xiu's ear.

Are you interested in taking a look? The murderer of the recent serial murders in the city. Bai Xiu suggested.

Serial household killings refer to the recent series of massacres of large households in Bailing City, which are extremely bad in nature.

The imperial court's arrest department realized something was wrong, so they handed the case over to the Baimai School, so now Wanshun Palace is mainly responsible for arrests in this area.

After several failed arrests, Wanshun Palace disciples actually suffered several casualties. After that, groups of increasingly stronger disciples were sent out, but all failed. Finally, Bai Xiu, who was in charge of the general business in this area, was alerted, and he personally took action to solve the problem.

It is said that the Yang family is also investigating the serial house killing case. Let's go. Huang Fu turned around.

Something feels wrong. Let's see what happened to the caught murderer. Bai Xiu invested a lot of manpower in this case.

The two of them left the room. There were subordinates preparing the carriage outside the courtyard. The two of them got into the carriage together. The team moved along the block in the heavy rain. Dense raindrops hit the carriage, making a fine crackling sound.

Turning left and right, passing through a commercial shopping area, the carriage stopped in front of a wealthy family's house with a white lantern hanging.

The original red painted door of this family was also pasted with a white lotus sign representing mourning. Thin and slender paper chains hung on both sides, swaying from the heavy rain.

In the rain, some subordinates accompanied their master and stood at the gate with umbrellas, waiting for the carriage to approach.

The two got out of the car and were surrounded by this group of people and went straight to the courtyard of the government. There were already many powerful people standing there, including the arrest department of the imperial court, the head of the execution room of the government, and the head of this family. The official's relatives all gathered together and waited here.

Bai Xiu and Huang Fu ignored everyone and just walked into the main hall. At a glance, they saw a thin man tied up in the corner and three corpses of different sizes lying on the ground.

The catcher who followed him explained in a low voice: The man's name is Huang Bianhe. Someone saw him acting suspiciously this morning. He was walking around the river with a large bag of smelly clothes. He was caught and interrogated, but nothing was found. .Finally someone reported the crime and discovered that this family of three nearby had been killed for a long time.”

Is he the murderer? Bai Xiu asked.

Yes. Many witnesses saw him walking out of this home. The catcher replied respectfully. The eldest master sent two teams of troops but failed to catch him. It was the disciples of Wanshun Palace who took action later and captured him.

Bai Xiu frowned and looked carefully at Huang Bianhe, a thin man sitting on the ground.

This man was very thin, short, pale, and had yellow eyes. He seemed to have some hidden illness. Apart from that, the most eye-catching thing is his eyes.

Sluggish, dead, without any vitality, even the pupils are a little blurry and have no focus.

Bai Xiu glanced at Huang Fu beside him. The latter gave him a shake of his head.

Is there nothing abnormal? Bai Xiu knew his friend's ability. He could control the Qi and blood of outsiders to check the condition of the other party's body. Huang Fu's secret technique was one of the best even among aristocratic families. Many children from aristocratic families are far inferior to him.

In front of Huang Fu, it can be said that no one can hide himself in front of his opponents unless their strength is far superior to his opponents.

Just an ordinary person. Huang Fu said calmly. And he's in such bad shape that even a stronger kid could probably knock him down with one punch.

Then what's going on with him? Bai Xiu asked doubtfully.

He walked closer.

Be careful, this person is mentally ill! the catcher quickly dissuaded him.

But Huang Bianhe has already taken action.

He was lying down, as if a switch was turned on. He straightened his legs suddenly, and unknown transparent liquid oozed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose at the same time. His whole body roared and roared like a beast, and tried to pounce on Bai Xiu. come over.

Ouch! !

The sound Huang Bianhe made was like a real beast, crazy and irrational.

Bai Xiu casually pointed a finger at his forehead and between his eyebrows, and with a burst of force, he immediately fainted.

Is this why he attacks others? He turned to look at the catcher beside him.

Indeed, this man has injured several officials in a row before. Although he is thin and weak now, he was surprisingly strong before. The head catcher added.

This power Bai Xiu frowned slightly when he felt the strength of the opponent just now. This strength was far beyond what ordinary mortals could easily explode. At least it's equivalent to two strong men working together.

Let me see. Huang Fu stepped forward and suddenly shot out electricity from his right hand.


He grabbed the yellow edge and left chest with one claw, dug his fingers deeply, and scratched all the flesh and blood from the clothes to pieces, exposing his empty chest.

Empty?! Bai Xiu was startled.

The people behind him were shocked at first. No one expected that Huang Fu would suddenly take action, but what they saw next made their hearts tremble.

There was nothing in the yellow-bordered left chest, it was completely empty.

