Extreme Demon

Chapter 136 Return 2

Eighth, explode! the officiant shouted.

boom! !

Lu Sheng's arms suddenly exploded into a large ball of red fire. It was as if something exploded on his arms, and the huge impact knocked him back repeatedly.

Seventh, explode! The red light in the priest's eyes became more and more intense, and the copper stick in his hand swept across from left to right.

boom! !

Another ball of fire exploded on the road. The explosion was so powerful that even if Lu Sheng had accomplished a lot of hard work, there was actually a gaping hole on the left side of his waist. Blood slowly seeped out from the burnt wound, and there was a fishy smell in the air.

Sixth, explode! The copper rod in the officiant's hand slowly began to glow with a faint red light. From beginning to end, the entire copper rod seemed to be burning red, getting redder and brighter.

boom! !

Lu Sheng's huge body was blown backwards and hit a thick tree trunk. The trunk exploded and he slowly fell to the ground.

Fifth. The officiant looked at Lu Sheng with a hint of ridicule, Explode!

Boom! !

Another more powerful explosion exploded from Lu Sheng's chest. The blazing fire suddenly flooded most of his chest.

Finally, let's end it, fourth. The officiant raised his bronze stick and pointed it at Lu Sheng. fry

Die to me!!!

With a loud noise, Lu Sheng suddenly appeared in front of him like a beast, his eyes were blood red, his arms were folded, and he fell hard on the chest of the officiant.

Almost at the same time, a ball of fire, bigger and stronger than before, exploded on Lu Sheng's body.

Boom! !

The two of them flew out at the same time.

The officiating priest spurted out a mouthful of blood on the spot. He was injured by this almost sneak attack. He scratched his feet all the way on the ground. As soon as he stopped, the red copper stick hit the ground. The muscles on his body swelled wildly, and in the blink of an eye they swelled to a height of more than two meters.

The third dragon!! He roared, and the dragon pattern on the breastplate seemed to come alive. Silver light shot out and shone on the copper rod, adding a coiled dragon to it. The entire stick body has more than doubled in thickness, like a mace, and is thrown forward.

Red Ji Jiu Sha! Divine power!! Lu Sheng's huge figure appeared in front of him at the same time, clasped his hands in front of the copper stick, turned into a palm knife and slammed it down.

Buzz! ! !

The palms of the copper sticks met and the ground exploded where the two collided. The branches and leaves of the nearby trees broke and exploded. A circle of substantial ripples slowly spread.

You! The officiant's forehead showed blue veins, and this was the first time he stared at Lu Sheng closely. You actually hide it so deeply. With your strength, why would you be willing to be just an ordinary gang leader?

Hey Lu Sheng grinned, and the muscles on his body actually expanded further. You are weaker than I thought. He had previously detonated a drop of internal energy liquid. At this time, a circle of hot energy from his body spread out in all directions, and then he completely exploded.

!?? Before the officiant could realize what this meant, he felt the power on the copper rod suddenly increase.

Fiery wind blew out of Lu Sheng.


He actually grabbed the copper rod with one hand, and slowly let go of the other hand, reaching towards his head.

How could you!!? The officiant's pupils shrank, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Goodbye. A smile appeared on Lu Sheng's blood-stained face.


His arm suddenly speeded up, and he penetrated the officiant's face fiercely, and penetrated from behind.

Roar! ! !

The head of the officiant was punched through, and a violent roar came from his body.

The dragon pattern on his chest suddenly exploded, turning into a huge impact force that exploded Lu Sheng's arms. The whole person quickly retreated, and a stick hit Lu Sheng's head.

Caught off guard, Lu Sheng raised his arms and blocked the stick from the front.

Bang! !

The two of them took a step back again.

Hahahaha!! It's so good! It's so good!! Lu Sheng's right arm hung limply, obviously broken, and his body was scorched black with bloody wounds that were deep enough to see the bone.

The officiant's entire head was smashed, and he was trying to recover quickly. Unfortunately, a strong blazing inner energy, which was constantly burning and cutting, prevented him from recovering his head.

Either you die today or I die!! Amidst a deep roar inside his body, the officiant held the stick in both hands and rushed towards Lu Sheng.

The latter also laughed wildly and faced him head-on.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Amid the violent explosions and loud noises, the two of them fought each other, with no one making any dodges. With the explosive speed and secret effects of the two of them, dodging is meaningless, and it is easy to lose the opportunity. The two simply confronted each other directly.

Blood and minced meat flew everywhere and fell.

Zhang Peng reluctantly dragged his seriously injured body. He wanted to crawl to a distance to recover and escape, but he was hit by the explosion flames fired by the officiant. His already weak body was severely injured again and became completely unable to move.

He watched with horror as the two monsters in the forest fought crazily.

Savage, bloody and without any scruples.

Such primitive fighting made even him, a son of an aristocratic family who was used to seeing demons and ghosts slaughter, feel numb.

Big trees continued to fall down, the ground was turned up, and there were large and small potholes everywhere. The fire ignited the woods, and thick smoke gradually began to appear, spreading towards the surroundings.

