Extreme Demon

Chapter 233 Change 1

The two men with broken legs who escaped from the Yuan Mo Sect's residence in embarrassment soon attracted the attention of the recorders of the nearby Qiongyi Palace.

Two black-clothed Taoists stood in the dark, looking at Li Du who crawled out covered in blood from a distance, both frowning a little.

So fast? Moreover, this kind of injury is a bit serious. The school is not a well-known family, and its recovery ability is not as good as theirs. Such an injury will take at least half a year to recover. A person said in a low voice.

Another person lowered his head and wrote down the contents in a book with charcoal pencil.

Li Du is the chief of the Alien Cave Sect, right? He was defeated so quickly. What did you determine from the aura in Huilan Garden just now?

It's the demonic energy from Yuanmo Sect, that's right. The Taoist replied.

So, Yuan Mo Sect is going to make a desperate counterattack? That's interesting.

It's just two people. No matter how we fight back, we can't handle the carnage. Another person shook his head.

Okay, you continue to guard, I will go to other places to take a look first. The man looked at what was written, turned around and went in another direction.

Okay. The Taoist guarding Yuan Mo Sect took a serious look at the injuries on Li Du and the two of them, and clicked his tongue in admiration.

In the fifth area, there are five schools in total, Kaiyang School, Yixue Sect, Ice Valley, Huangsha Sword School, and Yuanmo Sect.

The chief of the Yixue Sect is Li Du, but he didn't expect that when the chief came out now, everyone was seriously injured.

Not long after Li Du came out, they were discovered by people from the Different Cave Sect. They rushed out and hugged the two people in with surprise.

Next to Yixue Sect is Kaiyang School.

Chief Huang Sicheng looked solemnly at Huilan Garden in the direction of Yuan Mo Sect.

Don't touch him yet. This Yuan Mo Sect waits for others to test it. Let's deal with the Ice Valley first.

He ordered the junior brothers and sisters behind him.

Senior Brother Huang is so timid? I heard that there are only two people from Yuan Mo Sect. Even if they can fight, they won't be able to deal with many people at once. A junior brother said confidently, Although we can't move them, we can't. It means we are afraid of him, and if we encounter a situation, we don’t have to be polite if they take the initiative to mess with us.”

Stop talking nonsense, I am the chief and I make the decision. If you have any objections, go to the master! Huang Sicheng glanced at him coldly.

Yes, yes, you are the boss, I will listen to you.

The news that Li Du of the Yixue Sect suffered a setback in his first battle spread quickly, and Li Du was taken away to recover from his injuries.

But without the chief, it does not mean that they have lost. The Yixue Sect still has weaker people leading the team. Keep close to the door and never go out again.

Everything soon returned to calm. The other courtyards of the five schools of thought faced each other in silence.

Lu Sheng also concentrated on hatching the second demonic heart.

In the side hall, he sat cross-legged, with a faint invisible flame emerging from his body. A trace of black air circulated continuously between his mouth and nose.

The golden antelope's red blood is as red as an iron mountain. It howls wildly and responds with true Nan.

According to the formula of Demonic Heart Tao, Lu Sheng recited it silently in his mind and kept repeating it.

Gradually, the demonic heart reappeared in the midair in front of him.

The black heart was beating continuously, and a tiny gap had opened. Black sparkling fire flowed from within.

Open! Lu Sheng suddenly reached out and touched his heart.


The whole heart of the demon heart burst open, and a large amount of black energy poured out like a waterfall, falling hard on the ground in front of Lu Sheng.

The rushing demonic energy did not escape everywhere, but condensed together, like a black hole as high as one person. Soon, a majestic black lion as tall as half a man walked out from under the envelope of demonic energy.

The lion said nothing and turned around restlessly on the ground, letting Lu Sheng caress and inspect it carefully.

It's really magical. Lu Sheng praised.

If we talk about the previous human-faced snake, it can be explained as a visual illusion. So now this black lion, with his mane burning with black fire, is completely physical.

A physical living creature condensed from the essence of the poisonous mist river is much more magical than martial arts. It is equivalent to creating life out of thin air. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the smooth back of the angry lion.

The black flame burned on his body, but it was like an illusion and could not hurt him at all.

This flame is caused by the burning of demonic energy. The Wrathful Lion does not last long, mainly because the flame consumes a lot of energy. But to me, it doesn't seem to have any impact.

Lu Sheng felt the flow of demonic energy in his body. Fortunately, it was about the same speed as the natural replenishment of the original demonic energy. It could be maintained almost indefinitely.

The Wrathful Lion is more than two meters long, with black fire burning in its mane and tail. It looks ferocious and majestic. The only difference is that it is slightly different from what is recorded in the classics. It has two more brown-black spiral horns on its head. , horns like antelopes.

I don't know how powerful it is, so let's leave it like this for now. Lu Sheng thought, and the angry lion suddenly turned into black energy and quickly attached to him.

Generally, it takes twelve hours for a devil's heart to gestate. Mine took several days to gestate, and the result is that it has one more pair of horns than an ordinary wrathful lion? Lu Sheng didn't know what these horns had. use.

It is necessary to wait until all the demonic hearts are hatched, and finally the final demonic heart is formed, then the demonic heart path can truly exert its power. Now his strength itself has not changed much, and the demonic heart path has no increase in itself.

After finishing the exercise, he got up and walked around Huilan Garden again, and found that the doors of other schools were closed, and except for a few patrolling Taoists from Qiongyi Palace itself, there was no one else outside.

The two people who were playing chess before were also gone, and the entire surrounding area was quiet.