There is no heart, no blood vessels, just a dark red cavity.

This!? Bai Xiu and Huang Fu exchanged glances, and their hearts sank.


Yuan Mo Sect, Lake of Poisonous Fog.

Lu Sheng appeared in the anode state, holding various poisonous materials that had been collected in advance.

One hundred and twenty-four.

After recording the number in his mind, Lu Sheng stuffed the two-headed green snake in his hand into his mouth.

A mint-like taste slowly spreads in the mouth. Then came numbness, itching, slight pain, and all kinds of feelings came to my mind.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and slowly felt the differences between various poisons. Now, for him, eating these extremely poisonous poisons that can kill dozens of people in an instant is like eating chili peppers, which means the mouth is a little spicy, but there is no other problem.

Precisely because his poison resistance is getting stronger and stronger, the process of absorbing poison by the Desolate Demonic Body is extremely easy for him.

One hundred and twenty five kinds.

Lu Sheng grabbed a handful of green live scorpions from his linen pocket and stuffed them into his mouth.

His two rows of fine, sharp teeth kept opening and closing for chewing, chewing up and swallowing all the scorpions in an instant.

One hundred and twenty-six species. He grabbed a blue toad the size of a human head from another pocket, bit the head and tore it apart. The toad was immediately torn into two pieces, and with the blood spattering, he crumpled it into a ball and stuffed it into his mouth. .

Ever since he drank the poisonous mist lake water, Lu Sheng's lower limit for food had dropped to a terrifying level. dirty? Smelly? poison?

Everything is fine.

As long as it is useful and will not kill you after eating it, Lu Sheng can stuff it into his mouth.

The concept that as long as it is useful, it can be blocked, it has been deeply engraved in his mind after this practice of the Desolate Demon Body.

The nine Yin Demons take turns digesting it, and no matter how powerful the poison is, it can be spread and borne by the nine Yin Demons.

One hundred and thirty-one

one hundred and thirty-five

Lu Sheng kept eating different kinds of poisons, and eating fifty kinds a day was the maximum limit he tested.

These terrifying poisons, which were enough to poison hundreds or thousands of people, were completely digested and precipitated by his abnormally powerful and terrifying body, and absorbed into the poisonous roulette of the desolate demonic body. If there is any damage, it will be instantly repaired by the Aquarius Qi and remain stable.

After eating like this until the 150th time, Lu Sheng vaguely felt that the poisonous roulette in his body was finally full.

Finally enough, it's time to officially start cultivating the Desolate Demonic Body

He stood up from the cave, with an eight-meter-tall body, a devil-like back spine, horns, twisted tumor-like muscles, blue-black hard and rough scales, and two rows of terrifying teeth that were as fine and sharp as a saw. .

If any disciples of the Yuan Mo Sect saw his current state, no one would think that this was their chief senior brother Lu Sheng who they had always worshiped and admired.

The practice of the Desolate Demonic Body is easy to say and difficult to say. For Lu Sheng, who can withstand enough poisons easily. All he needed to do was to completely condense the poisonous magic power in his body into a seed of desolation.

The Seed of Desolation is the true core of the Desolation Demonic Body. The principle of this thing is unknown. Just by repeatedly using thirty-nine different combinations of elemental magic patterns, an extremely powerful Seed of Desolation can be formed in the body.

The difficulty and power of these thirty-nine combined patterns composed of elemental magic powers increase step by step from the first to the last. By the last pattern, the combination difficulty has even surpassed that of many large-scale protective formations of schools.

You must know that that kind of formation is a difficult formation problem that requires dozens of people to study and deduce repeatedly, and finally spend several weeks to completely lay out the formation.


A ball of black poisonous fire appeared in the palm of Lu Sheng's hand.

Dark Blue. He called out the modifier. Then quickly click the modify button,

As soon as the light blue box appeared, it flashed slightly and entered the editable state.

The first combination begins.

Lu Sheng found the Desolate Demonic Body column on the modifier, closed his eyes and began to channel the elemental magic power in his body. According to the poisonous elemental demonic energy in his body at this time, Lu Sheng slowly injected the poisonous fire in his hand.

The poisonous fire of the Desolate Demonic Body is called the Desolate Fire. Its power is mainly reflected in the poisonous damage, and the increase in other aspects is not much.

The poisonous fire of the ghost demon body is quite satisfactory, while the resentful fire demon body forms a resentful fire. The desolate demon body comes back with the desolate fire. It is a poisonous fire core shared by all three demon bodies. Let's see what changes will happen in the end.

The magic power began to flow rapidly within his body, and soon formed a strange and twisted geometric pattern.

And with the rapid consumption of Baoping Qi, the first combination succeeded easily.

Then comes the second combination.

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