The fight between Lu Sheng and the officiant gradually became intense.

He exploded all his strength and detonated a droplet of inner energy. The result was a stalemate with the officiant who also exploded, with both sides winning or losing. But they all fell into serious injuries and water grinding battles.

He knew that if he was discovered by the chief priest this time, he would not be allowed to leave this place alive. Once he leaves, Wuyou Mansion will definitely pursue him with all its strength.

Now, he is simply unable to fight against the entire Wuyou Mansion.

Therefore, this battle can only be won, not lost! !

There was a loud bang and the two separated again.

There was a wound the size of a bowl on one of Lu Sheng's thighs. All the flesh and blood inside was gone, as if it had been bitten off by something. This was a gap blown open by the officiant's explosion.

There was a huge, extremely serious hole in the officiant's lower abdomen, which was punched through by Lu Sheng with the palm of his arm.

Hoo. Hoo. Hoo!

Lu Sheng gasped for air and stared at the priest opposite who was recovering rapidly.

As expected of a top master at the six-layered level, he could still recover quickly from such a serious injury, and he seemed to be fine.

This is the aristocratic family, above the level of Ju. Lu Sheng lowered his head again and looked at his broken arm and the big wound on his thigh.

There was no sign of rapid healing at all.

The chief priest also vaguely noticed this and stared at Lu Sheng from a distance with a strange look on his face.

I haven't broken your black membrane, so why can't you recover?

Lu Sheng looked up at him and showed a weird smile.

you guess?

Are you humiliating me!!? The officiant roared in anger.

Humiliation? Lu Sheng straightened up, and the muscles all over his body actually swelled and became bigger again.

His original height of nearly three meters actually increased again at this moment.

You and I have fought to this point. To humiliate you is to humiliate myself. Do you think I will be so boring?

He looked at the confused officiant and suddenly laughed softly.

I won't recover, the real reason

hiss! !

His temples on both sides arched, forming two bulges like horns, one long and one short. The muscles on his back swelled, and a row of black and gray muscles quickly pierced out like back spines.

His height and body shape also increased from nearly three meters, and he grew bigger and bigger, getting taller and taller, reaching five meters in the blink of an eye.


The corners of Lu Sheng's mouth split open, revealing the sharp white teeth that had changed inside. The densely packed two rows of fangs no longer resemble humans at all, but look like some kind of ferocious carnivorous dragon beast.

The real reason is of course.

Lu Sheng's terrifying body suddenly disappeared from the spot and suddenly appeared less than half a meter in front of the main priest.

.I don't have any black film at all!!!

Boom! ! !

The ground shook, and all creatures within a ten-mile radius could feel the ground shaking violently.

In the woods, Lu Sheng's black arm, which was more than two meters thick, severely pressed the officiant to the grass below.

A huge pit with a diameter of seven to eight meters has appeared on the ground.

In the middle of the pit, the entire body and torso of the officiant was completely smashed into minced meat, with only his head and two feet, which had only just recovered, still intact.

The cooked copper rod in his hand was bent out of shape, and the flesh and blood on his body was mixed with the black leather armor he wore. It was no longer possible to tell what was leather armor and what was flesh.

Do you think it will be okay if you kill me? The chief priest looked ferocious, The master of the palace will avenge me! You will die too! Soon! Soon!! I'm waiting for you!!

Are these your last words? A ball of invisible inner energy suddenly exploded from Lu Sheng's hand, directly setting the whole body of the officiant on fire.

With a breath, the fire lit up, and the officiant's entire body slowly melted into the red fire, but his eyes were still staring at Lu Sheng viciously, as if he was cursing him with his life.

Lu Sheng finally looked in the direction of Zhang Peng.


He casually smashed the trunk of a tree next to him. Among the large pieces of sawdust, half of the trunk circled and hit Zhang Peng hard.

The black film on his body had been broken long ago, and the tree trunk fell down. Zhang Peng trembled violently. He raised his head and spat out a few mouthfuls of black blood. His pupils gradually became blurred, and he finally ran out of breath.

Lu Sheng took a long breath, and the swollen body shape gradually returned to the normal anode state, and then quickly returned to the normal strong body shape.

He slowly picked up a dark yellow copper block from the center of the pit, with faint strange patterns on it.

This is what remains after the death of the chief priest, together with the wrought copper rod.

Unlike the previous regional envoys, the four of them didn't leave any negative things behind. Perhaps they were burned away by the too strong inner energy, but this time they finally had something to gain.

Lu Sheng finally grabbed the things, walked to Zhang Peng, pulled off his clothes to cover himself, and then quickly left the place and headed back towards the Red Whale.

After running all the way, it took about half an hour for Lu Sheng to return to the Red Whale. After entering the quiet room and closing the door, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.


His eyes darkened and he fell forward to the ground.

He is too tired.

It hurt too much.

After detonating one drop of gas liquid, he detonated the remaining two drops of gas liquid and exploded together. Even the physical body that had accomplished so much hard work could not bear it anymore. Coupled with the crazy fight with the officiant, it was already a miracle that he could survive until now.

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