Lu Sheng walked around in a circle and soon came to a white brick open space with a huge incense burner. Next to the incense burner stood a stone tablet, which recorded the history of Qiongyi Palace.

The handwriting on it is a little blurry, but I can barely read it clearly.

There was a mess everywhere in the open space, the floor tiles were smashed, and the flowers and plants in the green belt were withered and turned black. There is still a damp, sour smell floating in the air.

Lu Sheng probably remembered that this should be the location where the two people fought before. Judging from the loudness and clarity of the sound, coupled with the remaining traces, this should be the place where the two people fought before.

The secret technique seems to be of a cold and damp nature, and the other is of a purely fierce nature. Lu Sheng walked to the edge of a large pit, squatted down and gently touched the edge of the pit.

The edge of the half-meter-wide pit showed explosion-like marks and tactile sensations.

He keenly felt that there were many eyes following him in the dark, and they were obviously the disciples of Tianlian School who recorded the victory and defeat.

Should we start now? Lu Sheng thought for a while and decided to go back first. His purpose this time was to keep a low profile. Just keep the ranking of Yuan Mo Sect stable. He didn't intend to do any other actions that were too revealing and eye-catching.

When Li Du and the two were dealt with before, they had already gone too far. Control has to be carefully controlled.

Standing up, he was about to turn back to Huilan Garden.

Junior Brother Yuanmo Sect Lu Shenglu? Suddenly a gentle and clear female voice came from behind.

Lu Sheng turned around and saw a woman dressed in blue and well-dressed, holding a long white stick in her hand and looking at him cautiously.

This woman has exquisite facial features, a slender waist, and a tall figure. Her dark, satin-like hair is spread all the way to her waist. Her skin, in particular, is truly as white as snow. This is unique to the disciples of Ice Valley.

People from Ice Valley? The other party's features were easy to recognize, so Lu Sheng recognized his identity immediately.

Well, speaking of which, we both have the word win in our names. My name is Yue Shengya. I am the second seat of Bingyougu. The woman smiled and walked forward, Senior Brother Zhan asked me to take more care of the Yuan Mo Sect. I didn’t expect to meet Junior Brother Lu so soon.”

Senior Brother Zhan? Lu Sheng immediately knew why the other party came to his door. It turned out to be Zhan Kongning’s relationship.

But I heard that Li Du was kicked out by you guys and looked miserable. It seems that Junior Brother Lu doesn't need a little girl to help him. Yue Shengya said with a smile.

Fortunately, it's just a fluke. Our school has a small number of people and we don't use thunderous tactics. If we fall into a siege, the outcome will be unpredictable. Lu Sheng laughed casually.

That's right, okay, the school still has something to do, Junior Brother Lu, Senior Sister will come to visit us again later. If there is any trouble in the past two days, you can come to the front door of Bingyou Valley for help. I can't guarantee that the other senior sisters will take action, but I, Yue Sheng Ya won't stand still. The woman said seriously.

Well, thank you. Lu Sheng nodded.

Yue Shengya turned around and walked away. It seemed that she was not just wandering around, but definitely looking for trouble. Lu Sheng judged the direction and found that the direction Yue Shengya was going was from the Kaiyang School.

He looked around. The disciples of all the schools around him had retreated to their stations, and very few people came out to move around.

Forget it, it's time to go back.

Returning along the original path, Lu Sheng didn't meet anyone along the way. He quickly returned to Huilan Garden and entered the main hall to meditate for a while. In the afternoon, He Xiangzi finally came back with a bag of things in her hand, which seemed to be full of food and drink.

This is what we will eat in the next two days. We will continue to deliver food after Tianxianglou. These two days are the first stage of the civil war.

There are five districts in Qiongyi Palace, with five schools in each district. If we want to maintain our ranking, we need to get at least sixty places. He Xiangzi brought back specific news.

Sixty? Why? Lu Sheng was stunned. Originally, he thought that defeating one school would be enough.

Because we failed to meet the basic school standards of Baimai three times in a row, according to the messy calculation method, we need to reach sixty to earn enough school points and stabilize the ranking. He Xiangzi looked like It was very tiring, with a feeling of mental and physical exhaustion.

It was already extremely difficult to defeat one school of thought, but now it actually had to defeat four schools of thought. This was several times more difficult, so naturally I felt anxious.

Junior brother, you, I know you are stronger than me, are you sure about this? He Xiangzi finally looked at Lu Sheng with a little hope.

Although he knew from his teacher Liu Shanzi that Lu Sheng's qualifications far exceeded hers, He Xiangzi still felt uncertain.

The Yuan Mo Sect started with number sixty-four, and if it wanted to reach number sixty, none of the schools in between would be efficient. In the past, they had won at least five games.

In five games, He Xiangzi herself had no confidence that she could win. In the past, Yuan Mo Sect was thankful to have won two games.

Don't worry, it's okay. Lu Sheng comforted her. Rest first, we will officially start tomorrow. Don't think too much.

But junior brother. He Xiangzi wanted to say something else. She had obtained a lot of inside information from Chen Yunxiang, about the Kaiyang School and other enemies.

It's okay, go to sleep, I'll take care of everything. Lu Sheng urged her repeatedly, and He Xiangzi had no choice but to rest.

After all, when he came out, the teacher told Lu Sheng to listen to everything.

It's just that I can't rely on my junior brother for everything. As a senior sister, even if I don't play a leading role, I still have to share some things for the school.

He Xiangzi was persuaded to go to sleep on the surface, but in fact she made a decision secretly in her heart.

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